info Overview
Name - What is the name of Templars of Yan-Esolto?

Templars of Yan-Esolto

Description - How would you describe the Templars of Yan-Esolto group?

One of the Tri-sects of the [Moon Religion] that devote themselves to attending the Sun diety

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business Purpose
Traditions - What traditions does Templars of Yan-Esolto partake in?

The Walking of the Flags

  • He walks down a long hall of light, at the end of which is a pedestal with a goblet of liquid Threads, which he is to drink. Instead of the usual reactions (hallucination, sweats, basically being super high for a while), his mind teleports to the Moon for a few flashing moments and he recovers quickly.

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Character chevron_right Religion link mentioned Templars of Yan-Esolto

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This group was created by Zoë Jacks on

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