forum Crushes
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Deleted user

I need to vent…
(Backstory: My crush hasn't been at school for the past three days. I got worried so I decided to email him asking if he was okay. He is the DM of our D&D campaign that hasn't started yet.Our first session was to be on Sunday and I was anxious for it.)

Me: Hey, you okay? You haven't been here for the past three days. I have my brother's character sheet ready. I'll see you Sunday, right? Sunday won't be cancelled?
Him (5 mins later): hey. can you tell the group that the campaign on Sunday is off. I am in a mental hospital right now because people thought I was going to hurt myself….I have been here since Tuesday night and I miss school.😫😥 I wish I was out!! Save me!!😥😫😫😥
Me: Holy s—, are you okay? I didn't mean to come onto you like that, I'm sorry! Is there anything else I can do? I don't mean to sound motherly, sorry. Seriously though, if you want, I can go there and give you moral support (if guests are allowed!) I'm really sorry about all of this. I honestly was kind of pissy about you not being here…but I honestly didn't know you'd been hospitalized. S—, I didn't even ask if you were okay with talking about this, sorry! And I bet you don't want my pity, right? Dammit.

And so I am currently crying my dry tears, in a hole, about to die…

Deleted user

hung out with her all day
she asked me to go to kwik trip with her after school
I did and walked her to the bus stop
and i might be going to a football game with her tonight
god i'm gay

@soupnana group

AWWWWW I'm so happy for you!
(On a side note, I think I'm losing feelings for my crush. I'm glad I am, because then maybe I won't be such a weirdo around him, but I think the cause is a loss of hope. I think I've officially decided that it's impossible for us to ever be friends, no matter how similar we might be. He's too popular, amazing, and funny to ever be friends with me.)

@soupnana group

yeah. I'm sorry your crush is kinda a jerk. Sadly, I can't be angry or anything towards him because he's so gosh darn perfect in every way. Like, who can be mad at a guy who puts the boots of his costume on his hands and walks around like a horse and owns in like a champ. What kind of person has that much confidence!?


If you’re trying to stop liking someone, make a list of their negative qualities and why you two wouldn’t work together.
Apparently it helps
I dunno, I’ve never tried it before

@soupnana group

And I know that sounds biased coming from a girl who has a crush on him, but you can ask anyone to find a thing wrong with him and they won't have anything.


I mean…. I don't know if that method is going to work because I've don that before, written down all of my crushes flaws that I can see, and…. it only made me like him more… that's because all of his flaws are Hecking cute. He just doesn't understand social cue's. They confuse him so much, he gets so frazzled, it's so adorable.

@soupnana group

There’s always something wrong with someone.
Even simply writing “he’s too popular” is a start

I'd say that but his popularity makes sense because he works with the special ed kids in school and sings at charity events and is nice to literally everyone so he's not TOO popular. His popularity is reasonable. He brought us pretzels today during set construction for goodness sake! That, right there, signifies he is INDEED a saint.

@soupnana group

(He did this super adorable thing during set construction where he picked up this fake chain and pretended it was super heavy and he walked over to me and handed it over. I, of course, also acted as though it was a zillion pounds, but then our director came over and snatched away the chain and told us to get back to work. Way to ruin the fun Ms. Director…)
(Oh, and he also is Spider-Man, no joke. There are these barrier pole things by the scene shop (like the ones in front of walmart and stuff that keep people from driving into the building) and it was like four feet tall and he jumped, from to ground, onto the top of the pole. Um, how? He balanced there as all of us watched in shock and awe and then he tried to grab onto the top of the garage and hang off of it, but he couldn't get a grip and fell. But come on, that was still pretty dang impressive. He actually already is Spider-Man. He has an instagram where he dresses up as Spider-Man and goes around town. It's fantastic. We also named a spider after him and when we told him he was like, "Oh really? I'm honored I've always wanted to be a spider." That's so gosh darn cute.)
Ya know what, here's a quick list of why he's so great, and then I'll add a list of why he's not so great at the bottom.

  1. He is super nice to anyone and everyone
  2. He's inclusive and is sure to make everyone feel welcome
  3. At the start of almost every conversation, he goes around and gives everyone that is part of the conversation a compliment.
  5. He works with the special ed kids in the school
  6. He smiles a lot
  7. What makes his almost constant smile even better? He's got dimples… 🥰
  8. His hair is kinda curly and wavy and he always has this one little curl hanging in front of his face
  9. He loves kids. Dude I don't even like kids a whole lot (I'm sure that will change eventually) but when he's around one he becomes like ultimate cute dad mode and it hurts from how adorable it is.
  10. He literally does not care what people think
  11. Oh, what's that? He can dance? Oh really? TAP DANCE!? WELL!? Well shoot me twice in the heart Cupid cause it seems I've fallen in love…
  12. He always reads his scriptures for seminary and encourages the rest of his class to do so as well. (Most of you don't understand this but it's one of his best qualities)
  13. He tries his best. Never once have I seen him only give half effort on something. He always put as much work as he can in that and it's just… the best.
  14. Despite him not having a very large build, he's pretty darn strong and hates to admit it
  15. He can do a perfect British accent and will randomly switch into it at times
  16. He's so fricken loyal to his friends
  17. He can play the piano. Yes, you heard me right. He can sing. He can dance. AND HE CAN PLAY THE PIANO? What can this man not do?
  18. And he also beatbox's pretty well. That doesn't really matter to me but it's still impressive
  19. He is SOO good at acting. I wish I could just link you guys to all of the videos of rehearsals when he is acting in the scene, but I respect his privacy, so I'm not going to do that.
  20. He brought pretzels to set construction
  21. He can walk on stilts
  22. He's actually pretty okay at painting. (If you can't tell, I'm rolling my eyes because no one should be able to follow a Bob Ross tutorial as well as he can other than Bob Ross.)
  23. He says hi back to me whenever I do. And he always asks how my day is going afterward, quite commonly in an accent.
  24. When he fake laughs he turns it into this pompous, foppish guffaw and it just makes everyone around him start laughing for real.
  25. He's okay to be a dork
  26. He loves his family more than anything

Gah, I have to stop. I could go on and on and on forever but I won't because that'd bore you all.
Now, on to the flaws..

  1. He's slightly self-absorbed… wait a second… that's just confidence. He just knows he's talented and embraces it, if anything, he's so out of himself that sometimes he forgets himself. Scratch that then…
  2. Uhhh…. OH WAIT! He's not coming to choir tour! Sure it makes sense since he went to NY just this past march with the theatre but come on, he's supposed to come to choir tour. That was when I was going to get closer to him

Alright, so yeah. Basically flawless. Sorry guys, I tried.


Wait does he have, suit and tie effect, because that's a real thing. Also I felt number 12, My crush does the same thing We have seminary at 5:40 am so I had a really hard time staying awake so he would just wake me back up in the most kind considerate way possible, like how do you even wake someone up nicely?

@soupnana group

Wait does he have, suit and tie effect, because that's a real thing. Also I felt number 12, My crush does the same thing We have seminary at 5:40 am so I had a really hard time staying awake so he would just wake me back up in the most kind considerate way possible, like how do you even wake someone up nicely?

That's amazing! I'm so glad that someone else here knows about seminary and stuff. Ha ha! For our seminary classes, we have a different period name for each class, so my class is G1, because we have some classes on one day and other classes the next day. His class is B5, which is basically the opposite of my class period. So, just for fun, I write little messages on the board to his class because I know he's in there and I want to show favoritism because why not? Our seminary teacher does this thing where he counts who has done their reading the past few days when we didn't have class and makes a percentage out of it, so lets say 10/20 people do their seminary reading, they'd get 50%. Well, when a class gets 100%, they get to have a feast! My class sucks, because that's my luck, even if I do do my seminary reading. His class, naturally, almost always is in the 90's. A couple class periods ago, I left a message that said, "If you guys get 100% on your seminary reading, I will draw you a picture." I came to class this morning and, of course, they got 100%. So now I owe them a picture, ha ha. And now I am contemplating the idea of bringing a cake to their feast just for fun and to spite my own class…. and just so he can have some delicious angel food cake because why not? Ha ha. I'm a suck up, what can I say?

Deleted user

So I came out to my mom over the phone today and she was right there the whole time and hugged me as I did it and as I was walking out of the school she jumped on me and hugged me but seemed to realize what she was doing and stopped :D
