info Overview
Name - What is Pureblooded Alicorns named?

Pureblooded Alicorns

Description - How would you describe Pureblooded Alicorns's people?

The occupants of the city of Alidia

Other names - What other names do Pureblooded Alicorns have?


face Looks
Body shape - What does the average Pureblooded Alicorns body shape look like?

They usually grow to be tall and long-limbed

Skin colors - What skin color(s) are common on the Pureblooded Alicorns race?

Females usually have light pastel colors, and males are a little brighter

General height - How tall is the average Pureblooded Alicorns?

6-7 feet

General weight - How heavy is the average Pureblooded Alicorns?


Notable features - What physical features on a Pureblooded Alicorns are most noticeable?

Pureblooded Alicorns usually reach maturity before earning their Cutie Marks

Physical variance - How much variance is there between individuals of the Pureblooded Alicorns race?

Males have broader wings than females, as well as curved horns

Typical clothing - What kind of clothing is common with Pureblooded Alicorns individuals?

Specially fitted to the particular Alicorn, and embedded with crystals from the trees beneath the city. These crystals act as amplifiers and greatly enhance the magical capabilities of the user.

fingerprint Traits
Strengths - What are the strengths of Pureblooded Alicorns?

Extreme magical prowess, vast intellect

Weaknesses - What are the weaknesses of Pureblooded Alicorns?

Pride, vanity

Conditions - What conditions are common with Pureblooded Alicorns?

Foals are either born as unicorns or pegasi. They must train to ascend to full alicorn status and receive what they lack. As such, whatever they were born with is their strongest appendage. Alicorns who were born as pegasi grow up as adept fliers, while those born with horns are stronger magic users.
Once in a blue moon, a full alicorn is born. These sacred individuals are destined to become The Crystal Keepers.

groups Culture
Traditions - What traditions are common with Pureblooded Alicorns's individuals?

The Keeper Ceremony

date_range History
Notable events - What events are most important to the history of Pureblooded Alicorns?

The defeat of the many-legged monster, Silurian. For years Alidia was hunted by this creature, who had a taste for their flesh. Their magic could not pierce its thick armor, and their walls could not hold the enormous monster back.

edit Notes

Becoming an alicorn requires vast amounts of magic, in order to create the implement that is lacking. For Alidians this is an easier process compared to regular unicorns or pegasi, because they already possess large magic stores, so outside influence doesn't have to be super intense.

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This race was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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