forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers

@Pickles group

It was really boring. People grinding. Spiked water freak out as usual. Bigger this time. Watched my crush does dance with someone. Everyone ignored me. The usual


You should guilt trip her after and act really sad about it so that she gets u a puppy (sry i should stop with the puppy thing im just tired and sad/delirious and hug starving)

@soupnana group

Hoco was aight. I wish I had gone with my crush but that's fine anyways. Poor guy I went with likes me but I don't like him back. Yeesh

Deleted user

When your friend guesses that you like their friend and you say no but they know that you mean yes…


i have no serious interest in anybody rn and have no s/o and i'm used to having crushes/significant others for waaaay more time than i am used to being single and honestly it's v strange

Deleted user

I'm kinda sorta talking to a girl, but I'm not sure if it's because I actually like her or if I'm just desperate

@soupnana group

One of my friends knows who my crush is and she is constantly teasing me about him. We'll be in the theatre hall and she'll randomly be like, "LOOK IT'S CEARAN!" (Obvious placeholder name) And I'll instantly perk up and be like, "WHERE!?" Then she'll just laugh and say, "Ha ha just wanted to see if you'd make a fool of yourself the moment he was around. I'm doing this for your own good." She did that today and I was so mad, but then she did it again and I almost didn't fall for it but I did anyways and, of course, there he was. Walking down the hallway. Gosh darn it! Heartbeat went a mile a minute, and I felt my face instantly split into an uncontrollable grin. My dudes, I like him so much that I smile when he's around. And I can't stop! I mean, I smile. I smile a lot, but never have I had it where I look at a person and instant joy just fills every molecule of my body. Stupid Cearan and his stupid perfect face and his stupidly adorable wavy hair…
But hey, I forced myself to wave to him and he waved back with that darn smile and those darn dimples and it was adorable!!! I felt kinda stupid because to moment he was gone I turned to my friend and she watched as I nearly exploded. Wonderful. I love you Cearan, but you are turning me into a blubbering idiot. Thanks for that.

@soupnana group

I'm kinda sorta talking to a girl, but I'm not sure if it's because I actually like her or if I'm just desperate

If you get a feeling of uncontrollable happiness around her or being around her just feels right, you like her.

@Pickles group

I have been sisterzoned? He said I'm like a little sister so that's fun

I have a friend who brozoned a dude. It was war.

Later I have to relay our conversation to yall


I have been sisterzoned? He said I'm like a little sister so that's fun

I have a friend who brozoned a dude. It was war.

Later I have to relay our conversation to yall

sry what does dat mean I don’t speak language

Deleted user

im just silently fawning over here
she’s just so pretty

Can you describe her?