forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@sock group

Ren: What are you doing?
Chan: Helping Lucas find his chocolate I ate two hours ago.
Ren: Two, four, six, eight, why do people think I'm straight.
Chan: How do you sleep knowing that there can be people out there who don't like you?
Lucas: With no underwear, in case they wanna kiss my ass.
Zephyr: Tradition is peer pressure from dead people.
Himari: I'm scared of the backstreet boys.
Ren: Tell me why.
Himari: [screams]
[Ren teaching Zephyr how to drive]
Zephyr: But what if I step on the accelerator and the brake of the car at the same time?
Chan: It takes a screenshot.
Ren: How did you get in here.
Elyas: Roast me.
Chan: Oh, okay.
Chan to a disappointed Ren: And that's why Elyas is in the oven.
Himari: I once ate 170 jalapenos under 2 minutes.
Himari: Everyone at the hospital was so impressed.
Ren: Hey guys! Don't forget to drink water and stay hydrated! :D
Chan: No.
Ren: Then become the dirt I walk on.
Lucas: Freedom of speech means nothing when we don't have freedom of fists.
Elyas: I feel threatened.
Lucas: The law protects you, for now.
[In the group chat]
Ren: Gentle reminder not to eat too much candy before bed.
Chan: No.
Ren: This was a gentle reminder, yet your words of defiance bring me ungodly amounts of rage.
Himari: Word.
Ren: I want nothing more than to uppercut you directly to the Jade Emperor's door.
Elyas, half-asleep: How would you die in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Chan, also half-asleep: Bullet to the head.
Elyas: By an Oompa-Loompa or Mr. Wonka?
Chan: Charlie.

@HighPockets group

Jackson: Two, four, six, eight, why do people think I'm straight-

Oberon: How do you sleep knowing that there can be people out there who don't like you?
Oleander: With no underwear, in case they wanna kiss my ass.

Oleander: Oh, please. Tradition is peer pressure from dead people.

Barry: I once ate 170 jalapenos under 2 minutes.
Barry: Everyone at the hospital was so impressed.

Louis: Freedom of speech means nothing when we don't have freedom of fists.
Arthur: I feel threatened.
Louis: The law protects you, for now.

Casey, half-asleep: How would you die in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory?
Beck, also half-asleep: Bullet to the head.
Casey: By an Oompa-Loompa or Mr. Wonka?
Beck: Charlie.

@HighPockets group

Oleander: I’m feeling a little judged again
Calla: It’s probably because I’m judging you
Oberon: It’s probably because we’re all judging you

Gabriel: I didn’t ask for the attitude.
Louis: I know. It’s on the house.

Ophelia: I had a dream about you last night
Oleander: Really?
Ophelia: Yeah, you were my sleep paralysis demon

Jackson, on the phone: Morgan?
Morgan: Yes?
Jackson: Okay, so, hypothetically–
Morgan: I’m on my way

Darius: Ugh, I can’t believe I lost my sunglasses!
Nich, staring at Darius's sunglasses on his head: I’ll help you find them for 20 bucks

Padma: How petty can you get?
Frankie: I once edited a Wikipedia page to win an argument against Kat

Barry: If you spell skeletons backwards it still spells skeletons
Frankie: Man, I can’t wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks!

Jackson: I’m invoking the “no judgements” part of our friendship right now
Geneva: Oh my God, what did you do?

Ms. Taylor: Wait, so you’re gay?
Henry: Yes
Ms. Taylor: But you don’t act gay
Henry, sarcastically: Oh, sorry, I forgot to bring my rainbow with me.

Carrie: You peasants, using a knife to cut a cake
Carrie, brandishing a longsword: THIS is how you cut a cake

Robin: I am an expert at identifying birds
Oberon, pointing at a hummingbird: What’s that, then?
Robin: Your Majesty, that’s a bird. I feel like you should’ve known that

Robin, walking back into the house late at night: Hey I found this caterpillar outside, can we keep him?
Titania, standing on the counter: whAT THE FUCK–
Oberon: That's a snake, Robin!

Christopher: Why are you eating a birthday cake? It’s not even your birthday
Georgie: …The cake doesn’t know that

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Azami: Ugh, I can’t believe I lost my sunglasses!
Nami, staring at Azami's sunglasses on his head: I’ll help you find them for 20 bucks.

Peregrine, after drinking heavily: You peasants, using a knife to cut a cake.
Peregrine, unsheathing her sword: THIS is how you cut a cake.


customer: i didn't ask for the attitude
lorelei: i know, it's on the house
wesix: hallowe, you can't just give away what we can be making money off of

lyss, walking into the gym: guys i found our new mascot. check out this caterpillar i found
mihael, climbing up onto the ball rack: what the FUCK
ai, sighing: lyss, that's a snake

lyss: terrible things happen to good people every day
lyss: consequently, i am not one of the good people. i am a terrible thing

ray: i have bad news and good news
lorelei: …what's the good news
ray: the air bags on your car worked perfectly!
lorelei: i'm going to feed you your own arm

mihael: do you think in spanish or english
ray: i-
alex: bold of you to assume he can think

ai: you look like a corpse
alex: i've been unconscious for the past three hours to make up for not sleeping for three days

lorelei: i got you a mood ring so i know when you need a hug
mihael, about to start sobbing: they change depending on heat signatures but thank you

alex: how long can you go without sleep before you start to hallucinate
lyss: three days
ai: how do you know?
lyss, staring blankly at nothing: there's a clown behind you

@HighPockets group

Henry: You look like a corpse
Victor: I've been unconscious for the past three hours to make up for not sleeping for three days.

Henry: I got you a mood ring so I know when you need a hug.
Victor, about to start sobbing: They change depending on heat signatures but thank you-

@ElderGod-kirky group

Joel: And what do we say when someone feels wronged by our actions?
Charlie, deadpan: Hoes mad
Joel: Oh my god. What has Thea been teaching you?

Mieke: This gives me good ptsd
Rhys: …You mean nostalgia?

Charlie: Has anyone ever told you they loved you?
Rhys: Do my parents count?
Charlie: Yeah
Rhys: Then no
Joel: This poor child–

Rhys: If you had to find your dog in a room with 49 identical dogs that are all equally excited to see you, how would you figure out which one is yours?
Acacia: I would bring all 50 dogs home and live like a queen

Acacia: God, country and pop music is so awful
Joel: Cause I–

Mieke: You know that can kill you, right?
Joel, downing six espresso shots in one go: Uh, yeah
Charlie, smoking a cigarette: That’s the point
Acacia, drinking bourbon straight from the bottle: We’re trying to speed this up
Rhys, eating raw cookie dough: nodding

Charlie: Your existence is confusing
Rhys: How so?
Charlie: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me

Acacia: Girls are hot
Acacia: Guys are hot
Acacia: You’re hot
Acacia: I’m hot
Acacia: Why is everyone so hot?
Joel: Firestorms

Rhys, hearing thumping: What are you doing?
Thea: Helping Joel find his chocolate I ate two hours ago

Acacia, chugging neat tequila from the bottle: Tradition is peer pressure from dead people

Fellow Model: I didn’t ask for the attitude
Thea: I know, it’s on the house

Rhys: All I said was that I wanted McDonalds…
Acacia: Yeah… and I got you McDonalds
Rhys: I mean like some fries not the whole company

Joel: There is no I in team
Joel: But there is one in pizza
Charlie: So you’re not going to share with the group?
Joel: No

Acacia: If you spell skeletons backwards it still spells skeletons
Thea: Man, I can’t wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks!
Rhys: And you’re majoring in computer programming with As and Bs

Mieke: Okay, now name a yellow fruit
Thea: An orange
Thea: …
Thea: Wait–
Rhys: Even I fucking know that isn't right

Employer: Wait, so you’re Dutch?
Mieke: Yes
Employer: But you don’t act Dutch…
Mieke, sarcastically: Oh, sorry, I forgot to bring my favorite clomps and stash of weed with me, eh!

Charlie: If I cut off my leg and swing it at you, am I hitting you or kicking you?
Joel: You’ll probably end up mentally scarring me more than anything
Rhys: Riveting intellectual conversations here

@Reblod flag

(this was so accurate for my dnd party)

Nerezza: If I cut off my leg and swing it at you, am I hitting you or kicking you?

Calanon: You’ll probably end up mentally scarring me more than anything

Nemeia: Riveting intellectual conversations here

@Starfast group

Holly: Doctor: $140,000 a year. Furry artist on Patreon: $160,000 a year
Brian: I think you’re lowballing the furry art amount tbh.
Holly: I’m sorry for the inaccuracies, Doctor Yiff.
Brian: No matter how I respond to this I don’t look good, well played. I walked right into that.
Andor: Well, furry artists are typically more competent and courteous than your average doctor, so I can see that.
Ara: Did you just legitimately tell me that a person who draws wolf ass is more competent than a dude who spent 8+ years in a university to give you your lung transplant?
Andor: Doctors are bullshit and furry artists perform an infinitely more valuable service to society compared to them
Ara: You will die in 7 days
Dallas: It took doctor’s like 10 years to diagnose what was wrong with me, some insisting I was faking for attention while a furry artist I knew just went “that sounds like asthma” after hearing me complain once and ended up being right
Dallas: Also I can’t go to a doctor and ask them to draw Rouge the Bat wider than she is tall with tits to match, now can I?
Holly: You could if you weren’t a fucking coward!