forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


Well, my crush doesn't like me. At least, not in a romantic way. I don't even know if we're friends because even though we talk, we don't talk a whole lot, and I'm not his first choice in conversation. Which really really sucks because I really really like him, and I don't know how to get over this stupid feeling of hating myself because I'm not good enough? Logically I know I'm fine looking, I'm average weight, I'm a pretty funny person, but when I see him with her, I just,,, hate myself for feeling the way I do. They're literally such a good couple, too, slow dancing through the halls and goofing around, bumping into each other and singing songs together. And I like the girl (I've known her since like, forever because she's the younger sister of the dude I had a crush on all throughout elementary and most of middle school)—I don't feel resentment towards her at all. Just…myself. And he's pretty much all I'm looking for in a relationship, although I'm less blind to his imperfections than I was a few weeks ago. I just, really like him, and I don't know how to let him go, as cliche as it sounds.

@Reblod flag

I just don't get why you would want to be engaged or even think about marriage when you're so young. Isn't that something to think on when you aren't worried about homework and finals?

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

I just don't get why you would want to be engaged or even think about marriage when you're so young. Isn't that something to think on when you aren't worried about homework and finals?

I guess, but knowing someone other than your parents is like a rock, and having someone to confide embarrassing, and emotional things in, and sharing memories with them, makes it seem worthwhile. For me, it's just kind of worked out. I don't worry about us, when I know we're pretty solid together.


YALL So a girl just asked me out and I'm freaking out. Like literally I think my heart just topped but I sort of have a problem… I've had a crush on a different girl for probably a little over a month but I also think this girl is super cute and I love her personality. I don't really have much of a chance with my crush so I think I'm going to say yes to the girl who asked me out but I'm not sure if that makes me seem like she was a second choice or something I mean idk. I'm going to say yes… frick it I already broke my don't catch feelings in highschool rule so oh fricken well. yeah Idk if this even belongs in this thread but I'm freaking out and needed to write it down. Also, I was just creating another lesbian O/O when I got the text so I feel like its fate…


It's been over ten minutes I didn't open it so it won't say read but god I'm just going to respond
the idea that someone actually likes me and could be waiting for my response actually frickin baffles me like IDK what to do

Deleted user

So my crush found out that I like him…and he emphasized that he had a girlfriend (I met her a while ago). I don't know how to feel, since I still feel like I'm wanting his attention and approval, but I'm cool with him and his gf. (All three of us have a few things in common, but I have more things in common with him than his gf (but I only say that because I saw and talked to her only once.))

Also-unrelated, but I was having a bad day yesterday and I was mad. My friend-a junior, and I'm a freshman-found me and he told me that his friends thought I was his girlfriend. I said, "I think that brightened my day-but not in that way," as I continued to explain my crappy day at school. I'm kind of thankful to have people besides family to confide in, and the person who made me PO'd for the past two days I'm now on good terms with, so I think I'm doing pretty good. :)

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

tbh juniors and seniors that date freshman are creepy to me

HA HA have I a story for you-
one of my exes (who adamantly claims we never dated because we never had smex) is dating a freshman girl. This dude is also someone who will leave on a dime if he gets bored and start messing around with other people without telling the first girl. There's a group of girls who dated him, and we all rag about him and pity/try to warn his current girlfriend.
Also, he has been accused of but never convicted for rape twice


I knew a girl who dated a jr while we where in 8th grade and continued dating him while we were in freshman year and he was a senior. He went to school in a different city and everything. She snuck him into our school after school almost everyday.