forum Crushes
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The guy I like, he's so cute. He is so talented too, I just- ACK!!! He's so sweet. He has a lot of friends, but isn't super popular so he isn't a snob. He's so great! Ahhhhh!!! Okay I'm done sorry.

Awww he sounds awesome!

:) He is! I just-AH!


The girl who likes me back (!!!!!!!!!!) Has had a lot of shit happening to her, and it constantly slaps her back in the face again, and I feel sad because I feel like I can't help her and all I can do is hug her but I can't even do that cuz she's not in the same school as me anymore

@Elder-God-Whisper work

The girl who likes me back (!!!!!!!!!!) Has had a lot of shit happening to her, and it constantly slaps her back in the face again, and I feel sad because I feel like I can't help her and all I can do is hug her but I can't even do that cuz she's not in the same school as me anymore

This sounds so much like me and my BF, but at least we're still in the same school…

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

I'm 17…

oh dfknbdnf sorry im 17 too i thought u were like. 12

Laughs hysterically What made you think that? lol

I honestly thought that to. You just… don't give off teenage vibes when I talk to you. You too sweet.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

I'm 17…

oh dfknbdnf sorry im 17 too i thought u were like. 12

Laughs hysterically What made you think that? lol

I honestly thought that to. You just… don't give off teenage vibes when I talk to you. You too sweet.

you guys really need to meet me in real life, I don't sound nearly so innocent sometimes…. Though, I probably sound like that because I was cut off from other kids my age for six years so my social development kind of went down the drain.


Guys, guys oh my god. He's dressed as "grunge" today, since that's his Halloween costume. He's wearing a denim jacket with blue-green paint splotches all over it, and it has little guitar pins and it's so awesome and he makes it look a million times cooler somehow, and just,,, blue jeans and converse and a red band tee, but I have literally never seen anyone as attractive as him. He has the softest facial features, but he has a really defined jawline and just the tiniest bits of stubble, and his eyes, are freaking beautiful. I found like the closest color possible online, and I'll post it below, but when he smiles it reaches his eyes and he has little crows feet– He also is like really pale and flushes easily (not out of embarrassment—that kid has no self-awareness, I swear) from any physical activity, and his hair is freaking fluffy as hell with a really colorful weave currently in it that he got from a Horror Nights thing at Universal. And he's one of the only guys I know that actually has an Adam's apple, and his voice is so low and kinda scratchy with a southern drawl and— I'm actually having trouble breathing. He's really tall, too, and he was wearing dangly rainbow earrings andjust,,, yeah.

His eye color is pretty close to this, but a little more brown:


Oh gosh…. I feel so bad. He looked so sad earlier. I want to talk to him, but I don't know if he would even talk to me… and I won't see him until Tuesday!


Update: Him, another girl and I are all in a yearlong group together for our government class, and we're staying after school tomorrow to work on a project! Which doesn't sound super crazy or anything, but it'll be the first time I get to actually talk to him without a bunch of distractions (he's a social avalanche and everybody draws his attention to some degree). What's even better is that he asked me if I wanted to be in a group with him for this yearlong thing, and even though I know he's dating someone, it makes me happy to know he doesn't mind my company. Also, the other girl in the group is someone I've known since elementary school and she's hella nice, so I'm just really happy about everything right now to be honest lmao.


Oh gosh…. I feel so bad. He looked so sad earlier. I want to talk to him, but I don't know if he would even talk to me… and I won't see him until Tuesday!

I'm sorry… I know the feeling. My crush was having a rough morning (he spilled his coffee, and everyone was making fun of him for wearing a band tee that he didn't actually listen to all that much, and people kept laughing when he tried to ask questions—not in a mean way, and he laughed, too, but I could tell it was starting to get to him). But I would encourage you to talk to yours on Tuesday! It's not as far away as you think, and I bet he'll enjoy talking to someone (humans are social creatures—even the most antisocial of us need human interaction lol). Whether or not you do, I wish you the best of luck <3


Oh gosh…. I feel so bad. He looked so sad earlier. I want to talk to him, but I don't know if he would even talk to me… and I won't see him until Tuesday!

I'm sorry… I know the feeling. My crush was having a rough morning (he spilled his coffee, and everyone was making fun of him for wearing a band tee that he didn't actually listen to all that much, and people kept laughing when he tried to ask questions—not in a mean way, and he laughed, too, but I could tell it was starting to get to him). But I would encourage you to talk to yours on Tuesday! It's not as far away as you think, and I bet he'll enjoy talking to someone (humans are social creatures—even the most antisocial of us need human interaction lol). Whether or not you do, I wish you the best of luck <3

Thanks, if I get the chance, I will. <3 and have a fun time!


Aaa you're in loveeeeeee!!

So cuteeee

Haha, so is he! Just not with me lol. But I've mostly accepted that, and at least for now I'm just happy spending as much time with him as possible. I drew him a pen tattoo about a week ago, except he asked for me to draw it on his ribs, and that didn't help my feelings for him at all lmao. I mean, twenty minutes of sitting there drawing on his ribs while he held his shirt up and stared at me almost the entire time, and you can kinda get why my brain would be fried. He also called the tattoos I drew on my own arm "badass", then proceeded to talk with me for like five minutes, so that was awesome!

But thanks for saying I'm cute lol. My friends jokingly call me creepy for obsessing over him, but I legitimately cannot get myself to shut up about him, so I worry they have a point.

Deleted user

So he knows I like him
And he's always known
And I feel stupid
And dumb
And he explained the situation with his girlfriend
So I know now that he's off-limits.
I respect him
And though we're still friends
I still want to hang out with him/walk to his house
Is that weird?
Anyways…I'm feeling kind of meh.

@Pineapple_Princess eco

Aaa you're in loveeeeeee!!

So cuteeee

Haha, so is he! Just not with me lol. But I've mostly accepted that, and at least for now I'm just happy spending as much time with him as possible. I drew him a pen tattoo about a week ago, except he asked for me to draw it on his ribs, and that didn't help my feelings for him at all lmao. I mean, twenty minutes of sitting there drawing on his ribs while he held his shirt up and stared at me almost the entire time, and you can kinda get why my brain would be fried. He also called the tattoos I drew on my own arm "badass", then proceeded to talk with me for like five minutes, so that was awesome!

But thanks for saying I'm cute lol. My friends jokingly call me creepy for obsessing over him, but I legitimately cannot get myself to shut up about him, so I worry they have a point.

You're not as creepy as some are. It totally cute when someone keeps gushing over the person they like. If I found out someone couldn't stop talking about me (all good things I would hope) I would be so flattered. Good Luck <3

Deleted user

Momentia.exe has stopped working.
I'm going to die…

Deleted user

(But I'm naturally insecure and I just casually put myself down…)