info Overview
Name - What's the name of Azafát?


layers Geography
Surface - What is the surface of Azafát like?

Earth-like: mostly water, with large islands jutting up over the area along tectonic platelines

fireplace Climate
Natural disasters - What natural disasters are common on Azafát?

  • Not common, but [explanation of The Strange Storm]

hourglass_empty Time
face Inhabitants
Population - What's the population like on Azafát?

A relatively newer country (established roughly two centuries previously), Vagapariña was founded by the new cultists of Yan-Reigaste, fleeting Vældrac after an upsurge of infighting lent the new religion an unstable partner for Ischvinðar. By the time of the story, Vagapariña has established its own vibrant culture, quite distinct from the increasingly traditionalistic Vældic cultures. Vagapariñe noble families, as a reflection of the three spheres at the mercy of Yan-Reigaste, tend to be comprised of the Mayadón (Head of House), their three spouses, those spouses’ children (with or not with the Mayadón, though this varies depending on the family and region), and the Mayadón’s extended family. The Mayadón’s spouses typically become their advisors, leaders at court, treasurers, and religious authorities, though again this varies with each case.
Vagapariña works as a theocratic oligarchy, the Mayadones standing as metaphorical stewards to the king, their god. Therefore, there can be no living monarch, and so a council of powerful Mayadones and priests meet bi-yearly in Soleád (a major religious and cultural center) to tend to national and clerical matters. Otherwise, the politics of the country are rather decentralized, the largest unifier being their religion and historical unity against the Vældic Kingdom.

An ancient kingdom, Vældrac is largely a culture of warriors. Their society, built around the instilled with conflict and long battles, has shaped itself around the dynamics of fighting to accommodate the vast amount of its population that take the soldier’s occupation early in life, only settling into trades or practices later in life. Though monarchical and, in name, monogamous, there is one important caveat— warpartners. Historically, on the eve of a war, it was custom for two soldiers who had trained together to symbolically marry, becoming one as two, and in that vein strengthening their prowess on the battlefield as Ischvind’s multiplicity in one strengthens their might over the world. Nowadays, the monarchy has re-instilled the idea of warpartners into the social consciousness to boost nationalism through celebration of tradition. Warpartners, importantly, cannot procreate with each other, instead forming “Quadrants” with another pair and procreating between each other. In peacetime, the Quadrant raises the children, but in wartime the task falls to local elders.

South of Vagapariña and Vældrac, Yu’hn is geographically separated from them by a
mountain range to the north and the Wandering Wastes (a desolate wasteland with a great gulch ripping apart an older mountain chain) to the west. The Yu’hnsk government is made up of the Prime-masters from each recognized guild, the country being largely concerned with its trade and material production, and thus willing to let the leaders of these facilitators govern their affairs.

star_border Astral
Suns - Does Azafát have any suns?


date_range History
World History - What is the world history of Azafát?

A relatively newer country (established roughly two centuries previously), Vagapariña was founded by the new cultists of Yan-Reigaste, fleeting Vældrac after an upsurge of infighting lent the new religion an unstable partner for Ischvinðar.

edit Notes
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