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@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Okay, I have to agree that is a little much, though I have to disagree on it not being normal. (Not trying to offend, but give examples,) The reason I say this is because me and my siblings do many of the same things. Though not every day.
On a regular day for me when I do my chores and not procrastinate on notebook, I'm expected to tidy my room, run the laundry downstairs, make my food, make supper for the family, help with breakfast, take care of the trash, babysit, do my homework, sweep my room, change my sheets, make sure dishes get done, check that the stove is clean, not to mention the odd fix it job.
Then there are weekly chores, This week I believe I was exempted because of my retreat last weekend, but normally these can be anything from cleaning the bathroom, (Floor (Sweep & hand clean) bathtub, and sink, and toilet, (Spray and wipe down, thouroughly.)) Cleaning the car (Vaccum, wipe down surfaces & windows) Cleaning the garage (Sweep, pick up trash, organize) Vaccuming the basement (picking up toys, laundry, underwear, and other junk, then putting a lot of it back.) Floors, (Sweep & mop the main floor) and stuff like that, and those are given to all of me and my siblings, (10-5yrs old) regardless.
(I'm also expected to take care of the yard too, watering, mowing, shovelling)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Yeah, I do all the yard stuff too, but I probably should have mentioned that it's just me. I have a sister, and she's 14, but she's exempt from anything. Like a chore? She goes I'm not feeling too good, and my mom is like pick up the slack (my real name) it's just me. My dad tries to help, but my mom and sister do absolutely nothing. Like my mom will say she's doing work on her computer, but everytime I go in there to talk to her, she's on Facebook .

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Okay that sounds lowkey abusive…
I mean, I literally try to pass my stuff on on my siblings all the time, and get called out for it. This should not be a thing, (Unfortunately I know what you mean by being the oldest and expected to do everything, my sisters will leave stuff undone occaisionally and make me do it without getting called out, though it's rare that I realize it'a happening.)

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

But it has made me unbelievably strong physically. It's really awkward because my shoulders and back are starting to look more like a male's than a female's. And it's hard to find dresses for me. But hey, I can fend for myself. And I do have places to go if something goes really bad.

Deleted user

Yeah. Not everything is completely bad. There are some good things, but most are kinda not

If it gets really bad, you can emancipate from them when you're 16


But you're engaged?

I believe the answer to your confusion can be found on page 123 of this chat if you care to go back. That took a lot of digging.

@Pickles group

Would it be mean to say, "Ah yes. Incest," the next time I see them? Since you know, they both claimed the other was like a sibling
And now they're dating
because honestly they both really big me

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

Yes I'm engaged, at 16, but my SO is moving to Atlanta in like 8 months because he wants to become a commercial pilot, and he needs an instate address to get instate tuition. His mom loves me, and has invited me to stay, but I can't do that to her. She's a single mom with 4 kids, and her oldest son's fiance isn't gonna help any. I mean I can cook, clean, and do odd jobs, but I can't be on insurance or anything until after I marry her son. Me and my SO are waiting until after college, when we both have degrees, and steady jobs, because right now we are broke highschool kids. (Me and my SO aren't related by blood or anything, we are just really good friends…)
(And Idk if you were referring to me or the other couple on 123, if it was the other couple, please disregard my rants…)
(Nothing to the other couple, and I hope you guys have a nice long future together)

Deleted user

y'all I love my girl

She knows I get jumpscared really really really really really really really really really really easily so whenever she sees me {and I don't see her} she always {very gently but I still get scared lol} hugs me or grabs me or something and it's so great