forum Crushes
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

Yk when you reach that point where you're like I literally love them so much idc I'm just gonna go for it lol

@Elder-God-Whisper work

^^^ OOF. Me getting asked out was a lot less weird. Yes, I almost died of heat exhaustion, because I'm an idiot, but he did try to make sure I drank lots of liquids, so I didn't pass out on him. Then this other lady passed out an hour later and ended up with paramedics, he subtly pointed and told me, "That's why we drink lots of water."

Deleted user

Sees everyone sharing their stories of being asked out
Hasn't been asked out in all of my 15 years of life
Small violin music plays


Sees everyone sharing their stories of being asked out
Hasn't been asked out in all of my 15 years of life
Small violin music plays

but… same

Deleted user

Dude, I didn't get asked out until 3 days before my 17th B-day. You're fine, just be patient.

I disagree, but I like the profile picture…

Deleted user

(I don't actually have one, but if I did, it'd probably be of digital art I'd find on Google/Reddit…)

@soupnana group

I couldn't date until I was 16, and literally a week after I turned 16 two guys asked me to HOCO buuuuut I didn't like either of them soooo… ha ha. Still went to HOCO with the first guy to ask me but I told him as we were driving home that I like someone else. Whoopsie… heh heh. (Not really I totally told him on purpose and now he's got a girlfriend. Thank the heavens that was not me!)


I got asked out twice….did not end well….I dumped both of them after stupidly realising that. No. You cannot just suddenly have feelings for someone because they ask you out. And then felt like an obvious shit for not nicely rejecting them from the start. So yh. I have learnt not to be too eager.


yay im so happy im 14 by the way and im bi and i have a girlfriend and i get judged cus of it im in school right now but yeah people pick on me about it and things so plz dont judge me