forum Crushes
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Deleted user

My friend knew who I liked…and I didn't even tell him!
So I'm like, trying not to die when this super annoying person hears and says, 'I'll drop in your name for Will' (Placeholder name, though I doubt anyone at my school is on this…)
And so, if I simoltaniously combust, you now know why: an annoying, autistic friend who really is kinda toxic but involves herself in as much of my life as possible.


@soupnana group

Later today my friend is going to sneak a note in his backpack during play practice today.
All it says is…
Thank you for being so incredibly talented. That's it. Love you!
And all the I's and stuff are dotted with little love hearts.
I didn't put my name on it, but I hope he appreciates the strange little message I left him. I wish I could see his reaction but chances are he won't see it until after school. Ah what a shame.


im just silently fawning over here
she’s just so pretty

Can you describe her?

Oh god okay
Well she’s got like a bit longer than shoulder length straight brown hair that has gold highlights in the sun and looks really healthy, very smooth and always brushed, she often has it up either in a low ponytail (that’s quite short and adorable) or up in a bun with a navy scrunchie often tying it. She’s got big almond shaped dark brown eyes that are almost black, and really dark lashes that aren’t super long but thick, and her eyebrows are weirdly amazingly sculpted and also dark brown, they literally frame her face so nicely it’s almost unnatural. She’s got an adorable button nose and high cheekbones but full features and a small golden nose ring and round thin rimmed glasses and I want to go on about her lips cause they’re literally so beautiful but I feel creepy enough.


I have the same problem. Well not really a problem but still. It’s just very confusing to just be chatting with this girl who’s really confident, Moment to appreciate how gay and sweet and out of my league she is

And then i get to class, and i see the guy who i sit next to in math class Moment to appreciate how sweet and shy and geeky he is plus how he was all alone at the start of the year in class and when we asked him if he wanted to sit with us his face just lit up

Deleted user

im just silently fawning over here
she’s just so pretty

Can you describe her?

Oh god okay
Well she’s got like a bit longer than shoulder length straight brown hair that has gold highlights in the sun and looks really healthy, very smooth and always brushed, she often has it up either in a low ponytail (that’s quite short and adorable) or up in a bun with a navy scrunchie often tying it. She’s got big almond shaped dark brown eyes that are almost black, and really dark lashes that aren’t super long but thick, and her eyebrows are weirdly amazingly sculpted and also dark brown, they literally frame her face so nicely it’s almost unnatural. She’s got an adorable button nose and high cheekbones but full features and a small golden nose ring and round thin rimmed glasses and I want to go on about her lips cause they’re literally so beautiful but I feel creepy enough.

Ask her out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deleted user

im just silently fawning over here
she’s just so pretty

Can you describe her?

Oh god okay
Well she’s got like a bit longer than shoulder length straight brown hair that has gold highlights in the sun and looks really healthy, very smooth and always brushed, she often has it up either in a low ponytail (that’s quite short and adorable) or up in a bun with a navy scrunchie often tying it. She’s got big almond shaped dark brown eyes that are almost black, and really dark lashes that aren’t super long but thick, and her eyebrows are weirdly amazingly sculpted and also dark brown, they literally frame her face so nicely it’s almost unnatural. She’s got an adorable button nose and high cheekbones but full features and a small golden nose ring and round thin rimmed glasses and I want to go on about her lips cause they’re literally so beautiful but I feel creepy enough.

Ask her out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



That's a scary thought
I have a friend who's addicted to gossip which is super annoying but also means she's got 'sources' so she said she'd try and find out

Deleted user

Also, my crush was so close to me and aodfnldsgnksdnglksdmfs

Overall, I'm not okay and wayyyy too gay for my own good

Deleted user

The worst part is that he's in a relationship and he's always like super close with all his friends yet he still keeps saying it's platonic and fndgndfgfg. For example, we made a K-Pop Club thing and we were watching Singularity, and out of no where he's just like, you be the mannequin then he gets super close but then it gets too awkward and he leaves aahhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Deleted user

how does this relate to you being gay, I'm not being rude I'm serious lol

Deleted user

Because I'm not really girl even though I look like one and I generally go with non-binary and I'm too lazy to use the correct name so I just go with gay because yes