forum Crushes
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Alright! Evaluation failed! Now, ma crush. Ok so before i had a crush on this gay girl in my grade whose super cute and OhMyGodDatEyeliner, but then she started talking to me about a girl she kinda likes whom she doesn’t know how to talk to. So yh. Yeeted out of that fast but still talk to her and convince her to talk to the dang girl. But yh i also had/have a second crush on this boy and long story short l saw him regularly in the train everyday last year without knowing who he was cuz he was in a different school., but found him very cute(I know stalker alert)

And so yh, this year were in the same school and class and we talk a fair amount, hes really sweet and shy and he looks like an anime character, and hes just as bad as me in math, and unlike any other dude i had a crush on, has a sense of humor i can work with. And when i talk to him he always kinda jumps up like hes surprised, which looks really funny and , and he has a really sweet smile and




Alright! Evaluation failed! Now, ma crush. Ok so before i had a crush on this gay girl in my grade whose super cute and OhMyGodDatEyeliner, but then she started talking to me about a girl she kinda likes whom she doesn’t know how to talk to. So yh. Yeeted out of that fast but still talk to her and convince her to talk to the dang girl. But yh i also had/have a second crush on this boy and long story short l saw him regularly in the train everyday last year without knowing who he was cuz he was in a different school., but found him very cute(I know stalker alert)

And so yh, this year were in the same school and class and we talk a fair amount, hes really sweet and shy and he looks like an anime character, and hes just as bad as me in math, and unlike any other dude i had a crush on, has a sense of humor i can work with. And when i talk to him he always kinda jumps up like hes surprised, which looks really funny and , and he has a really sweet smile and



i have a crush like that so i can relate
sooooo cuteeee love so much ship

@soupnana group

Gah. Guys I don't get to see my crush again until friday. I'm so flippin mad at myself for not taking Chamber Choir!!! That way I'd be able to see him every other day, but noooooo. I was too devoted to my friends to actually think about my crush when I scheduled my classes. I'm so stupid! I wonder if I can switch into Chamber after the Christmas concert….

at least if it goes wrong you'll have some space

Ha ha. Yeah. Well, chances of it going wrong are pretty slim seeing as I rarely talk to him much in the first place. But hey, the schedule changed and so I get to see him next this wednesday! Yay!!!


at least if it goes wrong you'll have some space

Ha ha. Yeah. Well, chances of it going wrong are pretty slim seeing as I rarely talk to him much in the first place. But hey, the schedule changed and so I get to see him next this wednesday! Yay!!!


@soupnana group

Now four people know who I like. Arrow, Dino, VSCO, and Classmate (All obviously placeholder names.) Arrow learned during the town talent show during the summer. I kept saying how amazing and talented he was during his performance and she basically learned then. Dino found out who I liked just by watching me. Cearan (that's his placeholder name) walked across the classroom once and I couldn't help but watch him and Dino was watching me. She basically just found out by the way I look at him. Am I seriously that transparent!? VSCO has just kinda learned from many a conversation during Aquaculture. I mentioned "my crush" a few times and she ended up pressing me enough that I gave in and told her. Classmate, a girl I sit next to in Graphic Design found out just today. I, of course, mentioned "my crush" as I seem to always do these days, and she asked who he was. I gave her only a couple hints. "He's a senior and he's way popular, and I won't see him at all after the play, so I doubt I'll ever ask him to sweethearts or anything…" And she knew who it was right away just from knowing he was in the play and he's a popular senior. Gosh darn you Cearan for being so well known that everyone can tell who you are from a few very obscure hints! I need to stop talking about him to people. It's too obvious to tell who he is.
Alright. Done venting.

@soupnana group

Oh wait… the guy who likes me knows I like Cearan as well. I kinda spilled the beans while we were driving home from HOCO. Whoops… sorry I don't like you dude. I have my set heart on someone else….. 🤷‍♀️

Deleted user

Just spent the whole afternoon hanging out with Kaitlen (my crush).
Her family's awesome, they bought a bunch of stuff for my chorus fundraiser, and they even liked the fact I let her paint my nails


My crush made it into State Choir! I mean I know his voice is fantastic I mean, his voice is just amazing, but I'm really happy he got in and also he's happy he got in, and he's supper cute when he's happy, and all the time, but especially when he's happy or listening to music.

@soupnana group

Awww! That's amazing!
My friend somehow found my crush in her mom's contacts. Their families know each other and so for some reason my friends mom has his phone number. Ha ha! Arrow told me about it during family night and we're not supposed to have our phones out during that time so I was just glancing at her texts as she spammed me about it, talking about how we could use a fake phone number and call him or text him to make sure it was real. I don't know if my family noticed this, but all through family night I was rocking back and forth on the couch, trying not to explode from the fact that my crush's number was literally inches out of my reach. But I promised myself that once I get it I won't text or call him cause I respect his privacy and I don't wanna come off as creepy. Buuuuut…. if I ever end up stranded on a dirt road and the police can't reach me, I can just call him and he can save me like the hero he is.

Insert swooning princess here

@Pickles group

I'm bored so I'm just gonna share some bits of our conversations
On the bus on the way home
Him: wait switch earbuds with me
Me: why?
Him: I'm gonna sing and I want you to hear me
(He did indeed know all the words. It was a very uncomfortable song)

Him, randomly: fuck you bitch
Me: you broke my hearrrt
Both of us: continuing to sing (it's a song he made me listen to
Him: dramatic gasp you know the words already!
Me: yeah that's all the song says

Him: skips beetlejuice
Him: goes back
Both of us: sings every word

Over text Saturday night
Him: as much fun as I've had today, I missed hangin out with my biting hand buddy, Francisco ☺️😉
Me (not knowing what to say): Aww
Him: No matter how much you bite me or hit me or yell at me, you're one of my best friends, and that won't change
Me: Awww
Him: ☺️
Him: As if you ever need to talk, I'm here for you Francisco
Me: Back at ya