forum Crushes
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@Pickles group

@Awkwardness no idea. Despite my best efforts. All I did was get really mad one day and I haven't talked to him since. But I haven't really had the opportunity. So um. Crush averted I guess. But it's only been a week

@soupnana group

I get to see him again today! It's just rehearsal for the play but I get to see him and every time I see him it makes me happy so, there we go.


Hey, I'm new to notebook, and I found this chat. So, I was wondering if anyone knows how to stop crushing on someone? I've had a crush on this guy for about three years, and I don't want to have a crush on him. But, well…I do. So, anyone know how to stop crushing on someone?

YOU CONCENTRATE ON URSELF. Or just on random people in the street that you will never see agzin.. Ok ill explain. So i look at people a lot. Not in a creepy way. Just in a fangirlingOverThisPersonIDon’tKnowBecauseThey’reSoDarnPretty way. I do this a LOT when i have a crush i wanna get rid of because i like to imagine what would happen if i met the stranger and we talked and how their personality would be and how they would just be a 100% better than my crush. But i only did it with the only very serious crush that ive ever had and it took a while yo get rid of it (plus she was taken and although she was nice she wasnt that great of a person) . The other crushes ive had were kind of volatile. Like, if i ever got sick of crushing, i just. Stopped.

@Pickles group

He gets back tomorrow. My friend thinks I'm an asshole for not wanting to talk to him which is definitely true. I get annoyed by things that aren't a problem but like
I just don't want to be the one to start a conversation with him ya know? But I don't think I'm gonna, like, run away or ignore him if he tries to talk to me. Hopefully

@soupnana group

Yeah that's no fun.
On another note, I'm hoping that tomorrow I will have the courage to talk to him during rehearsal other than just saying hi or telling him how flipping talented he is, which are the only two type of interactions we really have. I mean, I guess sometimes he watches conversations between me and other people, but he's paying more attention to them than to me. Wonderful. Like today I was trying to demonstrate a Scottish accent (mine is only meh but it could pass as Scottish at least) and there were two other people I was talking with and he sorta just stood in the shadows watching us as we kept repeating "If ye could chenge yer fete, would 'ja?" It was really weird. Ha ha! Maybe tomorrow I'll ask him if he can do a Scottish accent, because I meant to do that while we were attempting one today but then we had to go on stage and I forgot.


Hey, I'm new to notebook, and I found this chat. So, I was wondering if anyone knows how to stop crushing on someone? I've had a crush on this guy for about three years, and I don't want to have a crush on him. But, well…I do. So, anyone know how to stop crushing on someone?

YOU CONCENTRATE ON URSELF. Or just on random people in the street that you will never see agzin.. Ok ill explain. So i look at people a lot. Not in a creepy way. Just in a fangirlingOverThisPersonIDon’tKnowBecauseThey’reSoDarnPretty way. I do this a LOT when i have a crush i wanna get rid of because i like to imagine what would happen if i met the stranger and we talked and how their personality would be and how they would just be a 100% better than my crush. But i only did it with the only very serious crush that ive ever had and it took a while yo get rid of it (plus she was taken and although she was nice she wasnt that great of a person) . The other crushes ive had were kind of volatile. Like, if i ever got sick of crushing, i just. Stopped.

Thanks!!! I try it.


Does anyone else get a small crush on someone and on the next day you like still have a crush on them, but you’re not quite as sure? And basically it goes back and forth. Or is this just me?

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Also, guys, my BF apparently has a thing for me in military pants and when he admitted he really wanted to grab my a** when I wear them and I said quietly that I'd be fine with it, hE mAdE mE mAkE a tOuCh ChArT!!!!

@Elder-God-Whisper work

A touch chart, Basically, you color code how you feel about all of your body parts being touched by another person, and so the color coding varies depending on who the chart is for.

@soupnana group

Hmmm… If he's being toxic, don't even give him your attention. If he's just being kinda idiotic for the time being, then yes, ask him if he's mad.

(Also guys as I was leaving rehearsal I was telling everyone how amazing they were and he turned to me and was like, "you're amazing!" And of course I just threw it right back with "no you" but then he threw it right back in my face so here I am, stuck with this "you're amazing" and I still need to give it back. Oh well, looks like I'll have to return it next chance I get.)

Deleted user

Omigosh he likes the same music as me!
(Like really, I think I'm the only person I know who likes nightcore, pokemon, D&D, and reading…until I met him!) :D