info Overview
Name - What is [King's palace & Holy Temple- Maybe now a ruin?]'s name?

[King's palace & Holy Temple- Maybe now a ruin?]

Type of building - What kind of building is [King's palace & Holy Temple- Maybe now a ruin?]?

Ruins (?) of Palace (Possibly now a temple, or still a palace)

recent_actors Occupants
Owner - Who owns [King's palace & Holy Temple- Maybe now a ruin?]?

HIstorically, Yan-Regiaste

format_paint Design
extension Purpose
date_range History
Notable events - What has happened in or around [King's palace & Holy Temple- Maybe now a ruin?]?

The Ascention of Yan-Regiaste ,

history Changelog
edit Notes
store_mall_directory Neighborhood
attach_money Financial
pool Amenities
Town chevron_right Buildings link mentioned [King's palace & Holy Temple- Maybe now a ruin?]

Religion chevron_right Places of Worship link linked [King's palace & Holy Temple- Maybe now a ruin?]

This building was created by Zoë Jacks on

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