forum Crushes
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Deleted user

Well, I'm 14 and he's turning 16 in January…
So it's possible!
Plus, couples can be from 1 to 30 or so years apart from each other age-wise.

@Pickles group

If you're thirty and you have a crush on a one year old, get help, please. But I know what you mean. But larger age gaps come later in life when you're in the same stage of life.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

There is actually a mathematical way of determining if the age difference is acceptable or not!
Take your age, then divide it by two. Add seven to that number. This is the minimum age of someone you can date without it seeming weird. If it's higher than your own age, stick to a good one year at most of difference. :)

Deleted user

that prolly means u should refrain from dating for now


@soupnana group

Oh gosh, tech week, have fun with that.

Oh trust me. I will. I feel like my crush is being overworked currently, seeing as he has the main lead. He has loads of homework, study, and other stuff to do and he must be crazy stressed. A couple days ago as we were going over songs, I caught him with his head in his hands just staring at his math homework as people sang at the top of their lungs. He looked so overwhelmed. Poor thing. I wanted to go over to him and be like, "Hey are you okay?" But I didn't have the nerve to stand up and go to the other side of the room to talk to him. I'm a coward. And the worst part is is that a few moments later he was supposed to sing and he just smiled and sang like normal but the moment he thought no one was looking he went back to being stressed. I want to give him a hug….


that prolly means u should refrain from dating for now


just saying ur prolly too young to rlly date and fully deal with whatever comes with that, yknow
not saying ur dumb or anything, it's just a question of maturity


I’ve had a crush on someone for 6 months and I finally told someone I liked him and I regret everything

I understand the feeling, I slipped up one day and poof my secret was no longer a secret to the entire school. I think he's the only one who hasn't been directly told.


Y’all I was so close to being crush free and then I messed it up by talking to a girl :(. I think she likes me back though! She keeps making jokes but idk if they are like just jokes or her flirting.


Thank you I didn’t think I liked her at first because I’m like “I just really want to be her friend she’s really nice!” But then we hung out and I knew.