forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@threesacult group

Anthony, to Quill: I know school is hard, but it's important! Trust me, everything will work out well. You should think about your future. You just need to hold on. I'm here for you!
Cyrus, to Quill: Drop out, do crime, be gay.

Cyrus: Maybe the real treasure was the friends we made along the way.
Cyrus, pointing to Azazel: Also this rat we found.

Love: Why are you in a sheet?
Tyl: I, uh… don't have any clothes…
Love, opening Tyl’s closet: That's ridiculous, you have plenty of clothes here. Like this shirt, these pants, this dress, oh, hey, Azzi, and this cool sweater! Ooh, and here's a cape!

Quill: So is this thing between Jack and Emmett supposed to be a secret?
Cyrus: Hardly. The only person who doesn't know that Jack loves Emmett is Jack.

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

(Fire Blanket 16- oh how I wish I was Jared, nineteen)

Kouji: Would you date a girl who's taller than you?
Alfie: no.
Kouji: damn, that's kinda shallow.
Alfie: Kou, I'm gay.
Wynne, after discussing slang with Nathan: I have decided that I am, in fact, a snack. People are just not hungry.
David, under his breath: I'm fucking starving-
Kira: Dude! What are you doing in my room, its 1 in the morning?!
Kuma, frantically: I need you to teach me how to use emojis-
Lucy, texting: Ren! I want to try out something different tonight ;)
Ren, texting: what is it??
Lucy: im gonna be rough ;))
Ren: alright, im down, lets try it! ;)
Lucy, showing up with boxing gloves: square up babe.
Lance: To be honest, I think of you all as fr… f…
Felix: Almost there!
Lance: F… fffff… frien…
Eliott: Take your time.
Colton: I'm very proud of you, kid
Steven: try changing your words
Colton: oh wig you did THAT
Kevin: omg Colton thank u sm!!
Asbjorn: [sees a ladybug]
Asbjorn: [tips hat] ma'am
Alfie: [Carves 'A + R' into a tree]
Robin: What a dork.
Robin: [Adds '4 eva']
Dennis: Hey, if I ask you a boy question, do you promise not to be weird?
Craig: I promise.
Dennis: So there’s this guy, Sleepy-
Craig, firmly: You can do better.
Psy: [does something stupid]
Phoenix: I don’t know him.
Psy: he’s lying, we're twins!
Phoenix: -twice removed.
Alfie: happy father's day to the man who called the cops on me when he didn't find me in my room sleeping in the middle of the night and thought i snuck out of the house.
Alfie: i was downstairs in the kitchen eating cereal and also 20. cheers, Kouji.
Zackeri: Why is there a charge for $126 on the credit card?
Thomas, remembering that Zackeri told him not to get that samurai suit for their dog: The hotel room. I'm having an affair. Just don't look outside.

@threesacult group

Dally: Would you date a guy who's taller than you?
Cyrus: No.
Dally: Damn, that's kinda shallow.
Cyrus: Dally, I'm gay.

Quill: Emmett! What are you doing in my room, it’s 1 in the morning!
Emmett, frantically: I need you to teach me how to use emojis-

Anthony: To be honest, I think of you all as fr… f…
Quill: Almost there!
Anthony: F… fffff… frien…
Cyrus: Take your time.

Quill: This is so fucking stupid-
Cyrus: Quill!
Cyrus: Stupid is a bad word!

@HighPockets group

Peter: Would you date a guy who's shorter than you?
Kate: No.
Peter: Damn, that's kinda shallow.
Kate: I'm aro-ace.

Jackson: Dude! What are you doing in my room, it's 1 in the morning?!
Victor, frantically: I need you to teach me how to use emojis-

Jackson: Happy Mother's Day to the woman who called the cops on me when she didn't find me in my room sleeping in the middle of the night and thought I snuck out of the house.
Jackson: I was downstairs in the kitchen eating cereal and also 20.

Nathaniel: Why is there a charge for $126 on the credit card?
Oscar, remembering that Nathaniel told him not to get a little hat for his bird: The hotel room. I'm having an affair. Just don't look outside.

@HighPockets group

Geneva: To be honest, I think of you all as fr… f…
Jackson: Almost there!
Geneva: F… fffff… frien…
Victor: Take your time.

Vivian: This is so fucking stupid-
Petrichor: Vivi!
Petrichor: Stupid is a bad word!


Cosette: So is this thing between Richard and Henry supposed to be a secret?
Marie: Hardly. The only person who doesn't know that Richard loves Henry is Richard.

Marie: To be honest, I think of you all as fr… f…
Henry: Almost there!
Marie: F… fffff… frien…
Richard: Take your time.

@ElderGod-kirky group

Milo: Oh, their breadsticks are like crack
Cole: I love when people say "like crack" who have obviously never done crack
Milo: Well, their breadsticks are like what then, Cole? What can I use?
Cole: I don't know, something from your world. "The breadsticks are like money laundering."

Kiriti: [gently headbutts Fenris in the shoulder to show affection]
Fenris: [absentmindedly pets her cute fox ears to acknowledge affection received]

Ronan: Uh, home-made bioarchaeology is tragically discriminated against by law enforcement
Theresa: Only if you get caught

Kenji: [swirls chocolate milk in a wine glass]

Therapist: You're a manipulator
Ellie-Mae: I like to think of myself as an outcome engineer

Rhydar: Have you heard the phrase "Pick your battles"?
Rae: Yes, and I pick all of them

Luca: Let's play two truths one lie
Sidney, with Phoenix fronting: Okay how does that go again?
Drew: You say two things that are true about yourself and one lie
Cole: I'll go first
Cole: I'm tall, I have blue eyes, and one time I accidentally erased all of Phoenix's Zelda save files
Drew: His eyes are brown
Phoenix: You fucking what

Benji: What're you doing, Teiuc?
Teiuc: Just enjoying a nice cup of Earl Grey
Benji: Is that whiskey?
Teiuc: Of course it's not whiskey!
Teiuc: It's brandy. What do you take me for, a sailor?

[after a training exercise]
Junia: [patting Archer and Carden on the back] Good job gays
Carden: [nervous laughter] Did you mean to say gu–
Junia: Did I fucking stutter

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Jax: [gently headbutts Law in the shoulder to show affection]
Law: [absentmindedly pats her head to acknowledge affection received]

Peregrine: Have you heard the phrase "Pick your battles"?
Zoro: Yes, and I pick all of them.

Azami: Happy Mother's Day to the woman who called the entire family to search for Luffy and I when she didn't find us in our room sleeping in the middle of the night and thought we left the island.
Azami: We were on the roof eating watermelon and also 16 and 14, respectively.

Jax: [swirls chocolate milk in a wine glass]

Perona: Would you date a guy who's taller than you?
Peregrine: No.
Perona: Damn, that's kinda shallow.
Peregrine: Perona, I'm lesbian.

@Fangirl616 group

Katsumi: Don't test me, Jay-Jay, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
Jayden: I don't like you now.
Zenith: We're a team… ride or die, right?
John: Of course… I would totally ride you.
Zenith: Wha-


Astra: To be honest, I think of you all as fr… f…
Nessa: Almost there!
Astra: F… fffff… frien…
Evangeline: Take your time.

Felicity: Have you heard the phrase "Pick your battles"?
Reginald: Yes, and I pick all of them.

Demitri: Don't test me, Astra, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
Astra: I don't like you now.

@HighPockets group

Samuel: Oh, their breadsticks are like crack
Nich: I love when people say "like crack" who have obviously never done crack
Samuel: Well, their breadsticks are like what then, Fox? What can I use?
Nich: I don't know. "The breadsticks are like money laundering"?

Victor: Uh, home-made bioarchaeology is tragically discriminated against by law enforcement
Geneva: Only if you get caught

Calla: You're a manipulator
Oleander: I like to think of myself as an outcome engineer

Henry: Let's play two truths one lie
Victor: Okay, how does that go again?
Geneva: You say two things that are true about yourself and one lie
Jackson: I'll go first
Jackson: One time I dyed my hair blue, I have blue eyes, and one time I accidentally erased all of Morgan's Zelda save files
Geneva: Your eyes are green.
Morgan: You fucking what

@ElderGod-kirky group

for the bread sticks one, it's originally "scrapbooking" but I modified it for Milo since he does a lot of money laundering, gambling, hacking into police databases, the works. just a quick fyi

@ElderGod-kirky group

modified Lucifer quote incoming

Wolf: Okay, fine. I'll go. Seeing as I'm the most interesting single person here.
Cinthia: Wolf, we're looking for a guy.
Wolf: Your point?
Rhydar: Uh. He's a dude. And he's straight.
Wolf. Mm-hmm. That's never stopped me before, brother. I'm so good at flipping men, they call me The Skillet.


holding a car wash to raise money for the team, somewhere in the upper nineties(degrees)

ray, the team's senior(as in the grade) volunteer coaching assistant and equipment manager: yanking his shirt off mist me!
lorelei: yeah sure
ray: gets hit directly in the face by the hose jet stream option

alex: what the hell even is this game
gabe: you've been playing it since you were a kid shouldn't you know
ai: nah you kinda just do whatever and hope that you're not gonna get carded. the rules don't exist half the time

gabe: you're blocking the view
lyss: i am the view

gabe: the real treasure was the memories we made along the way
lorelei: i almost died
gabe: that was my fondest memory

mihael: gabe is refusing to leave the locker room now
lorelei: tell him i said something
miahel: like what?
lorelei: tell him uh…that i said the sky is blue because it reflects the ocean and at night all the fish glow and that's how the stars exist

a minute later

gabe, storming out of the locker room: of all the dumbass things i've heard come out of your mouth-

lorelei, campaigning for student council president: i was born for politics. i have great hair and i love lying

lyss: this year we should hang up mistletoe in the school but instead of kissing under it, to protect people's right to consent, we should fight
gabe: we're not doing that
lorelei, nodding: mistlefoe
gabe: don't encourage him-
thema: who's volunteering to get beat up first

lyss, brandishing a knife and throwing water bottles: hydrate or die-drate you losers
thema: what is he doing
ai: he's trying to threaten you into better wellbeing and mental health
lorelei, crying: it's working

lyss, loading a nerfgun with thumbtack bullets: it's nerf or nothing

thema: hey, lorelei?
lorelei: yeah what's up
thema: well, you seem to generally be the most romantic and well versed person on the team and that i know and i was hoping you'd help me, because i want to propose-
lorelei, dropping the eyeliner pencil she was holding and spinning around: sounds gay i'm in

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Jax, brandishing a knife and throwing water bottles: Hydrate or die-drate, you losers!
Law: What is she doing?
Shachi: She's trying to threaten you into better wellbeing and mental health.
Bepo, crying: It's working.

@HighPockets group

Oleander, yanking his shirt off: Mist me!
Maia: Yeah sure
Oleander: Gets hit directly in the face by the hose jet stream option

Nich, on the way to Creston as the "ambassador": I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.

Lyra, loading a Nerf gun with thumbtack bullets: It's Nerf or nothing


((it's originally 'real bullets' but thumbtack bullets are spicier and also actually work with the schematics of the guns. basically you shove a thumbtack, pointy end first, down the bullet and usually take off the rubber if it's too thick))


Morrigan: Remember when we didn't solve all our problems with attempted murder?
Pandora: Stop romanticizing the past.
Kalisha: In light of what happened today, you can hug me for 4-5 seconds.
Kai: I screwed up big time.
Ziva: Kai, given your daily life experiences, you're going to need to be a little more specific.
Tirianna: Have you been yelled at by Eslanda yet?
Kalisha: Psh. I'm not scared of her.
Tirianna: So that's a no.
Kenna: Cassius, you're so tall! What can you see?
Cassius: Everyone's flaws.
Pandora: Terrible things happen to good people every day. Consequentially, I am not one of the good people, I'm one of the terrible things.
Pandora: I'm feeling a little judged again.
Alexander: It's probably because I'm judging you.
Reia: Elias, listen to me. Remember your training!
Elias: But I don't HAVE any training!

@HighPockets group

Samuel: Remember when we didn't solve all our problems with attempted murder?
Julianna: Stop romanticizing the past.

Kate: In light of what happened today, you can hug me for 4-5 seconds.

Bee: Have you been yelled at by Kate yet?
Peter: Pfft. I'm not scared of her.
Bee: So that's a no.

Oleander: Terrible things happen to good people every day. Consequentially, I am not one of the good people, I'm one of the terrible things.

Nich: I'm feeling a little judged again.
Samuel: It's probably because I'm judging you.