forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@PaperHats business

Did a rough quick redraw of something I hated a year ago? Hate them both now but one less so than the other. I’m such an amateur lol
Old drawing:

New one:

@Anemone eco

@GalaxyUnicorn cool! It's a great drawing, good job! The colours are spot-on.
@ninja_violinist amazing! Those are beautiful. I checked out Alena's art too and that stuff is awesome. I can see why she's your hero. Truly someone to be looked up to.

@soupnana group

Hey guys imma just pop in to throw some art in y'alls faces and then pop back out and won't return for another month or so

Math is boring, so I remedy that by drawing

This was gonna be my prom outfit but prom never happened :')

Assignment for English but it turned out good

And then these last four were painted as decoration for my room