forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 213 followers

Deleted user

Everyone come be proud of yourself and receive critiques/compliments! Every art style is welcome!

Deleted user

I love the second one, andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer) 😂

Great art everyone!

@Starfast group

This is a recent drawing of one of my OCs, Eva

These are just some character headshot sketches (From left to right: Jaire, Gerard, and Andor). Nothing too exciting but I'm working through an artblock right now so this is like the best I can do for now.

And I'm pretty sure I've shared this one before but I really love it. This is a drawing of Molly Guldemond, the keyboardist from Mother Mother, my favourite band. I made last month after I saw them in concert.

v that's super cool!

Deleted user

@Motaki those are so good! Holy heck!
Starfast I love Eva, and the one of Molly Guldemond is really cool!
@Norepinephrinx that's really cool! I love the colours!!

Deleted user

Holy shit, I will share some of my art here later. Also @Knight-Shives what you said is bullshit, you are really good!

When I do share my art later, be prepared for a shit ton of pixel art XD

Deleted user

You guys are so fraking talented and Starfast , that drawing of Molly Guldemond looks amazing! also, love how you the colors to draw those characters!
@alice, thank you!

Deleted user

@SmolDerpBean , dont be afraid, Im sure itps good, besides, we all start somewhere, if I showed you my old drawings… O boy, your eyes would bleed… (I dont know, this is the best motivational speech I could come up with, but still, dont be afraid to show your art)

Deleted user

Looks great! love the expressin each character has!