forum Crushes
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Deleted user

(But I'm not! And I don't know what to do! And I'm going to just overreact for eternity while I yell at him not to! But we're both stubborn and now that I've told him not to, he'll probably do it! He better not make it red velvet…(my favorite-shush!!))

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I cannot let my SO in the kitchen. Last time he drank all the rum flavoring (which was actual rum, and he was like eh screw it) girl you lucky. If he wants to bake you a cake, let him bake you a cake. Accept it and all the wonderful compliments he gives you! You are lucky to have a boi who can bake

@CasiCasino group

During said call, do not freak out…
Something. And do not squeal into their ear.

clears throat after just coming around to read this

That totally did not come from personal experience… totally not

Altrince proceeds to smirk


OH DEAR GOD HELP ME IN MY TIME OF MURDER. This morning i went to school with my ex crush (this title feels very cringy to type) And half of our trip consisted of me trying to convince him that being fat does not have anything to do with health whislt he was being IMMENSLY fatphobic. Btw i stopped having a crush on him after he explained to me that the father was the most important part of a family and that it was in a mothers nature to stay home and take care of the children and it was stupid for her to have a job