forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@Starfast group

Brian: Have you been yelled at by Holly yet?
Andor: Pfft. I'm not scared of her.
Brian: So that's a no.

Dallas: I'm feeling a little judged again.
Ara: It's probably because I'm judging you.

Crispin: Terrible things happen to good people every day. Consequentially, I am not one of the good people, I'm one of the terrible things.

Crispin: Caleb, listen to me. Remember your training!
Caleb: But I don't HAVE any training!

Andor: I screwed up big time.
Ara: Andor, given your daily life experiences, you're going to need to be a little more specific.

Milo: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.

Holly, loading a Nerf gun with thumbtack bullets: It's Nerf or nothing

Holly, brandishing a knife and throwing water bottles: Hydrate or die-drate, you losers!
Ara: What is she doing?
Jackie: She's trying to threaten you into better wellbeing and mental health.
Dallas, crying: It's working.

Garzlan: You're a manipulator
Milo: I like to think of myself as an outcome engineer

Jackie: Let's play two truths one lie
Andor: Okay, how does that go again?
Ara: You say two things that are true about yourself and one lie
Holly: I'll go first
Holly: My middle name is Johanna, I have green eyes, and one time I accidentally erased all of Brian's Zelda save files
Ara: Your eyes are green.
Brian: You fucking what

Brian: [does something stupid]
Holly: I don’t know him.
Brian: She’s lying, we're twins!
Holly: -twice removed.

Ara, to Dallas: I know school is hard, but it's important! Trust me, everything will work out well. You should think about your future. You just need to hold on. I'm here for you!
Andor, to Dallas: Drop out, do crime, be gay.

Kit: Maybe the real treasure was the friends we made along the way.
Kit, pointing to Crispin: Also this rat we found.

@alecscharm group

( Portal AU where Cavendish is Wheatley and Hakuba is GLaDOS)

Hakuba: The engineers tried everything to make me… behave. To slow me down. Once, they even attached an Ego Sphere on me. It clung to my brain like a tumor, generating an endless stream of egoistic ideas. It was YOUR voice. Yes. You're the tumor. You're not just a regular narcissist. You were DESIGNED to be a narcissist.
Cavendish: I am NOT. A. NARCISSIST!

@HighPockets group

Gabriel: Terrible things happen to good people every day. Consequentially, I am not one of the good people, I'm one of the terrible things.

Jackson: I screwed up big time.
Morgan: Given your daily life experiences, you're going to need to be a little more specific.

Oscar: Does something dramatic
Beatrice: I don’t know him.
Oscar: She’s lying, we're twins!
Beatrice: -twice removed.

Marisol: I know school is hard, but it's important! Trust me, everything will work out well. You should think about your future. You just need to hold on. I'm here for you!
Harper: Drop out, be gay, do crime.

@knightinadream group

Pearl: Money does not buy happiness.
Kimmie: You're probably just spending it wrong. Give it to me and I'll show you how it's done.

Grayson: And what do we say when someone feels wronged by our actions?
Minwoo: Hoes mad
Grayson: Oh my Lord. What has Louis been teaching you?

Jack, walking in: Guys look at this ladybug I found!
Jack: It's a ladybug.
Jack: Angry ladybug.

Taeok: W-why does this salad taste so bad?
JJ: Hey, I worked hard on that.
Taeok: Did you at least wash the lettuce?
JJ: Of course! I even used soap.

@HighPockets group

Samuel: Money does not buy happiness.
Nich: You're probably just spending it wrong. Give it to me and I'll show you how it's done.

Robin, walking in: Guys, look at this ladybug I found!
Oberon: That's a hornet!
Robin: It's a ladybug.
Oberon: It could kill you!
Robin: Angry ladybug.

Padma: W-why does this salad taste so bad?
Barry: Hey, I worked hard on that.
Padma: Did you at least wash the lettuce?
Barry: Of course! I even used soap.


Astra: Terrible things happen to good people every day. Consequentially, I am not one of the good people, I'm one of the terrible things.

Nessa: Money does not buy happiness.
Evangeline: You're probably just spending it wrong. Give it to me and I'll show you how it's done.

Evangeline: W-why does this salad taste so bad?
Silver: Hey, I worked hard on that.
Evangeline: Did you at least wash the lettuce?
Silver: Of course! I even used soap.


Yama: When it comes to weaponry and bladesmithing, there's a fine line between genius and crazy.
Yama, hoisting his cannon-hammer: I like to use that line as a jumprope.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Azami: When it comes to being a pirate, there's a fine line between genius and crazy.
Azami, as her crewmates set everything on fire in the background: We like to use that line as a jumprope.
Law: Incomprehensible angry grumbles

@GameMaster group

Alec: Please don't tell me you love me. You'd be the third one today.
Jolene: Absolutely not, you aren't my type.
Alec: Oh?
Jolene: Well you have a penis, so there that.
Alec: Ah. I understand how that could be a problem.

@HighPockets group

Julianna: Terrible things happen to good people every day. Consequentially, I am not one of the good people, I'm one of the terrible things.

Trinity: Why does this salad taste so bad?
Carter: Hey, I worked hard on that.
Trinity: Did you at least wash the lettuce?
Carter: Of course! I even used soap.

@Starfast group

Holly: I hate country music! I never even listen to it cause it’s so awful.
Jackie: Cause I-

Andor: How much is the rent for this fantastic apartment?
Stock Boy: sir, this is the red wine aisle of the grocery store…

Crispin: Go big or go home
Gerard: Please for once in your life just go home. I’m begging you go home!
Dean: I’m going big!

Gerard: This gives me good ptsd.
Adelia: …You mean nostalgia?

Caleb: Has anyone ever told you they loved you?
Crispin: Do my parents count?
Caleb: Yeah.
Crispin: Then no.

Cop: You are under arrest for trying to fit 8 people on a motorcycle.
Holly: wait did you say 8.
Cop: yes?
Holly: Oh my god Brian fell off!

Holly: If you had to find dog in a room with 49 identical dogs that are all equally excited to see you, how would you figure out which one is yours?
Jackie: I would bring all 50 dogs home and live like a queen.

Frank: hey, kid? you okay?
Gerard: if by ‘okay’ you mean ‘going AAAAAAAAAAAH on the inside’ then yes, i’m okay

Ara: Why does this salad taste so bad?
Andor: Hey, I worked hard on that.
Ara: Did you at least wash the lettuce?
Andor: Of course! I even used soap.

Crispin: When it comes to being a pirate, there's a fine line between genius and crazy.
Crispin: I like to use that line as a jumprope.

Kit: Money does not buy happiness.
Crispin: You're probably just spending it wrong. Give it to me and I'll show you how it's done.

@GameMaster group

Marco: You don’t know Latin???
Jolene: No, of the four languages I know, Latin is not one of them I’m sorry to offend you.
Marco: your major is in Latin Studies

Marco: hey babe
Alec: did…did you just call me babe?
Marco: well, yes you’re a babe. Would you prefer if I called you my little twi-
Alec: ABSOLutely not

Isaac: you know, you’re quite serious for a theater major
Amara: is that so?
Isaac: mmhm, they tend to be over dramatic
Amara: pours tea in his lap
Isaac: OW that was fUcking hOt
Amara: I hope it was dramatic enough for you

Asia: Alec, you could butter my biscuits any day
Alec: ah, I may just take you up on that offer
Asia: I hope leaves
Alec: to Jolene I have not a clue what that meant.
Jolene: poor boy

@ElderGod-kirky group

Thea: Never have I ever had a crush on Rhys Kaur
Rhys: What?
Acacia: slams back shot proudly
Charlotte: rolls eyes and downs drink neatly
Joel: turns bright red and throws back drink like no one will notice if he does it quickly enough
Rhys and Acacia: WHAT?
Charlie and Thea: laugh like hyenas

Thea, on the phone with Mieke: So we're sitting in the street trying to figure out how to convince Rhys to sneak out with us
Mieke: Wait what? Babe–
Joel: Should I throw a rock at his window? No wait, what if I break it?
Acacia: You're not Romeo, dumbass. We should break in. I'll fight his parents, and you grab Rhys and run for the car

Thea: This is my girlfriend Charlie, and this is Charlie's girlfriend Acacia. And that's Acacia's boyfriend Joel. And that's Joel's boyfriend, Rhys
Mieke: Wait sorry what's the situation?
Thea: Charlie is gay for Acacia and also gay for me, but she's also straight for Joel and Joel is straight for Acacia and Acacia is straight for Joel but gay for me and Rhys is blind. And I hate Joel
Joel: It's not that complicated

Rhys: What's the first thing you notice when someone tries to approach you?
Acacia: The audacity

Mieke, jokingly: You are without a doubt the worst model I've ever heard of
Thea: But you have heard of me
Rhys, walking by and overhearing: She's done more than that
Mieke: chokes

Acacia: Kinky
Acacia: gets hit in the head with a bar of soap

Thea: Just… be yourself
Rhys: "Be myself?" Thea, this is Elex's father and I have one day to win him over. How long did it take before you guys started liking me?
Thea: Right away
Acacia: Two weeks
Joel: Six months
Charlie: Jury's still out
Rhys: See? "Be myself"? What kind of garbage advice is that?

Charlie: What do your parents think of your career choices?
Rhys: They don't have a plan, they just hate me!

Acacia: What if "It's Raining Men" and "Let the Bodies Hit the Floor" are the same song just from different perspectives?
Rhys: Acacia–
Thea: No, let her finish

Mieke: Two, four, six, eight, why do people think I'm straight

Acacia: stands up from her seat You are…
Charlie: reading a book my fire…
Acacia: pointing to Joel the one…
Joel: doing pushups desire…
Acacia: kneeling believe…
Mieke: practicing knife throwing when I say…
Acacia: that I want it…
Thea: from her room that way…
Acacia: shouting tElL mE wHy?!
Everyone: ain't nothing but a heartache…
Acacia: ripping off her jacket tElL mE wHy?!
Everyone: ain't nothing but a mistake…
Acacia: smirking to Rhys, the only one that can sing now number five…
Rhys: I hate this family

@threesacult group

Cyrus: Good job gays
Emmett: [Nervous laughter] Did you mean to say gu–
Cyrus: Did I fucking stutter

Cyrus: God, country and pop music is so awful.
Dally: Cause I-

Anthony: Two, four, six, eight, why do people think I’m straight

Anthony: You are without a doubt the worst detective I've ever heard of.
Cyrus: But you have heard of me.

@Reblod flag

Moukib edition….
(who is, for context, the all mighty god of knowledge)

Hunter: If the plan goes wrong, where should we regroup?
Moukib: The afterlife, I guess.

Eryx: You know that can kill you right?
Thana, downing six espresso shots in one go: Uh, yeah.
Jorvon, smoking a cigarette: That's the point.
Kado, drinking bourbon straight from the bottle: We're trying to speed this up.
Moukib, eating raw cookie dough: nodding

Kado: Could you at least smile? It'll make me less nervous.
Moukib: awkward forced smile
Kado: Okay, that did not help.

Bronte: Okay for security purposes I'm going to pretend to be a robber.
Bronte: Give me all your money if you want to live.
Kado: Bold of you to assume I have money.
Thana: Bold of you to assume I want to live.
Moukib: Bold of you to assume you could kill me.

Kado: I really want to kiss you.
Moukib: What?
Kado: I said if you die, I won't miss you.

Moukib: Shoutout to my favourite coping mechanism, isolation

Bronte: Hey, Moukib, what's up?
Moukib: Well… I'm sitting in a pool of blood.
Bronte: Is it… your own?
Moukib: Oh, yeah probably.
Bronte: Where is it coming from?
Moukib: Probably the stab wound.
Bronte: You've been staBBED?!
Moukib: Oh, yeah definitely.

Zora: We're facing an enemy we don't know and technology we don't understand. This isn't the time to be asking questions.
Moukib: Really sounds like it is.

Jorvon: They call me coffee ‘cause I grind so fine.
Bronte: Oh my god.
Kado: They call me coffee because I keep you up past 2 am.
Bronte: Ew stop.
Moukib: They call me coffee because I’m really bitter and people don’t like me without changing some aspect of who I am.
Bronte: …Oh.

Moukib: [intensely staring at Kado]
Hunter: Is he okay?
Bronte: He hasn’t blinked in like a half an hour.

Kado: I win
Moukib:…I have you pinned on the floor?
Kado: I know

Hunter: Why are you smiling?

Kado: What? Can't I just be happy?

Lux: Moukib tripped and fell in the parking lot.

Keiran: How dare you mock me in such a manner!

Moukib: Well, how would you like me to mock you then? I take requests.

Jorvon: Don't you hate it when you're wrong?

Moukib: I dunno. I've never been wrong.

Moukib: Your awkwardness bonds you for life.

Bronte, at Kado’s funeral with Moukib: Can we have a moment with him?

The Priest: Of course.

Moukib, leaning over Kado’s coffin: Now listen, I know you're not dead.

Kado: Yeah no shit.

Kado: Do you have two tongues in your mouth?
Moukib: Huh? No?
Kado: Do you want to?
Moukib: What?
Kado: What?

Moukib: Your existence is confusing.

Kado: How so?

Moukib: Your presence is annoying but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me.

Hunter: You just have to spread positive vibes to be nice. Here, watch:
Hunter: [to Lux] Hey, have a nice day!
Lux: Thanks Hunter!
Hunter: Now you try it.
Moukib: [to Lux] Enjoy your next 24 hours.
Hunter: Oh my god no-

Moukib: How much time did you spend on this hm?

Iri: Irrelevant. I would spend any amount of time to properly shame you.

Zora: Can you tell me why the fuck you're late to the meeting?
Moukib: Someone told me to go to hell.
Moukib: At first, I couldn't find it.
Moukib: But now I'm here.

Kado: Girls are hot.
Kado: Guys are hot.
Kado: You're hot.
Kado: I'm hot.
Kado: Why is everyone so hot?
Moukib: Firestorms.

Bronte: Okay, so when someone says something cool, just say lit.
Moukib: Got it.
Kado: Hey, I've been meaning to tell you this for a long time… I think I'm in love with you.
Moukib, panicking: Lit

Bronte: Never have I ever had a crush on Kado Dortorres
Kado: What?
Jorvon: slams back shot proudly
Freya: rolls eyes and downs drink neatly
Moukib: turns bright red and throws back drink like no one will notice if he does it quickly enough
Kado: WHAT?
Hunter and Bronte: laugh like hyenas

Moukib: You are supposed to bang your fist against mine.

Eryx: Why?

Moukib: I'm told it is a widely accepted gesture of mutual success.

Jorvon: It's fun when you two try to impersonate normal people.

Lux: Be nice!

Kado: I am.

Lux: You just threatened Moukib with a knife!

Kado: Yeah, but I didn't stab him.

@kiley_arrants Premium Supporter

Kenna: [accidently hits Eira]
Eira: Do you wanna fucking die?
Kenna: …..Kind of.
Eira, in a soft voice: Bro, we talked about this.

@alecscharm group

Another one for the Portal AU

Cavendish: Oh! Yes. Well done.
HaKUBA: Thanks! All we had to do was pull that lever.
Cavendish: What? No, you pressed that bAGGGHHHHHH
HaKUBA: Heh heh heh heh heh… I know we're in a lot of trouble and probably about to die.
HaKUBA: But that was worth it.

@HighPockets group

Geneva: I hate country music! I never even listen to it cause it’s so awful.
Jackson: Cause I-

Geneva: How much is the rent for this fantastic apartment?
Stock Boy: Miss, this is the red wine aisle of the grocery store…

Huxley: This gives me good ptsd.
Asher: …You mean nostalgia?

Christopher: If you had to find dog in a room with 49 identical dogs that are all equally excited to see you, how would you figure out which one is yours?
Georgie: I would bring all 50 dogs home and live like a king.

Some Guy: Hey kid, you okay?
Beck: If by ‘okay’ you mean ‘going AAAAAAAAAAAH on the inside’ then yes, I’m okay

@HighPockets group

Kira: Never have I ever had a crush on Oliver Warren
Oliver: What?
Emily: Slams back shot proudly
Darius: Rolls eyes and downs drink neatly
Jon: Turns bright red and throws back drink like no one will notice if he does it quickly enough
Oliver: WHAT?
Marcus, Therese, and Ansel: Laugh like hyenas
Hahaha let's just pretend that Emily would be alive to interact with the other rebels-

Oleander: Kinky
Oleander: Gets hit in the head with a bar of soap

Morgan: What do your parents think of your career choices?
Jackson: They don't have a plan, they just hate mine!
I feel like that improves with the context that he's a theatre major lol

Kate: Two, four, six, eight, why do people think I'm straight-

@HighPockets group

Percy: If the plan goes wrong, where should we regroup?
Aristotle: The afterlife, I guess.

Casey: You know that can kill you right?
Beck, smoking a cigarette: Uh, yeah. That's the point.
Marisol, drinking bourbon straight from the bottle: We're trying to speed this up.
Harper, eating raw cookie dough: Nodding

Georgie: Could you at least smile? It'll make me less nervous.
Christopher: Awkward forced smile
Georgie: Okay, that did not help.

Christopher: Shout-out to my favorite coping mechanism, isolation

Julianna: We're facing an enemy we don't know and technology we don't understand. This isn't the time to be asking questions.
Amira: Really sounds like it is.