info Overview
Name - What is Reigaste's name?


Description - How is Reigaste usually described?

Reigaste worships the King, Yan-Reigaste, and exemplifies his perfection and wisdom over the mystical figures Ya-Medo (who lives on the second moon) and Yan-Esolto (the enemy king of the Sun).

date_range History
Origin story - How did Reigaste first come into existence?

Centuries ago (before the shattering of Fragmát), the two regions were not concerned with each other. Vældrac was already a stable kingdom, but the areas that would be Vagapariña was a collection of warring city-states, too busy with their own conflicts to give much attention to their neighbors. Then, however, Yan-Reigaste the king of a small kingdom on the border of Vældrac, was lifted to the moon, and almost overnight the country fell into schismic chaos. The Threads began to fall heavier over Azafát than before, as well, only heightening the new cult of Yan-Reigaste’s beliefs that their new god was the True One, and that Ischvind was false. Eventually, the schism grew so fierce that the Reigastics fled the country, Vældrac chasing them deep into the lands that they would eventually end up spreading their new religion throughout and unifying into Vagapariña. Now, the two countries are still at war over Reigasta, the ruins of the small kingdom that Yan-Reigaste ruled over, which is now seated deep within Vældrac.

Mythologized Heroes & Leaders
forum Beliefs
Places of worship - Where does Reigaste worship happen?

Its connection with real, historical places has made Reigastics rather territorial and volatile regarding their religious spaces, and this has led to their hundreds-of-years- long Crusade against Vældrac over Reigasta, their supposed Holy City (where Yan- Reigaste originally lived).

Places of Worship - Where does Reigaste worship happen?

Common topics of intra-faith debate

Because of its backing in a historical phenomenon, theologians are very concerned with history, and partake in constant theological debate on the nature of lived history and the more metaphorical aspects of the tales (for, as far as they know, a Ya-Medo and Yan-Esolto never came from Azafát— onto Reigaste).

account_balance Traditions
Traditions & Holidays

location_on Spread
Ideological Separations & Sects

The clergy is divided into three sects: that concerning the tales of each deity. Most laypeople align with the Sect of Ya-Medo, as it is seen as the least intensive of the sects. The sect of Yan-Reigaste is set apart almost entirely for official clergypeople and the explicitly devout, and the sect of Yan-Esolto is intense in that its followers live in constant discomfort, their suffering supposedly appeasing the Sun-king so that he will not harm any others on Azafát.

edit Notes
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