forum Crushes
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Deleted user

I'm gonna finally try to ask my crush as well-

no idea how it'll go, but I think I will try tonight. if it doesnt work I'll be sad but things happen (even if we dont like em), if it works out then…..

well, i havent really plan that far ahead lol.

Not sure how to do it either. I still have a few hours until when I plan to do it, so I might text, but I'd prefer to do it in person (which just could mean I might have to do it another date, but ill see)


when you're already going out with someone so you can't ask anyone out and you wouldn't want to either but if you weren't you totally would ask someone out

@Reblod flag

I'm in a weird position where I could ask someone out but I'm pretty much already going out with that same person

We'll see what happens in about a month or so

@Pickles group

Hot showers, heating pads, resting in a dark room, taking frequent breaks from your computer screen, there's apparently a pressure point between your thumb and pointer finger that relieves headaches, although I'm a bit skeptical of that one. Also, drinking cold water helps me when I get some headaches but not others

Screaming cinnamon roll

So I kinda like this girl, and she like me back and that's great. But I'm not sure if we're actually dating. You see we went on a date and she gave me her scrunchie, but when she gave me her scrunchie she was doing it because we had a stupid plan to make my ex jealous. And when I asked her if we we were dating she told me we could talk about it later. I really like her and nobody makes me happier, I just want to know what's going on. She really enjoyed our date and we had a great time. I just don't know how to ask what's going on.

Deleted user

The hot girl that likes me is being so cute
My friends {plus her} and I were in a classroom and she said "I'm so lonely, I wanna date someone," and my friend goes, "we'll find you a girlfriend, there's some hot girls," and out of the corner of my eye I see her grin and point at me
Also she always has a different hairstyle with buns worked in, and I always hit or play with them. She likes playing with my hair too {pixie cuts are soft, y'all} and I was playing with her hair and she sees my nails. So she grabs my hand and compliments them, then she locks eyes with me and, like, iNtErTwInEs HeR fInGeRs WiTh MiNe and grins and ofc I just laugh but inside it's like aigjkjaSijkamwjilkm