forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers


I just acted on impulse- after he said again he hadn't done HW. So I wrote a note telling him to do it- and I wrote me email down telling him to email if he needed help….Why oh why did I do that!? And then (sense we both take American Sign Language.) asked our teacher what the sign for promise was, and he signed he promised to do it. AHG


(I'm reading through these and they're all so cute! Like AH! I wish I wasn't such a mess. I feel like I have a crush on a different person every week!)

I agree with the first sentence…And sometimes the third.


OH WAIT! I forgot to mention, me and him hung out for a bit after class. Together. Alone. And OH MY GOSH HE IS SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! Someone just slay me now!

Screaming cinnamon roll

(I'm reading through these and they're all so cute! Like AH! I wish I wasn't such a mess. I feel like I have a crush on a different person every week!)

I agree with the first sentence…And sometimes the third.

Lately that's how it's been, though there is this one girl who I've liked sense 4th grade.


He isn't super tall, and has short dark curly hair. He has kind of large framed glasses, and freckles spilling across his cheeks and nose. He's got pretty broad shoulders, and is just super sweet in general.


Is now like really giddy He really is- and I just am surprised I don't get flustered around him, I mean I guess he is super chill, so that sort of changes my mood

Screaming cinnamon roll

I really like my crush, more than anyone else I have liked. Well not exactly. With her it's more like I like her in a different way. You know what I mean????? I don't know. With her it's not like I'm nervous about telling her anything. She makes me feel completely calm.

Screaming cinnamon roll

Is now like really giddy He really is- and I just am surprised I don't get flustered around him, I mean I guess he is super chill, so that sort of changes my mood

Do you get to talk to him a lot?