filter_vintage Overview
Name - What is C) Dahliah’s full name?

C) Dahliah


Second oldest of the Lost Sisters


"It is (scary). Not many ponies are willing to discuss death for that reason. Knowledge is important enough to many ponies that they fear what they do not know...and death is a macabre mystery."

"I don't need more friends. Friendship never lasts."

Role - What is C) Dahliah’s role in your story?

Secondary protagonist

Gender - What is C) Dahliah’s gender?


Age - How old is C) Dahliah?

Young adult

Other names - What other aliases does C) Dahliah go by?

Nova Nightshade (Old name)


The Second Hand Ticks - Audiomachine
Time - Hanz Zimmer
Let It Die - Rival
Only Time - Enya
Still Here - Digital Daggers

face Looks
Height - How tall is C) Dahliah?


Hair Color - What color is C) Dahliah’s hair?

Golden sand

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does C) Dahliah have?

Cutie Mark is a flower sundial, with two leaves behind it

Body Type


Skin Tone

Pale lavender

Linked Races

Race - What is C) Dahliah’s race?

Earth Pony

Eye Color - What is C) Dahliah’s eye color?

Moderate cyan

Hair Style - How does C) Dahliah style their hair?

Loose and straight

Weight - How much does C) Dahliah weigh?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does C) Dahliah have?

Sees the future, in more detail than her predecessors, Princess Celestia and Queen Liliane.
Extreme empathy, insight, adaptability, connects easily with others, reads others like they're books, great memory, observant,
Taught herself how to read and speak Old Ponish

Mannerisms - What mannerisms does C) Dahliah have?

Soft and sweet
Intelligent (intelligent people know how to spell intelligent XD )

Makes interesting facial expressions; usually avoids eye contact; * hates personal space being invaded unless situation calls for invasion; mimics those around her when uncomfortable, like in a social situation, but when she feels 'at home', her personality bursts out.
Is uncomfortable with walking in front of others, and naturally migrates to the back of a group, or to the side of a friend.
She walks very quietly.

  • She's not a naturally 'touchy-feely' pony, but will make physical contact with those she feels close to.

Motivations - What motivates C) Dahliah most?

The desire to help others; perfection;

Flaws - What flaws does C) Dahliah have?

  • Klutzy, absentminded, perfectionist (See notes)


Becoming lost in time
Making a friend, only to lose them

Prejudices - What prejudices does C) Dahliah have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does C) Dahliah have?

Reading, writing, counseling,

Personality type - What personality type is C) Dahliah?


wc Social
Job - What job does C) Dahliah have?

Assistant head librarian in Canterlot

Favorite food - What is C) Dahliah’s favorite food?


Favorite animal - What is C) Dahliah’s favorite animal?


Favorite weapon - What is C) Dahliah’s favorite weapon?

Her mind (or a bow-and-arrow if she can get her hooves on it. Otherwise a plain old stick would do quite nicely, as well) :)

Favorite color - What is C) Dahliah’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is C) Dahliah’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does C) Dahliah have?


Religion - What religion does C) Dahliah practice?


import_contacts History
Birthday - When is C) Dahliah’s birthday?


Background - What is C) Dahliah’s background?

Dahliah was born in the village of Brywood
, along with her sisters C) Tempest and C) Nebula. At the start of the Dragon War, her father Blackthorn fled the battlefield with his foals and followed a group of Crystal Ponies. He meant to return to Brywood, but the group was pursued by A) King Sombra. In the Frozen North, the dragon killed the group of Crystal Ponies, gravely injured Blackthorn, and separated Nebula from her family, before succumbing to his own injuries. Blackthorn stumbled into a yak community and subsequently died as well.
The yaks could not take care of ponies, much less ones so young, so they took Dahliah and Tempest to pony communities to be adopted. Unfortunately, the two sisters were separated.

Dahliah grew up in a community that valued hard work, and experienced joy when helping others in need. But her special talent, an ability to see future events unfold as if they were happening right before her, caused confusion and misunderstanding.
Friends began leaving the community in search of their own path, and her home slowly dwindled. Finally she too left, and found her way to central Equestria. Old Ponish was the primary language of her childhood, but it transitioned to modern Ponish as she grew up. She held onto the knowledge of her old language, found books on the subject and eventually made her way to the Canterlot Library, studying Old Ponish and later becoming an assistant librarian.

Education - What is C) Dahliah’s level of education?


group Family
Pets - What pets does C) Dahliah have?

None (yet) ;)

beach_access Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

  • May be unaware (and sometimes uncaring) of how they come across to others
    May quickly dismiss input from others without really considering it
    May apply their judgment more often towards others, rather than towards themselves
    With their ability to see an issue from many sides, they may always find others at fault for any problems in their lives
    May have unrealistic and/or unreasonable expectations of others
    May be intolerant of weaknesses in others
    May believe that they're always right
    May be obsessive and passionate about details that may be unimportant to the big picture
    May be cuttingly derisive and sarcastic towards others
    May have an intense and quick temper
    May be tense, wound up, have high blood pressure and find it difficult to relax
    May hold grudges, and have difficulty forgiving people
    May be wishy-washy and unsure how to act in situations that require quick decision making
    May have difficulty communicating their thoughts and feelings to others
    May see so many tangents everywhere that they can't stay focused on the bottom line or the big picture

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked C) Dahliah

Character chevron_right Children link linked C) Dahliah

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked C) Dahliah

Character chevron_right Best friends link linked C) Dahliah

Group chevron_right Members link linked C) Dahliah

Group chevron_right Members link mentioned C) Dahliah

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned C) Dahliah

This character was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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