forum Crushes
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

Me: (reading email from him talking about D&D (he's a DM)): Who the heck is Fenris? Dies from confuzzlement
Him: In the campaign
At lunch:
Me: Who's Fenris? Is he an antagonist? Is he the guy who breaks the fourth wall?
Him: No, he's just against everyone in the party.
Me: Please, do not tell me he's OP!
Him: Okay, I won't. I wouldn't anyways.
Person next to him laughs (he's our druid)
Me: I will find a way to screw you over as a DM.
Him: Okay.
Me: Tries to plan something and tells it to him
Him: Oh yeah, I have a plan for that.
Me: WhAt!!!
Him: Also, be sure to make a new character in case something happens to Azu (my character)
Me: WHAT? No, I like Azu! Don't you be killing her first thing in the campaign!
Him: No, Azu will be alive for a reason for a while. Just make a character in case something happens.
Me: I don't HATE you, but I hate you.
Him: Good luck.
Me: Grumbles in frustration as I plot to ruin everything

Deleted user

Ahhh, my crush just held my hand and I'm freaking out akdnskmdmd

Deleted user

We sat together in Spanish again
I got to touch his hair {it's g o o d hair}
and then I threw a piece of tape at him and it landed in his hair
And he laughed really hard lol

Deleted user

I think I'm gonna ask him if he wants to go the football game Friday :D


Ok so We were in sports doing a whole load of running back and forth between two points, and me and my friends start high fiving each other time we meet, and so because hes kind of in our friend group, i start high fiving him too, but he finds it a fun idea to give me a heart attack AND GRAB MY FUCKING HAND. AND HE DOES THAT EVERY TIME. And im just like IM ALREADY RUNNING. DO U WANT ME TO DIE? well i didnt really say that but yh………..

Deleted user

Me and Kaitlen watched a movie together today, and mwjghns
She sat down really close to me, and since I was leaned in an awkward angle, our shoulders were touching. Then, after about 15 minutes, she looked at me and said "You can lay your head down on my shoulder, you know."
Then she reached out and held my hand

Deleted user

I'm thinking about asking her out. I felt like that was a pretty damn good sign

@soupnana group

Yeah seriously. I think you should go for it man. I mean, that was a pretty clear sign. I know that I'd only do something like that if I like someone.

Deleted user

Thanks for the vote of confidence! I'll give an update tomorrow on it

Deleted user

I asked her out

Deleted user

I'm gonna invite her over for dinner this weekend since i can't actually take her out on a date