forum Crushes
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 109 followers

Deleted user

thank you so much * blushes in real life

anytime! hugs you PM me if you ever need anything


There are a lot of single humans on this site, including myself, but this isn’t a dating site, most of us aren’t looking to find anyone
If you happen to meet someone on here that’s great, but I wouldn’t go around asking everyone if they’re single, try to date people you barely know, give out your personal information, or keep your hopes up too high


one of my friends has been sending me crush anons on tumblr and i dont like him but he has good witchcraft advice despite being fucking annoying what do i do

@ElderGod-Winter-The-Renegade-Legionnaire book

In all reality, I don't live in a wildly peculiar fantasy book. I mean Alaska is close, but it's not like we have dragons wandering the woods. (Even though I wouldn't doubt it…) It's wild, yeah, but it's nice. Alaska was crazy, and my life has chilled out a whole lot since I moved to South Carolina. I miss Alaska a whole lot. And no I don't live a murder mystery, it just finds me. (It was only attempted murder)

Deleted user

I wore a leather jacket for the first time today!
It was my girl's!