forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@Williamnot group

Austin: I'm done with society. I'm going to go feral and live in the woods
Jarrod: Kinda tired of you saying they're going to go "feral" and "live in the woods" , you wouldn't last a week without clean water and thermostat. Stop it.
Austin: Oh you think I plan on surviving? Wrong, I'm going to fucking rub dirt on my face and die

@Williamnot group

Austin: If Kirby ate me, he'd gain no skills.
Austin: Why? Because my most defining trait is my bottomless pit of a stomach.
(Jarrod: Well I mean you can also turn into a big wolf so I'm not sure that's true)

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Ava: Sophie, look at my face, does it look like I give two shits about what's going on, I'm tired of solving all these crappy incidents, I just want to stay home and sleep all day… JUST FOR ONCE, is that so much to ask
Sophie: Yes that is too much to ask, fuck you

Sophie: A ghost, eh, who ya going call… PACMAN!

Reaper person: We need you to kill a classmate
Blevin: What's in it for me
Reaper: We'll give you five subway coupons
Blevin: Seven
Reaper: Deal
Blevin, internally: Sucker! I would've taken five

Tsumi: You're not going anywhere
Sophie: Yall gotta quit slamming these damn doors

Tyler: No more fucking around (goes ultimate ghost mode)
Sophie: Ah shit
Mason: We're going end this
Sophie: You ain't ending shit, S W E A R O N Y E E Z Y

Annette: You have the right to shut that shit up anything you say or do, it doesn't fucking matter, one of yall getting arrest

Annette: Have any committed larceny
Hunter: No
Annette: Motor-vehicle theft
Hunter: Uh-uh
Elijah: Not recently
Annette: Homicide
Elijah: Nope
Hunter: Once or Twice
Annette: Tax fraud
Hunter: Shit, every year
Elijah: Dam

Sophie: Oh, it's a little… puffier
Micheal: Puffiler? Y O U U N C U L T U R E D S W I N E

Emma: I don't like you anymore
Elijah: Y O U R E C L A P P E D A N Y W A Y

Alex: Gonna let me die
Mavis: Yes
Alex: ok…Peace

Aaron: I'll see in hell
Lucas: K see you there

Crystal to Duke: I know where I saw you before…. I saw you in the old testament

Drake: He's going to Zuckerburg him, he knows Felix doesn't speak the mortal tongue

Valerie chasing after Insato: Get back here you Shojo Beat piece of shit

Sophie: Well the message of the story is if you want super powers, just die

Tori: Barnyard is the most woke movie of all time

Charlie to Claire: If you get the flower problem under check it's going to kill us all and Sophie told me to call you a lazy piece of shit, You're a lazy piece of shit

Micheal: I'd cry too if my favorite game was Madden

Micheal: You know, I'd prefer to be chucked in an isekai than stuck in a time loop where I'm forced to prevent everyone I know and care about from painfully dying

@ElderGod-kirky group

Kam, laying under the Christmas tree: I am the gift
Devi: I'd rather have coal

Jaya lecturing baby Devi: Don't break people's hearts, they only have one
Jaya, handing her a knife: Break their bones, they have plenty of those
Their mother: nO-

Kam: Oh, so you rich people throw the water out after you boil hot dogs?
Kiran: Too good for hot dog soup?

Devi: Sometimes self care is running from the Witches' Council, playing murderous tag and magic lacrosse, and falling in love with Lucifer's daughter

Kam: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying

Kiran, answering the phone: Hey, Dee, what's up?
Devi: Well… I'm sitting in a pool of blood
Kiran: Is it… your own?
Devi: Oh, yeah, definitely
Kiran, under his breath: Merlin give me strength
Kiran: How many puppies did you summon?
Devi: Uhhh… One, two, three… twenty
Kiran: I'm on my way

Kam: I'm invoking the "no judgements" part of our twinship right now
Kiran: Circe's tits, what did you do?

Student: Wait, so you're Indian?
Devi: Yes
Student: But you don't act Indian…
Devi, sarcastically: Oh, sorry, I forgot to bring my favorite cow with me, eh! Silly me! Well, I'm off to get a barrel of curry~

Kiran: It's crazy that Leonardo da Vinci could paint and invent all that stuff and still find time to be a crime-fighting turtle
Kam: And he was amazing in Titanic
Devi: A real renaissance man

Devi, bleeding out: I could really go for some curry and a nap
Kam: In which order?
Devi: Yes

Kam, joking: Hey, why can't you summon the dead?
Devi: legitimately thinking about how she could hypothetically do it
Kiran, smacking Kam: Don't give her ideas!

Devi: It's not that I'm stupid, it's that I can suspend my intelligence

Jude: So what are your guys' plans for Earth day?
Jaya and Devi: Murder
Jude: That's the spirit!

Kam and Kiran: We'd say that we're smart
Devi: Okay, what's the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
Kiran: Don't fall for it Kam, she's just making up words

Kiran: Look, I'm not gonna-
Kam: DO IT!
Kiran: FINE
Kiran, singing in a monotone: I'm Kiran and I was wrong. I'm singing the Kiran wrong song. I shouldn't have taken that chance. Now here's my remorseful dance

~the gang playing Twister~
Kiran: Left foot green
Kiran: giggles that's probably wrong
Devi and Kam: Oh fuck he's colorblind

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Cavendish, laying under the Christmas tree: I am the gift.
Bartolomeo: I'd rather have coal.

Shanks lecturing young Azami: Don't break people's hearts, they only have one.
Shanks, handing her a knife: Break their bones, they have plenty of those.
Makino: nO-

Tori: Oh, so you rich people throw the water out after you boil hot dogs?
Sabo: Too good for hot dog soup?

Usopp: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.

Azami, bleeding out: I could really go for some ramen and a nap.
Chopper: In which order?
Azami: Yes.

Azami: It's not that I'm stupid, it's that I can suspend my intelligence

Azami and Luffy: We'd say that we're smart
Robin: Okay, what's the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
Azami: Don't fall for it Lu, she's just making up words

Zoro: Look, I'm not gonna-
Nami: DO IT!
Zoro: FINE.
Zoro, singing in a monotone: I'm Zoro and I was wrong. I'm singing the Zoro wrong song. I shouldn't have taken that chance. Now here's my remorseful dance.

@HighPockets group

Jackson, laying under the Christmas tree: I am the gift
Geneva: I'd rather have coal

Talia lecturing Jayson: Don't break people's hearts, they only have one.
Talia, handing him a knife: Break their bones, they have plenty of those.

Francesca: Oh, so you rich people throw the water out after you boil hot dogs?
Izzy: Too good for hot dog soup?

Oscar: I'm invoking the "no judgements" part of our twinship right now
Beatrice: Good gods, what did you do?

Jackson, joking: Hey, why can't you raise the dead?
Victor: Legitimately thinking about how he could hypothetically do it
Henry, smacking Jackson: Don't give him ideas!
Okay but if you replace it with "Dr. Flynn, very seriously" that's more or less what happens-

@Williamnot group

Felix, on the subject of the towns people being eaten by a demon: Austin, look at my face, does it look like I give two shits about what's going on, I'm tired of solving all these crappy incidents, I just want to stay home and do jack shit all day… JUST FOR ONCE, is that so much to ask
Austin: Yes that is too much to ask, fuck you

Em: A ghost, eh, who ya going call… PACMAN!

Joseph: I want you to kill someone.
Austin: What's in it for me
Joseph: I'll give you five cookies.
Austin: Seven
Joseph: Deal.
Austin, internally: I would've taken five

Jarrod @ a newly arrived Austin: You're not going anywhere until you answer my questions
Felix, who has no idea what's going on: Yall gotta quit slamming these damn doors

Austin, trying to figure out their criminal records: Have you committed larceny
Jarrod: No
Austin: Motor-vehicle theft
Jarrod: No
Felix: Not recently
Austin: Homicide
Jarrod: Once or twice
Felix: A hundred or so counts of it yes
Austin: Tax fraud
Jarrod: Every year
Felix: Dam

Felix Gonna let me die
Jarrod: Yes
Felix: ok…Peace
(Jarrod: Sike fucker wake up)

Joseph: I'll see in hell
Austin: K, see you there

Joseph: I suppose the moral is if you want super powers, simply commit horrid crimes against humanity

Jarrod @ Felix: If you don't get the demon problem under check it's going to kill us all and Austin told me to call you a lazy piece of shit, You're a lazy piece of shit

Felix, laying under the Christmas tree: I am the gift
Jarrod: I'd rather have coal

Felix lecturing Austin: Don't break people's hearts, they only have one
Felix, handing him a bat: Break their bones, they have plenty of those
Jarrod: nO-

Felix: Oh, so you rich people throw the water out after you boil hot dogs?
Felix: Too good for hot dog soup?

Austin: Sometimes self care is taking on an eldritch horror, taking vengeance on your parents killer, and then eating an entire bag of halloween candy in an hour.

Felix: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying

Felix: I'm invoking the "no judgements" part of your employment agreement right now
Jarrod: What in the hell did you do?

Felix: It's crazy that Leonardo da Vinci could paint and invent all that stuff and still find time to be a crime-fighting turtle
Jarrod: And he was amazing in Titanic
Felix: A real renaissance man

Austin, sleep deprived as usual: I could really go for some candy and a nap
Mel: In which order?
Austin: Yes

Austin, joking: Hey, why can't you summon the dead?
Felix: Good point…
Jarrod, smacking Austin: Don't give him ideas!

Felix: It's not that I'm stupid, it's that I can suspend my intelligence

Felix: I'd say that I'm smart
Jarrod: Okay, what's the difference between mitosis and meiosis?
Felix: I'm not falling for that, you're just making up words.

Felix: Look, I'm not gonna-
Jarod: Do it.
Felix: FINE
Felix, singing in a monotone: I'm Felix and I was wrong. I'm singing the Kiran wrong song. I shouldn't have taken that chance. Now here's my remorseful dance

@LilMeme group

Eri: Suck ur mom
Kage: She's dead
Eri: Suck her bones then

Eri: My day was good too if anyone's wondering
Kage: We're not but okay

Eri: Ran says she wants to have a word with me later
Kage: #EriIsJoblessParty
Hikari: #EriIsOnBenefitsParty
Eri: Kage you still use that cheap-ass 2000 flip-phone shut up
Minato: Don't worry, senpai I'll help you pack
Asumi: Wait am I getting kicked out too

Kage: Is no one going to mention that Eri's a murderer
Asumi: Kage, I thought we agree not to mention that
Eri: It was one time
Kage: She was your own damn mother, Eri
Eri: Look I felt like shit when I did it and it was out of self-defense

Asumi @ Mamoru: Get back here you light novel yaoi piece of shit

Minato: I'm not stupid, I just suspend my intelligence

Police: Have of yall any committed larceny
Unzari: Nah
Kosuke: Nah
Police: Motor-vehicle theft
Unzari: Uh-uh
Kosuke: Not recently
Police: Homicide
Unzari: Nope
Kosuke: Once or Twice
Police: Tax fraud
Unzari: Shit, every year
Kosuke: Dam

Kage: Fantastic Mr. Fox is the most woke movie of all time

Kage @ Ran: Hey don't you have an education system to fail

Kage: Dad… do you hate me
Kotone: No son, I just don't care about you

Emiko: Oh, so you rich people throw the water out after you boil hot dogs, too good for hot dog soup?

Kage: So when you said that we should recommend stuff for Collin to watch
Kage: I accidentally recommended Boku no Pico
Mikoto: YOU DID WHAT!1!!1
Asumi: How did you even recommend that ON ACCIDENT
Mikoto: You goddamn shotacon, what the hell even wrong with you
Kage: A lot of things, look I'll stop him before he can see it
Unzari: Wait did you recommend the manga or anime
Kage:… Yes
Unzari: You sick fuck
(btw don't search up Boku no Pico, for the love just let it die)

Ai accepting game applications: Hello (insert name), I'm Ai and I psychologically torment teenagers on the weekdays, however, I am open to anyone really. Violently. Please submit 2000 word essay on why you deserve to be a participant in this game and the qualities that prove you are suited for the job. Failure to do will result in a sudden kidnapping and painful death. My email is [email protected] and I expect a submission by 12am tonight

Kosuke @ Asumi: You stole my fucking stalker, you heinous bitch

Eri: I'm ace and I own this place

Kage: What
Asumi: You're pretty, if I were single, I'd let you do me
Kage: Uh-hu
Asumi: I'm your roommate :D
Kage internally: I W A N N A K I L L P E O P L E

Hanaki @ Kage: If you get the Asumi problem under check it's going to kill us all and Mikoto told me to call you a lazy piece of shit, You're a lazy piece of shit

Kage: You're the cause of this
Hanaki: How
Kage: Because to get in the admin's favor you sold us out and I don't like you

Hanaki: Maybe Eri's right, you should go Gaudi and show kindness to your enemies and turn them into a friend
Kage: You're a dumbass and he should join the karate club

@HighPockets group

Georgie: My day was good too, if anyone's wondering.
Gabriel: We're not but okay.

Casey: My boss says he wants to have a word with me later
Beck: #CaseyIsJoblessParty
Casey: Beckett, you still use that cheap-ass 2000 flip-phone, shut up.
Harper: Don't worry, I'll help you pack
Beck: Wait, am I getting kicked out too?

Samuel: Is no one going to mention that Therese is a murderer?
Nich: I thought we agree not to mention that.
Therese: It was one time! And it was out of self-defense!

Nich: I'm ace and I own this place.

@HighPockets group

Trix: Lyra, look at my face. Does it look like I give two shits about what's going on? I'm tired of killing all these crappy people, I just want to stay home and sleep all day, just for once, is that so much to ask?
Lyra: Yeah, that is too much to ask, fuck you.

Mr. Flynn: You're not going anywhere!
Jackson: Y'all need to quit slamming these damn doors.

@Williamnot group

Em: Am I going to have to fight a goat? I don't know if I can do that, morally.

Felix: Suck ur mom
Austin: She's dead
Felix: Suck her bones then

Felix: My day was good too if anyone's wondering
Jarrod: We're not but okay

Felix: Jarrod says he wants to have a word with me later
Austin: #FelixHomelessParty
Mel: #FelixHomelessParty
Austin: Wait am I getting kicked out too

Austin: Is no one going to mention that Felix's a murderer
Jarrod: Austin, I thought we agree not to mention that
Felix: It was one time
Austin: It was a random fucking child Felix
Felix: Look I felt like shit when I did it and in my defense the kid was being a little shit

Felix: Jarrod… do you hate me
Jarrod: No Felix, I just don't care about you

Joseph: Hello (insert name), my name is Joseph Malefique and I psychologically and physically torture teenagers on the weekdays, however, I am open to anyone really. Violently. Please submit 2000 word essay on why you deserve to be a participant in this experiment and the qualities that prove you are suited for it. Failure to do will result in a sudden kidnapping and painful death. My email is [email protected] and I expect a submission by 12am tonight

Jarrod: What
Felix: You're pretty, if I were single, I'd let you do me
Jarrod: Uh-hu
Felix: I'm your roommate :D
Jarrod internally: I W A N N A K I L L S O M E O N E

Mel: Maybe Em's right, we should go to Paige and show kindness to your enemies and turn them into a friend
Austin: You're a dumbass and she should learn how to use guns.

@threesacult group

Jack: Karma, look at my face. Does it look like I give two shits about what's going on? I'm tired of killing all these crappy people. I just want to stay home and sleep all day, just for once. Is that so much to ask?
Karma: Yeah, that is too much to ask, fuck you.

Anthony: Is no one going to mention the fact that Cyrus is a murderer?
Jack: Kane, I thought we agreed not to mention that.
Cyrus: It was one time!
Anthony: It was a random fucking child, Hecate!
Cyrus: Look, I felt like crap afterwards. And in my defense, the kid was being a little shit

Dally: My day was good, too. If anyone was wondering.
Jack: We weren’t, but okay

@Williamnot group

Jarrod: Hey, when’s your birthday?
Felix: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me???
Jarrod: Nvm, no birthday presents for you.
Felix: WAIT

@LilMeme group

Kage: You're really quiet for pride
Emiko: I just don't talk to NPCs

Hanaki to Asumi: Sorry about kidnapping you, would you like a drink

Hanaki about Asumi: Is this Asegao

Hikari: Since you're shape-shifting guardians, how old are you
Ai and Dan: Yes

Kage: Who are you?
Mamoru: I'm not quite sure

Dahlia: Who in here doing illegal shit

Minato trying to flex: Hold up, check it, look at this, CARS ON THE PSP

Chie: Kage, we both know you don't have friends

Yuda after figuring out Kage got involved in the Kami Game: Why can't you just sell drugs like a normal delinquent

Namani: No more fucking around (possesses Asumi)
Minato: Ah shit
Namani!Asumi: I'm going end this
Minato: You ain't ending shit, swear on… M O T H E R

Kage @ Emiko: My middle finger gets a boner every time you're around

Asumi: Unzari, do you ever think of yourself
Unzari: If it helps someone else

Kid!Kage: Dad, Am I your least favorite
Kotone: No son, you're my most useless

Kage: Speaking of which, where's pancake
Emiko coming through the window: What did you just call me, porcupine
Kage: audial confusion
Emiko: So what did you call me for
Kage: Where did you just come from
Emiko: Oh, you haven't seen one before, here in the normal world, in the country of Japan, we call this a window

@Starfast group

Andor: I'm not slutty because I'm bisexual
Andor: I just so happen to be both.

Ara: I’m on my way, what should I bring?
Andor: A good mood
Ara: I’m not coming.

Jackie: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Holly: Unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna be pretty disgusting.

Cripin: What goes up but never comes down?
Gerard: The amount of stress you bring me.

Ara: Are you high?
Andor: Am I what?
Ara: High
Andor: Hey!

Keyla: Hey, when’s your birthday?
Milo: Why? So you can look up my natal chart? So you can figure out my weaknesses? So you can destroy me?

Dallas: Ara… do you hate me
Ara: No Felix, I just don't care about you

Holly lecturing Jackie: Don't break people's hearts, they only have one
Holly, handing her a bat: Break their bones, they have plenty of those
Brian: nO-

Milo: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Peregrine: I’m on my way, what should I bring?
Estella: A good mood.
Peregrine: I’m not coming.

Jax: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!
Law: Unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna be pretty disgusting.

Luffy: What goes up but never comes down?
Law: The amount of stress you bring me.

Law: Are you high?
Luffy: Am I what?
Law: High
Luffy: Hey!

Sanji:: Zoro… do you hate me?
Zoro: No, I just don't care about you.

Deleted user

(Found some ones from the beginning of this)

Azrael: Sometimes I feel like dying.
Hellyn, panicked: Wh-
Azrael: But then I remembered that I wouldn't see you again if I die.
Hellyn: Blushing

Allison, pouting: You're not coming with me?
Azrael: I'm not your mom
Azrael, kissing Arla on the forehead: Here's your sandwich.
Azrael: I'll pick you up at 5!
Azrael: Love you, sweetheart

Vozreal: Ma~aan blowjobs are a mouthful!
Azrael: That pun was hard to swallow, huh?
Allison: penis
Azrael: Thank you for your contribution

Reporter: So let’s talk romance now. Are there any men in the picture?
Azrael, leaning forward seriously: Tell me every aspect of my personality that made you assume I was straight so that I can change it immediately

Jesus: Why are people so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I would be excited just to have a bunk bed.
Satan: I'm gonna tell him.
Jevovah and Azrael: Don't you dare.

@HighPockets group

Barry: Why are people so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I would be excited just to have a bunk bed.
Frankie: I'm gonna tell him.
Liz: Don't you dare.

@Williamnot group

Jarrod: You're really quiet for pride
Felix: I just don't talk to NPCs

Felix to Jarrod: Sorry about kidnapping you, would you like a drink

Felix introducing Austin: And this is Osteoporosis
Austin: You're doing this on purpose

Jarrod: Since you don't age, how old are you
Felix: Yes

Austin: Who are you?
Mel: I'm not quite sure

Jarrod: Who in here doing illegal shit

Austin, her friend: Mel, we both know you don't have friends

Jarrod finding Austin covered in blood: Why can't you just sell drugs like a normal delinquent

Felix: I'm not slutty because I'm bisexual
Felix: I just so happen to be both.

Austin: I’m on my way, what should I bring?
Mel: A good mood
Austin: I’m not coming.

Jarrod: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Felix: Unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna be pretty disgusting.

Felix: What goes up but never comes down?
Jarrod: The amount of stress you bring me.

Jarrod: Are you high?
Austin, sleep deprived: Am I what?
Jarrod: High
Austin: Hello

@HighPockets group

Oberon: Since you don't age, how old are you?
Robin: Yes.

Huxley: Who are you?
Fern: I'm not quite sure.

Alec, bailing Louis out from being a political prisoner: Why can't you just sell drugs like a normal delinquent?

Oleander: I'm not slutty because I'm bisexual.
Oleander: I just so happen to be both.

Geneva: I’m on my way, what should I bring?
Jackson: A good mood
Geneva: I’m not coming.

Jon: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Oliver: Unless life also gives you water and sugar, your lemonade is gonna be pretty disgusting.

Percy: What goes up but never comes down?
Alessandra: The amount of stress you bring me.