- Vejeste (Vagapariñe name for the country, meaning 'old/ vestigial land')
[Copper]marks: base currency
Steelmarks: second-lowest currency
Palemarks: second-highest currency-- rounds of both steel and Threads pounded together with a resin to form the coins.
Whitemarks: the highest currency-- rounds of Threads pounded together with a resin to form the coins. The process is highly formalized to authenticate the coins, and weaving patterns have been formed just for the creation of this currency.
Warpartners- A form of marriage for soldiers, pulled from long-dead traditions when the Vagapariñe schism occurred some hundreds of years ago.
Royal couples and civilians tend towards more monogamous marriages, though warpartner-like bindings are not uncommon within guilds, merchant groups, and even some monastic orders.
This country was created by Zoë Jacks on Notebook.ai.
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