forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@HighPockets group

Geneva: I'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual.

Marigold: Don’t joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.

Erica: Wow, Teagan is cute.
Theo: Don’t be jealous, Eri. You’re cute too.
Erica: I’m not being jealous, Theo, I’m being gay.

Poplar: We commend the body of my fallen ally Oleander to the abode of the damned.
Poplar: The damned good looking.
Poplar: Oleander begged me to tell that joke at his funeral.

Evan: When people get a little too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don’t really care about them.
Huxley: That’s a genius move.
Evan: Thank you.
Huxley: You’re welcome, Rowan.

Jackson: You're my friend, but you are a terrible person to talk to about personal stuff.
Geneva: Thank you.

Jackson: We need to distract Flynn from coming over here!
Jackson: Quick, Victor, start talking about boring nerd stuff!
Victor: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word "nerd" derogatorily, it means you're the one that's out of the zeitgeist.
Jackson: Yeah, that's perfect. just like that. keep going

Portia: Remember, murder is never the answer.
Quinn: Of course. Murder is the question.
Talia: And the answer is yes.

Christopher: Snakes have this thing called hemipenis, it means they have two dicks.
Jamie: Gabriel has two dicks.
Jamie: One in his pants, one in his personality.

Oberon: What are you doing there?
Robin: I'm trying to smoke these hornets to death so I can get their honey.
Oberon: As I tried to explain before, you cannot get honey from a hornets' nest.
Robin: I just don't think there's any science to support that.
Oberon: There's some very basic science there supporting that.
Robin: No. No.
Oberon: Trust me.

Mr. Flynn: What exactly is your relationship with Geneva?
Jackson: Strictly professional. Just friends
Mr. Flynn: Is it just professional or just platonic?
Jackson: Coworkers with benefits

Mab: Is Percy hitting on Alessandra?
Aristotle: Not successfully.

Percy: In honor of bi awareness week, be aware of me.
Percy: Pay attention to me.
Percy: Look at me. I'm amazing.


cisco: oh no, there’s only one bed. what will we do? ;)
cisco, on the floor with nicky on the bed: :(

nicky: i'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual.

catori: don’t joke about murder. i was murdered once and it offends me.

cisco: people who sleep with their phone on silent or DND really don’t give a fuck about anybody.
jo: if you decide to have a problem after midnight, that’s between you and the gods.
kas: how do you set your phone to Dungeons and Dragons??

jo: we commend the body of my fallen friend, catori, to the abode of the damned.
jo: the damned good looking.
jo: catori told me to tell that joke at her funeral.

jo: you're my friend, but you are a terrible person to talk to about personal stuff.
caroline: thank you.

kas: remember, murder is never the answer.
catori: of course. murder is the question.
nicky: and the answer is yes.

kas: the path to inner peace begins with four words
nicky: not my damn problem?
kas: NO

jo: what exactly is your relationship with catori?
caroline: strictly professional. just friends
jo: is it just professional or just platonic?
caroline: coworkers with benefits

kas: is cisco hitting on nicky?
catori: not successfully.

@spacebluelily language

Ash: These people are my friends.
Ash: I've known them for twelve hours.

William: Best friends don't hold hands.
Ash: These one do!
Johnny: Yeah, and they sleep in the same bed!

After Thomas and James admit their feelings for each other

Thomas: Let's just keep things light and breezy, see where it goes.
James: But how do we keep things light and breezy. . .? I know! A comprehensive set of rules.
Thomas: How am I attracted to you?
Thomas: Doesn't matter, I am. Go.

Thomas: It's going to work, trust me.
William: Trust you!?
Thomas: Trust. . . . .trust James?
William: . . . James i trust.

Wiliam: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life.
Ash: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Thomas: My will to live! I haven't seen this in 15 years!
James: Mental stability, my old friend!
William: Guys, could you lighten up a little?

James: Oh, Aaron did the dishes.
Thomas: How do you know I didn't do them?
James: Because once, when all the knives were dirty, you cut a bagel with your keys.

Thomas: I wonder why people think we're dating?
James: No idea.
Aaron: It might have something to do with you slapping James's ass every two seconds.

Ash: shows a picture to William Here's Charles sleeping during battle.
Ash: holds up another picture And here's Johnny drawing on Charles's face as he sleeps during battle.
Willam: Very mature.
Johnny: We try.

Ash: Are we in trouble?
William: Take a guess.
Thomas: No?
William: Take another guess.

Thomas: What's your biggest fear?
Ash: Being forgotten.
James: Damn, that's deep.
Thomas: Mine is the Kool Aid Man but I feel kinda stupid about it now.

Thomas: Come on, Aaron. I didn't drink that much last night.
Aaron: You were flirting with James.
Thomas: So what? He's my boyfriend.
Aaron: You asked him if he was single…and cried when he said he wasn't.

James: trips on air
Thomas: Haha, you're so clumsy.
later that day
Thomas: punching air Who do you think you are, who tHE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!

Thomas: Who's looking so good today?
Thomas: Oh wait…
James: Don't-
Thomas: That's me.
James: kicks Thomas in the shin

@HighPockets group

Vince: Oh no, there’s only one bed. What will we do? ;)
Vince, on the floor with Portia on the bed: :(

Therese: I'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual.

Mab: Don’t joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.

Darlene: We commend the body of my fallen friend, Alec, to the abode of the damned.
Darlene: The damned good looking.
Darlene: Alec begged me to tell that joke at his funeral.
Carter, under his breath: And it isn't even true-

Alec: When people get a little too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don’t really care about them.
Louis: That’s a genius move.
Alec: Thank you.
Louis: You’re welcome, John.

Ginny: In honor of bi awareness week, be aware of me.
Ginny: Pay attention to me.
Ginny: Look at me. I'm amazing.

@Williamnot group

Felix: Oh no, there’s only one bed. What will we do? ;)
Jarrod, who secretly reads fanfiction:
Felix, on the floor with Jarrod on the bed: :(

Felix: I'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual.

Felix: Don’t joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.

Felix: Wow, that guy is handsome.
Jarrod: Don’t be jealous. You’re handsome too.
Felix: I’m not being jealous, dude, I’m being gay.

Jarrod: We commend the body of my fallen friend, Felix, to the abode of the damned.
Jarrod, stone faced: The damned good looking.
Jarrod: Felix begged me to tell that joke at his funeral.

Austin: When people get a little too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don’t really care about them.
Mel: That’s a genius move.
Austin: Thanks Carol
(Austin, getting beat up by Mel: I SAID I WAS SORRY)

Felix: We need to distract the enemies from coming over here!
Felix: Quick, Jarrod, start talking about boring nerd stuff!
Jarrod: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word "nerd" derogatorily, it means you're the one that's out of the zeitgeist.
Felix: Yes, that's perfect. just like that. keep going

Em: Austin, I can’t sleep I’m scared.
Austin: Oh Em, don’t be scared~
Austin, screaming: BE TERRIFIED
Em: Screaming
Austin: Screaming
Em and Austin: Screaming
Jarrod, about to kick their asses for waking him up:

Mel: Remember, murder is never the answer.
Austin: Of course. Murder is the question.
Austin, picking up the bat again: And the answer is yes.

Jarrod, drunk, at 2 am: Snakes have this thing called hemipenis, it means they have two dicks.
Felix, completely sober: Austin has two dicks.
Felix: One in his pants, one in his personality.

Jarrod: What are you doing?
Felix: I'm trying to smoke these hornets to death so I can get their honey. They keep flying up the tube, stinging me on my face. chokes Gah, I think I just swallowed one.
Jarrod: As I tried to explain before, you cannot get honey from a hornets' nest.
Felix: I just don't think there's any science to support that.
Jarrod: There's some very basic science there supporting that.
Felix: No. No.
Felix: Trust me.

Jarrod: Thank you, Austin, thank you, Mel, thank you, Em, for all your help.
Felix: What about me? You didn't thank me.
Jarrod: You didn't do anything.
Felix: I like being thanked.

Felix: In honor of bi awareness week, be aware of me.
Felix: Pay attention to me.
Felix: Look at me. I'm amazing.

Austin: Consider the following
Austin: Seatbelts. Except they throw you out of your seat so they're YEET-belts!
Felix, tied up in the back seat: muttering under his breath What the fuck is a yeet


Julie: I'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual.

Ariana: Don’t joke about murder. I was murdered once and it offends me.

Julie: Wow, that gal is beautiful.
Annie: Don’t be jealous. You’re beautiful too.
Julie: I’m not being jealous, dude, I’m being gay.
(Annie: me too girl, me too)

Julie: When people get a little too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name to let them know I don’t really care about them.
Vincent: That’s a genius move.
Julie: Thanks Annie

Julie: Ash, I can’t sleep I’m scared.
Ash: Oh Ju, don’t be scared~
Ash, screaming: BE TERRIFIED
Julie: Screaming
Ash: Screaming
Julie and Ash: Screaming
Julie’s dad who doesn’t have a name yet, about to kick their asses for waking him up:

Annie: Remember, murder is never the answer.
Julie: Of course. Murder is the question.
Julie, picking up the bat again: And the answer is yes.

Julie: Thank you, Ash, thank you, Annie, thank youp, for all your help.
Liana, a five year old: What about me? You didn't thank me.
Julie: You didn't do anything.
Liana: I like being thanked.

Julie: In honor of Lesbian awareness week, be aware of me.
Julie: Pay attention to me.
Julie: Look at me. I'm amazing.

@HighPockets group

Anne: I'm not interested in being polite or heterosexual.

Oscar: Wow, that guy is handsome.
Marian: Don’t be jealous. You’re handsome too.
Oscar: I’m not being jealous, I’m being gay.

Vince: We commend the body of my fallen friend, Talia, to the abode of the damned.
Vince, stone faced: The damned good looking.
Vince: Talia begged me to tell that joke at her funeral.

Vince: In honor of bi awareness week, be aware of me.
Vince: Pay attention to me.
Vince: Look at me. I'm amazing.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Lucas: Let end this with a happy message
Sophie: If you leave your child behind, pay your child support on time
Lucas: Deadbeat dads are not cool

Jax running away from Mavis
Mavis floating around: Wheeeee


Sophie: Hey you're not supposed to be up there
Lucas: I have enough money to buy you and the roof, peasant

Therapist: So what do you see going through your head in 10 years
Charlie: A bullet, maybe
Therapist: =((
Charlie: Oh you mean thoughts

Charlie: Let's go find the delinquents
Sophie: And get revenge
Charlie: Let's not go find the delinquents

Mr. Crowworth: Jax, you're late, why is that
Jax: I got stuck in a tree and then I got lost walking to school
Mr. Crowworth: How?
Jax: I was trying to get an apple

@threesacult group

Anthony (who was a teenager not that long ago): What do teens like? Is it memes? Memes about skeletons?? Communism???

Therapist: So what do you see going through your head in 10 years?
Anthony: A bullet, probably
Anthony: Oh you mean thoughts

Dally: In honor of bi awareness week, be aware of me.
Dally: Pay attention to me.
Dally: Look at me. I'm amazing.

Emmett, about Jack: Wow, that guy is handsome.
Karma: Don’t be jealous. You’re handsome too.
Emmett: I’m not being jealous, I’m being gay.

@HighPockets group

Marcus: What do teens like? Is it memes? Memes about skeletons?? Communism???

Marcus: So what do you see going through your head in 10 years?
Oliver: A bullet, probably
Oliver: Oh you mean thoughts-

@HighPockets group

Georgie: We need to distract the Fae from coming over here!
Georgie: Quick, Christopher, start talking about boring nerd stuff!
Christopher: You know, nerd culture is mainstream now, so when you use the word "nerd" derogatorily, it means you're the one that's out of the zeitgeist.
Georgie: Yeah, that's perfect. Just like that. Keep going

Aspen: Snakes have this thing called hemipenis, it means they have two dicks.
Poplar: Oleander has two dicks.
Poplar: One in his pants, one in his personality.

Talia: Is Vince hitting on Portia?
Quinn: Not successfully.

@Williamnot group

Austin, after getting tangled in their bedsheets one (1) time: Society is not ready in any shape or form for me. I can't fault them for that.

Felix: What do teens like? Is it memes? Memes about skeletons?? Communism???
(The answer is yes)

Jarrod: So what do you see going through your head in 10 years?
Felix: A bullet, probably, but I guess I've been saying that for the last 80 years or so
Jarrod: .__.
Felix: Oh you mean thoughts-

Mel: Lets end this with a happy message
Austin: If you leave your child behind, pay your child support on time
Mel: Deadbeat dads are not cool

Austin running away from Felix
Felix floating around: Wheeeeeheeheeee, I'M COMING FOR YOU AUSTIN

Jarrod: Hey you're not supposed to be up there
Felix: I have enough money to buy you and the roof

Mel: Let's go find those assholes
Austin, grabbing a bat: And get revenge
Mel: Let's not go find those assholes

Jarrod: Austin, you're late. Why?
Austin, visibly sleep deprived: I got stuck in a tree and then I got lost walking home
Jarrod: How?
Austin: I was trying to get an apple


everette: lets end this with a happy message
cisco: if you leave your child behind, pay your child support on time
everette: deadbeat dads are not cool

nicky: hey you're not supposed to be up there
jo: i have enough money to buy you and the roof

catori: come dance you loser
cisco: i don't dance. i'm from that town in footloose

@HighPockets group

Teagan: Let's end this with a happy message!
Della: If you leave your child behind, pay your child support on time.
Teagan: Deadbeat dads are not cool.

Harper: Come dance, you loser.
Beck: I don't dance. I'm from that town in Footloose.

@threesacult group

Perry: Come dance you loser
Quill: I don't dance. I'm from that town in Footloose

Elias: Quill, you're late. Why?
Quill, visibly sleep deprived: I got stuck in a tree and then I got lost walking home
Elias: How?
Quill: I was trying to get an apple

Cyrus: Anthony just took the wheels from my Heelys. I feel like Lucifer stripped of his wings.
Cyrus: I have to walk around like a common wench and I’m livid

Jack: Hey, Karma, can I take you to my therapist next week?
Karma: …Why?
Jack: He thinks I’m making you and all your issues up

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Valerie: Do you have a boyfriend
Valerie: I don't mean that body pillow in your closet
Valerie: Or any of your 2D husbands

Aaron: My shoes cause more than your rent, so yeah… Y E E Z Y Y E E Z Y Y E E Z Y

Elijah: Just had dinner with the fam, might read and go to sleep, good
Dawn: Rest well, You have clown work to do tomorrow
Elijah: Don't reply to me ever again

Kelly: That teacher don't know shit, I'll beat his little ass
Emma: Aww, He's not that bad, he's just trying to help
Kelly: Bitch keep talking and I'll shank your ass with a pencil
Emma: How would that even work

Mavis: I was born to harvest the flesh of humans… I also like pizza

Micheal: My name is Micheal Kane, I hope to know none of you and want to avoid conversation as much as possible
Random student: Fuck you >:(

Jax: I'm not sure why the recipe called for dynamite… but it looks edible [Cue the worst chocolate ever] Well here goes nothing [Eat chocolate] I'm not dead yet, This is the greatest creation I ever made

Ghost!Ava: You got the cards stacked against you, all the cards, Yugi about come it

Axel to Mavis: Wait I killed that mofo how is that possible

Annette: You ain't shit in this room, you getting locked up, I guarantee you do 30
Sophie: You act real fucking bold for a NPC, buddy
Annette: NPC stands for shut your stupid bitch baby ass up
Sophie: That's the wrong fucking letters dawg

@HighPockets group

Casey: My shoes cause more than your rent, so yeah… Y E E Z Y Y E E Z Y Y E E Z Y

Barry: Just had dinner with the fam, might read and go to sleep, good.
Joe: Rest well, you have clown work to do tomorrow.
Barry: Don't reply to me ever again.

The Erl King: I was born to harvest the flesh of humans. I also like pizza.

Geneva: My name is Geneva Weston, I hope to know none of you and want to avoid conversation as much as possible.

@knightinadream group

Minwoo: I am willing to do anything….
Minwoo: But not admitting to Hyungwon that I'm cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not one of them.

Sebastian: If I were the last person on Earth, would you date me?
Matthew: If you were the last person on Earth, then I wouldn't exist.
Sebastian: Fuck, you're right.

Seokju: Did you just fall??
Jack: No, I attacked the floor.
Seokju: Backwards??
Jack: I'm so talented.

Jaesung: Time to wake up!
Chansung, sleepily: Five more minutes…
Jaeseung: Aww okay.
Hyungwon: Time to wake up!
Maeng, sleepily: Five more minutes…
Hyungwon, sharpening knife: Perhaps you misheard me.

Adrian: Wanna hear a joke?
Basil: Sure.
Adrian: Quarantine.
Basil: I don't get it.
Adrian: It's an inside joke.

Haeil: Gotta love knitting needles. I can make a scarf. I can make a hat. I can stab your eyes out. I can make mittens.
Kimin: What was that middle part?
Haeil: I can make a hat.

@HighPockets group

Percy: I am willing to do many things, but admitting to Erik that I'm cold after he told me to bring a jacket is not one of them.

Portia: Did you just fall?
Talia: No, I attacked the floor.
Portia: Backwards?
Talia: I'm so talented.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Darrell: What the fuck were you doing in there
Aaron: You know I have to be problematic at all cost

Tori: Hey Charlie! Merry Christmas you capitalist pig, OINK OINK

Aaron: I found a letter written for us
Darrell: Why does it look… sticky
Aaron; Let's see, it says… "Aaron then threw Darrell to the bed and then he whispered "Hail Hydra"
Claire: Oh, sorry, that's mine
Aaron: Eh, Figures
Darrell: But the author is named "Thirstyhunniebooboo96"…
Claire: I don't go around judging your hobbies

Ava: (Guys, seriously we need to cleanse our souls)

Darrell: Ahh, wouldn't it be great if Santa actually gave is what we want this year
Elijah: Yeah, what do you usually put down
Terry: Mental stability, but also a sugar momma, and spiderman merch
Darrell: Life without depression, a Sonic pillow, and white privilege
Aaron: Hmm, puppies dressed in people clothes how about you. What about you, Eli
Elijah: Well I have everything I could ever want right here
Terry: Aww
Elijah: I was talking about my Hulu subscription

Jax: Hey I was left out too
Matthew: Jax, how long has you been there
Jax: If I told you'd be sad
Charlie: Well I have depression and crave death, try me
Lucas: High five
Jax: Seconded
Matthew: Thirded

Bonita: Look I found a frog
Sophie: Cool
Ava: (Gross)
Valerie: Don't break it's legs
Bonita:… Thanks

Sophie: So you guys are fourth wall aware AI bishonen who broke their game to screw with the real world
Tsumi: Yes
Sophie: So… I guess we say that unoriginal even in our reality
Tsumi: Goddammit, not this shit again
Sophie: Hey Miyuki called, she wants her plot back
Valerie: What is she doing
Ava shrug
Bonita: She's going full weeb
Sophie: Lemme guess, You're going to kill us softly oh no I think you a more dramatical murder in store (hysteric laughing)
Tsumi: Fuck it, I don't want to be human anymore

Lucas: You ruined my life
Lucien: I wasn't even a part of it
Lucas: Exactly

Crystal: You're such handsome strong men, Haveyouacceptedjesusyourpersonalsavior

Felix to (Cleo, Theo, Elliot and Skylar): You are the four ugliest children I had the misfortune to look at

Charlie: Hunter, you don't look so good
(Hunter does ghost magic)
Colton: Run! He's a ghost and a dick

@Starfast group

Crispin: Men who look up to their fathers too much are ridiculous
Crispin: If you're an adult male that sees no flaws in your father then you are an insane person.

Kit, at Leo's funeral: He wouldn't want us to be sad.
Eva: He's in a better place now.
Leo, in hell holding a knife: Where's my father? WHERE IS HE?!

Jackie: Some sick fuck unfollowed me for posting pictures of my dog i don’t miss you at all

Ara: My name is Ara Azaryan, I hope to know none of you and want to avoid conversation as much as possible.

Keyla: Taven, you're late. Why?
Taven, visibly sleep deprived: I got stuck in a tree and then I got lost walking home
Keyla How?
Taven: I was trying to get an apple

Dallas: Snakes have this thing called hemipenis, it means they have two dicks.
Andor: Ara has two dicks.
Andor: One in his pants, one in his personality.

Andor: In honor of bi awareness week, be aware of me.
Andor: Pay attention to me.
Andor: Look at me. I'm amazing.

Kit: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you have lost throughout your life.
Caleb: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Gerard: My will to live! I haven't seen this in 15 years!
Crispin: Mental stability, my old friend!
Kit: Guys, could you lighten up a little?

Jackie: the path to inner peace begins with four words
Holly: not my damn problem?
Jackie: NO

Ara: Can you guys just behave for five minutes?
Andor: Our record is three.

Ara: Alright, I'll drive. Who wants shotgun?
Dallas: You can't be serious. You hit Andor this morning.
Ara: Well everyone inside the car was fine, Dallas!

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Micheal: Why are you so nice to me
Matthew: Well, I have to be on good terms with my future in-laws
Micheal: (visible confusion)

Tsuyoi monologuing: Every day ever since I was trapped here, I had to deal with this
Otori: She's a cat, I mean she has a self-important air around her and is pretty sly
Gaki: No dummy, She's a dog, She has a bad bite and is pretty grouchy

Matthew: Good morning, Sophie
Sophie: Good morning, Matthew, How you this fine morning
Matthew: I hid a body the other day
Sophie: Wait… What

Jaelynn: Man, sure is lovely out
Sophie: Ah
Jaelynn: Ah
Jaelynn: Could say the same thing about you, pal
Sophie: Were you watching us
Jaelynn: Little bit
Sophie: You sick daughter of bitch
Jaelynn: At least, I'm not playing where a kid died

Noelle: Ya going to talk to me, champ
Lucas with cat makeup on: Screw you guys!
Noelle: Well someone's being a negative kitty
Lucas: You held me down and drew dickbutt on chest

Charlie: Ok, ok calm your butt
Charlie: Sophie, you're scaring me…

Matthew: It's a KFC mascot
Sophie: Matthew, we do not say company brand names on this show
Matthew: So you don't want this delicious basket then
Sophie: Yeah, I do

Elijah: Wow, Have you ever seen more generic yandere out in the open
Matthew: Bitch, I'm their king

Elijah: Hey Darrell, remember that time I help you out when those 3 kids were picking on you
Darrell: Yeah, I didn't stand a chance against the four of you

Kelly to Elijah: My middle finger gets a boner every time it's see you

Hunter in a selfie with Colton drowning in the background
Hunter: Living my best life
Charlie: Dad is drowning
Hunter: Dammit, This isn't about him

Ava: I think you should play the role of my mother
Sophie: I don't want to be your mother
Ava: Perfect, you already know your line

Sophie: No I got one, Tsumi, I guess you lived a life of sin, seriously was yandev in the office when they were coming up with names, they made real good use of google translate
Tsumi: Can you stop

Hunter: So what should we change our the school
Matthew: Stop the bullying problem
Ava: New uniforms
Charlie: Get rid of fraternities
Elijah throws Charlie out the room

Charlie: The Rabbit Arc is a story where a blue haired emo kid is the savior of the school, but what is an emo kid without his closest allies… and Terry

@HighPockets group

Christopher: Men who look up to their fathers too much are ridiculous
Christopher: If you're an adult male that sees no flaws in your father then you are an insane person.

Darlene, at Louis's funeral: He wouldn't want us to be sad.
Jack: He's in a better place now.
Louis, in hell holding a knife: Where's Gabriel? WHERE IS HE?!

Kristi: Some sick fuck unfollowed me for posting pictures of my dog, I don’t miss you at all

Oberon: Robin, you're late. Why?
Robin, visibly sleep deprived: I got lost walking home and then got stuck in a tree.
Oberon: How?
Robin: I was trying to get an apple

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Sanji: Men who look up to their fathers too much are ridiculous
Sanji: If you're an adult male that sees no flaws in your father then you are an insane person.

Law: Can you guys just behave for five minutes?
Nami: Our record is three.