info Overview
Name - What's the name of Reigín?


Description - How would you describe Reigín?

largest moon and only-rising moon in this cosmos, hosting a vast array of lifeforms

layers Geography
Size - How big is Reigín?

A bit bigger than Earth's moon?

Surface - What is the surface of Reigín like?

Covered in a pale white forest of ginormous trees of incredible shape (boab/ banyan) (fed by a vast underground water network), though from Azafát it looks like it's just pale white and kind of fuzzy. Trees are broken up occasionally by wide mesas and geysers, where the water has burst from underground and shaped the earth around it.

Weather - What's the weather like on Reigín?

Cold, but largely windless

Water Content - What's the water content like on Reigín?

Mostly in underground networks or spouting from a huge geysers

Natural Resources - What natural resources are there on Reigín?
fireplace Climate
Natural disasters - What natural disasters are common on Reigín?

The thread-rains on Reigín are most harmful than on other planets due to how raw they are at that stage of shredding. Some are still sharp fragments, and those that have churned into Threads are so potent that it would cause a horrible rash to those unaccustomed.

hourglass_empty Time
face Inhabitants
Population - What's the population like on Reigín?

a vast array of lifeforms, though very few are indigenous to the planet itself. (See 'History')

  • The court language of Regín is a creole of Old Vagapariñe, Esolan, and Regini (emphasis on Old Vagapariñe)

star_border Astral
Suns - Does Reigín have any suns?

Esole: the same as Azafát and The Middle Moon

Moons - Does Reigín have any moons? If so, what are they?
date_range History
World History - What is the world history of Reigín?

Centuries ago, around the time that Fragmát shattered, the planet had a significant population crisis, and the dwindling population had to resort to pulling beings from Azafát and Esole (the sun) to survive. The government is made up, intentionally, of a mix of native folk and “elected,” the rulership forming a corpus, with each representative aptly given the name of a body part (the ruler is the “Mind Regent,” cosmic ambassadors the “Eye-Knights,” and so on). This was lifted form an obscenely ancient order of knights, whose previous mission has been lost to time. With the population crisis, however, the Reigini scoured through their archives for a solution, and came upon old tales of the Corpus, and with the little information completely remodeled their government from the legends.

edit Notes
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