forum Crushes
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@soupnana group

My best friend has grown tired of me talking about my crush to her constantly and so I didn't mention him until she mentioned him. She has this imaginary boyfriend (weird IK but I still lover her) and she was drawing pictures of him with her and I just kinda jokingly was like, "BARF. Romance…" And she got kinda salty and was like, "Oh come on. Like you can say anything with how you talk about Cearan (code name)." I just shook my head and said, "What? Oh come on." She scoffed then and was like, "You are fricken obsessed!" I thought, then responded, "No… I don't think I like him anymore." And she was in disbelief but I somehow managed to persuade her that I don't like him anymore, despite me still liking him. So yeah, I can no longer talk to my best friend about my crush. That's just great.

@soupnana group

Thanks. I think that from this point on, I'll mostly rant about him to my journal and you guys. Ha ha! I kinda hate my socializing dynamic. Yesterday I somehow was able to walk around and talk to tons of people in the cast of the play like I had known them my whole life, but my crush and his best friend are so daunting that when I try and start a conversation with them it's a little like this.
Me: Aah dude I love your costume! Lots of buttons. I'd still wear it to church tho….
His best friend: Ha. Yeaaaah….
And then it gets really awkward and I just decide to peace out.
I also was talking to my crush's preference date (she asked him to the dance) and she could not stop saying how amazing he was and how funny and she showed me the pictures and I managed to smile and be happy for her, but I kinda think she knows I like him too because there was this one short moment when someone came up to us and was like, "Wait who did you go to preference with?" And she said it was him and I kinda said, "Yeah… Lucky you…" And she gave me this hard look and I just shook myself and decided to try and play it off like an offhand comment. Sheeeeeee doesn't like me a ton, I don't think. I love her, really. I'm trying my best to befriend her so I feel less resentment but when she goes around bragging that she went to a dance with the guy I like and took one of the photos from the dance and made it her lock screen and when she gives me nasty looks behind my back I can't help but resent her. Guys, I'm really trying to support her but she's so… what's the word… boastful of any interaction she has with him. Gah… I'm ranting. Still love her, still love him. It's alright.
Oh yeah, I also recently heard that he had his first kiss. I don't know if it was with the main female actor for the play, or the girl he went to the dance with, or someone else, but it still makes me sad… it's okay… I'll survive. :)


Aww I'm sorry hunny, you're doing the right thing to try and befriend her, but if she's continues to be bratty about it, I'm not saying you should be a brat back, but maybe drop trying to be her best friend and all. Not like giving up on her, but Shen really must not Ben interested if shes gonna be snappy to you. I wish you the best <3

Deleted user

i fell for a person who ive never talked to before so yeeeeee


Oh gosh… he's such a dork. He came into my ASL class with two scrunchies in his hair, (Which isn't long at all.) and everyone died, (You should've seen the look on my teacher's face, it kills.) But I also found out my like Best friend's sister likes him… which is a bit difficult to cope with, just cause she hangs out with him all the time. And I'll get over it, no problem, it's not like we're dating, but still, I like him. So I'll just be a bit upset. Sorry, rambling now, I'll stop.

@Pickles group

i fell for a person who ive never talked to before so yeeeeee

If you've never talked to him how did you fall for him??

Deleted user

i have heard them talk, not that im nosy but when your a quiet kid you hear alot, they like most of the things i like but im to awkward to say anything to them so yeeeeeeeeee its probably not gonna happen at all but oh well


okay he was wearing his glasses today and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
he complimented my art???? umm

guys in glasses r hot bro
and nice


Sure, crushes are natural human behavior.
deep breath
I’ve had two teacher crushes. Both teachers aren’t single.
I’m stupid. It’s the hormones, I swear.
The only normal crush I have is on the drama club president.
And that cute guy in my math class. A student.
I missed math today due to a field trip, so I sad.

@Pickles group

As far as I can tell, teacher crushes are mostly normal-ish so as long as you don't act on it, let them do anything, ignore it, and don't get into a competition with your friends over who they like more, it's probably fine. I say "fine" hesitantly because I don't really know


(No offense taken)
That guy though in math class, he’s hilarious. I love his jokes.
But he doesn’t really know me. Besides, he probably is dating someone else. He is so hot though! He comments that he can see his abs through his t-shirt. He is tall which makes me crush almost immediately on any guy. I’d love to play the short person and have him tease me about my shortness and I be all pretend offended.

@Pickles group

I'm going to continue sounding callous, but if he's commenting on his own abs and looks at them enough that he knows he can see them through his shirt and doesn't hide that, maybe he's not the best I'm really sorry, I'm so bad at this