forum Crushes
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@Elder-God-Whisper work

Also, everyone, my boyfriend is calling my friend 9whom he has never met IRL a woman-stealer because we had friendship cuddle during firedrill yesterday. I'm so confused right now… Because after the cuddles stopped, my friend said, "I'm so gay." (I'm non-binary/ gender-fluid)

Deleted user

Okay so I went to my crush's house (I was walking with him)
And so the topic of books came along…
And I swear to god, there was like, 3 beats of silence as we both smiled competitively
(Also, HA! I've read more books than him in Battle of the Books! I'm naturally competitive and stubborn and overall I do REALLY stupid things…And I think he likes it! :D)


sigh Look at ya'll having nice romantic encounters, The last Conversation my crush and I had was over a history essay… This is what happens when both of us are High school students who take extra collage classes, and are in a music program that sucks away all of our time.

Deleted user

The thing is, I have to crush on him from afar and only hope that his 'conflicts' with his gf allow me to get close to him or to even allow me to date him…
So, yeah, fun…


Yah I don't have to worry about that because both of us are of the opinion that High school relationship are Kinda self destructive, so we're both like, hmm maybe not, so we just talk sorta kinda and we're really good friends, It's nice.

Deleted user

Hello, I don't really have a crush but I just got in a new relationship with a guy and yeah im steadily falling down a carpeted set of stairs for him.

Deleted user

we're both bi with a preference for girls
We sit at the same history table
And we worked on a group project together
Which required us to videochat after school
And we stayed inside alone together in the library at recess to finish it
We mostly just messed around though lol
And she told me about this book she read in first grade, and I remembered it too, but we couldn't remember what it was called. We emailed her first grade teacher about it and found it lol
We listened to video read-alouds of it
And she has naturally curly hair but she straightens it so it's really soft, and I'm allowed to touch it and play with it whenever I want :D
And I like to tell her that stuff she does is cute because she always blushes and grins and goes "sHuT uP!!"

@Pickles group

It's a bunch of little things.
So he does random stuff to me and then I'll do it back and he'll be like, "Stop are you flirting with me?"
I fucking feel asleep on him last week and my friend keeps making fun of me, which isn't his fault but still pisses me off
On the days I drive to school, I ask him if I'm taking him and he says, "sure if you want," and I say, "I don't care that's why I asked you." He says, "Otay sure. You can stop being stubborn and admit I'm fun to hang out with" (literally "otay" that's how he spells it which also bugs me). That's exactly how every conversation goes. Like fucking clockwork. Which isn't why I'm asking anymore. I'm asking because of what happened today. I don't want him to expect me to show up and me not show up or him to take the bus and me to show up anyway.
And today, I was late leaving to get him, so I texted him apologizing for being late and told him I was just leaving. Then I got stuck behind my bus, then HIS bus, and my sister was sending him updates about where we were and then we got to his house and told him to hurry. Waited for two minutes. At this point we usually would have been there already. So I left and said, "Bye asshole. Hope you took the bus." He didn't say anything at all this morning. What the hell. Is it my fault we were late? Sure. But a "oh I took the bus" would've been helpful. And NECESSARY.
And as if being late wasn't enough already, we got stuck behind all the buses, we also got stuck right behind my MOM, who doesn't know that I was supposed to take him, and thought we were well on our way. So I had to deal with that situation as well.
We're currently juniors, so obviously we'll be seniors next year. He wants to be section leader for the trumpets but he's only been marching for two years, not three, and he switched instruments this year, and there are other people who've been playing and marching longer so they're gonna get it, not him. He doesn't need to be a cocky asshole, saying he knows he's gonna get it.
He's a terrible influence on my friends
He's a shitty person
He keeps making references to how there's nothing in the Bible about what he's doing when there definitely IS and he seems to think that the only thing he has to follow is not having sex before he gets married as opposed to, you know, following the countries laws. Respect authority and stuff. And common sense. And it's probably wrong for me to judge, but I don't plan on ever having sex, but that doesn't make me a nun. Okay it's definitely wrong for me to judge
There was other stuff I was going to say, too, but I can't think of it right now. I've been typing this on and off for an hour or so
He just texted me saying he slept through his alarm but seriously. His parents are home. They'd wake him up. He got to school. And he's late coming out every time I pick him up.
That was really long, sorry. But there's a lot

@soupnana group

If the man don't love you, DEFENESTRATE EM. If the man don't trust you, DEFENESTRATE EM. If the man don't respect you or your time, DEFENESTRATE EM.
Just defenestrate him Pickles, that's the easiest solution to all problems.(If you don't know what defenestrate means, look it up, it's the best word in the dictionary.)