Oryn Halyseð
- [Alias while in Vagapariña]
- [Hideaway Alias with Engrid?]
Possible POV Character
Pitchy dark
Flaxen blonde
Just above shoulder-length, with some locks braided throughout (partially stylistically, but also because their younger half-siblings Arðyr and Ænys like to braid it)
Lightly Tanned
(Specifically in making false oaths) Oryn crosses their fingers as a way to determine their True Oaths and the Work Oaths, something they started to do as a way to preserve their sense of self and honor. After years, however, it has turned into a ritual of a false oath itself for them, meaning that they feel if they do not cross their fingers, then they are bound to the oath, no matter what it was; a mental loophole to keep their mental universe in order.
The eldest child and bastard of Halyk Halyseð, the crown-prince of Vældrac. They and their younger half-brother Ylœc (also illegit) were raised by their father and his warpartner, in a kind of royal re-imagining of ancient warpartner culture (which is making a significant resurgence by the time Halyk is old enough to marry).
Oryn and Ylœc were kept somewhat separate from Róssan, Halyk's wife, due to their illegitimacy, though espeically Oryn is close with their younest half-siblings, Arðyr and Ænys.
Neither Oryn nor Ylœc have relationships with their bio-moms, not even knowing their names or origins.
Put through military training, Oryn was expected to take a warpartner like their father and brother, but has yet to make any steps towards it, preferring solitude and the company of siblings and friends to romance. Thus, they are often given special, solo missions by Halyk and Ingrich.
They are highly educated on account of their job-- far more than most soldiers-- in the cultures, languages, practices, and lives of the peoples outside of their own country, and therefore in literatures, religions, and philosophies on top of their already extensive martial education.
558 Asc.
(When living with Engrid and Haffa):
- A horse, Tungol ("Honey")
- A cat, Scoga ("wearing shoes")
Love Interest as Enteo is iffy atm (but veering towards likely)- that depends on if they are doing recon in Vagapariña, and if that recon entails seducing a cocky and well-connected courtier.
After returning to their father with Engrid, Oryn cannot accept the honor of their current military station due to angst over oath-breaking and kidnapping Engrid, so they are sent away to raise her while on some low-key recon mission. Haffa, recently having returned to Ingrich but missing an arm and dishonored in the eyes of the king, is sent as an escort for them (but due to some event, stays with Oryn and Engrid despite he and Oryn hating each other at first (bc Oryn is the reason Haffa was discharged and arrested, and Oryn has a bad track record of taking perceived slights against their father too personally)-- sth. to do with Engrid being Aurus' granddaughter or Haffa noticing Oryn's wavering dedication to the new-order version of Iscvinðar in the wake of witnessing Estus' presentation and re-assumption)
This character was created by Zoë Jacks on Notebook.ai.
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Improvised weapons, but is also partial to a spear when applicable
After taking Engrid and speaking with/ reading the note from Estus, they have a major religious crisis which aids in their mental turmoil regarding their broken oath to Estus; Being shunted with the jaded and less nationalistic Haffa for the management of Engrid further pushes them away from religion (and, therefore from the Cause of his father and grandfather).
Something of a solo mercenary/ hitperson to the highest-up in the Vældrac military; they are a soldier in name, but do not answer to a specific general, but rather whoever their father loans them out to on a job-by-job basis.
Fiercely loyal to their father and grandfather (the king), almost to a fault (their clashing beliefs with Haffa is what led the latter to be arrested or else forced Ingric's hand in kicking Haffa from her ranks in the first place)
1) Maybe they're on a specific hit/ recon job during the Soleád portion of the story? Have to work on this more
2) Following the Kiria travel party into Vældrac; later, watching after and raising Engrid