forum Crushes
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@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Yeah it's 16. But we want to wait until after college to get married. Like when we are 22. Being engaged isn't all bad 😂. It's just basically telling each other we can look but not order 😂. It's actually pretty fun. The only bad thing is when we argue and it's a bad argument, we really can't say we're done with each other. We just have to tough it out.

@Elder-God-Whisper work

Are y'all old enough to be married?

I am with parental consent, but that's not gonna happen, and my BF is 15 right now, so it's not like I'm gonna get married. We're waiting until he's 21


If you live in the US, only one of you has to be 21 for you to both of you to have alcohol after the actual ceremony

They're gonna like this lol

@soupnana group

Three days left of the play guys… I don't know what to do. I'm barely confident enough to talk to him so how am I supposed to get him to be at least my friend by the end of the week!? I don't see him anywhere else other than during the times when we're running the play. Help!

@Elder-God-Whisper work

If you live in the US, only one of you has to be 21 for you to both of you to have alcohol after the actual ceremony

They're gonna like this lol

…. I'm bringing this up with him.


Three days left of the play guys… I don't know what to do. I'm barely confident enough to talk to him so how am I supposed to get him to be at least my friend by the end of the week!? I don't see him anywhere else other than during the times when we're running the play. Help!

Hmm, how bout this, get a small group of friends (that you actually like and are mixed sexes.) and create a group chat. Offer to have people over some time, and y'all could hang out. How's that?


Oh gosh, he and a friend of mine are not here SO behind on homework and stuff, and I most the time have mine ready forevermore in advanced. (Not tying to say I'm a know it all.) and literally I'm cleaning up my stuff and say something about one of our classes being canceled. My crush agrees that he's half happy and halfback disappointed it was canceled, and says he hasn't done his homework for it. So I scold him when the other friend comes over and says she hasn't either. I literally don't know why but I'm the moment I said; "I swear I'm like your mother, you two have to do your homework!" And he looks at me and says :" honestly you really truly are." And I just- I don't even know.


Oh gosh, he and a friend of mine are not here SO behind on homework and stuff, and I most the time have mine ready forevermore in advanced. (Not tying to say I'm a know it all.) and literally I'm cleaning up my stuff and say something about one of our classes being canceled. My crush agrees that he's half happy and halfback disappointed it was canceled, and says he hasn't done his homework for it. So I scold him when the other friend comes over and says she hasn't either. I literally don't know why but I'm the moment I said; "I swear I'm like your mother, you two have to do your homework!" And he looks at me and says :" honestly you really truly are." And I just- I don't even know.

Thats kind of wholesome. I could never be any of my friends mothers. Im like some kind of teenage ball of noise that worries over her friends whilst not being able to get an average of over 13 on 20

@Pickles group

If you live in the US, only one of you has to be 21 for you to both of you to have alcohol after the actual ceremony

They're gonna like this lol

…. I'm bringing this up with him.

You can give alcohol to your spouse if they're under age as long as you aren't, so if you're legally married, I think you'd be fine. But I would do a little more research to be sure. Also it might be, like at home but maybe not idk