forum Crushes
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

How does she feel about your relationship with chonky opossum?

she is all for chonky opossum
She prefers buff pigeons though We Google weird things when we're bored

Deleted user

Chonky opossum is mine thank you

Mir's in love

I’ve been in love with him for the past 14 years of my life I claim him

no b you most certainly do not


Chonky opossum is mine thank you

Mir's in love

I’ve been in love with him for the past 14 years of my life I claim him

no b you most certainly do not

You already have someone
He’s mine

Deleted user

Im looking for someone to be with…And what's worse is that my ex kissed me today…idk how to feel.


Ok so. I Have a crush. On a dickhead. Like he is lowkey a dickhead. In my old school we were in the same class for 5 or 4 years repeatedly and he used to be super nice and we would go home and take the train together and he would go to the latest station he could to finish his convo with me. But when we got kind of pissed at each other constantly on the last year, and then in high school we’ve kind of drifted away to avoid bitchy convos (and we’re also not in the same class) so yh. But now. I dunno. I just. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH crush crush crush for some stupid idiotic reason that make no sense

i mean what is happening in my brain? Am i ok? What is my reasoning in this?

@Pickles group

I got his number
Not directly from him but I have it so now I can text him if I really want to.

text him about school or something so he thinks you had another reason to get it
and then you can text him whenever

Deleted user

Me: *gets along easily with guys, not so much with girls because I feel inferior
My Mom and friends and EVERYONE: "So who's your boyfriend?"

I wish people didn't always assume I like someone just because I hang out with them. I just want to have friends in high school-I'll get to boyfriends and relationships later along the line.

Edit: Sorry if this was a bit rude/mean sounding, I'll take this down if this offends anyone.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Me: *gets along easily with guys, not so much with girls because I feel inferior
My Mom and friends and EVERYONE: "So who's your boyfriend?"

I wish people didn't always assume I like someone just because I hang out with them. I just want to have friends in high school-I'll get to boyfriends and relationships later along the line.

Edit: Sorry if this was a bit rude/mean sounding, I'll take this down if this offends anyone.

I haven't told my parents I'm dating someone because of reasons, and everytime they pick me up from school they're like "WhO's ThAt BoY yOu'Re HaNgInG oUt WiTh, We NeEd To MeEt HiM."


hi loves, its me, loops, back from the dead,,,
do ya'll remember mia? and how im dating her? yeah thats pretty cool but guess what
so she recently told me she feels uncomfortable with her chest even though she knows she's a cis female. i love that and support her and im smuggling her a chest binder for christmas. problem? i have zero knowledge about chest binders. some assistance please?


HI! sorry i was so inactive,,,life happened, and i feel guilty to say i kind of forgot. but then this came up and i knew this community would be the perfect place to get info on it. :)