forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


That's a scary thought
I have a friend who's addicted to gossip which is super annoying but also means she's got 'sources' so she said she'd try and find out

That's me right there lmao I need to fix that up

Deleted user

My crush painted my nails, and then we hung out for, like, 3 hours. Good sign, or no?

Deleted user

I'm thinking about asking her out to the homecoming game, since I'm gonna be there either way.
(Our advanced choir is singing the national anthem)

@Pickles group

TEA. Kind of. Not sure if it qualifies
So. On the way to the football game he made me listen to this song and on the way back we listened to the rest of the album and I ended up almost falling asleep on him and I put my head on his shoulder and he did the thing where he put his head on mine
Also he has a "minecraft girlfriend" who he played minecraft with until seven in the morning after homecoming but she's not really his girlfriend and he doesn't really know what "minecraft girlfriend" means either
And he is apparently not flirting with the freshman he was definitely flirting with and he treats me and her and the girl that he said he thought he might like all the same and I'm a good friend and like a little sister
That was long sorry

@soupnana group

I'm so happy most of y'all are getting places with your crushes!
Meanwhile me over here, a girl who's the grade below him and who has spoken to him like five times ever, and who's name he probably doesn't remember, just waiting for a miracle.


@Pickles-Is-A-Mess-Too can my friend use that sentence for a….fandom thing? please


eeeeeeee thank you <33

@soupnana group

Gah. Guys I don't get to see my crush again until friday. I'm so flippin mad at myself for not taking Chamber Choir!!! That way I'd be able to see him every other day, but noooooo. I was too devoted to my friends to actually think about my crush when I scheduled my classes. I'm so stupid! I wonder if I can switch into Chamber after the Christmas concert….


Gah. Guys I don't get to see my crush again until friday. I'm so flippin mad at myself for not taking Chamber Choir!!! That way I'd be able to see him every other day, but noooooo. I was too devoted to my friends to actually think about my crush when I scheduled my classes. I'm so stupid! I wonder if I can switch into Chamber after the Christmas concert….

at least if it goes wrong you'll have some space


Hello beloved peeps it has been a while and i must say the crush is strong in me.

spill, Magnus-san!
Simon is here for you

I will as soon as i fail this french evaluation, wait for me!