filter_vintage Overview
Name - What is A) Lorelei ’s full name?

A) Lorelei


A pureblooded Alicorn from the distant kingdom of Alidia.


"Oh, my heart grows hectic and this worm called revenge does twist in my heart and burns out any gentleness, any virtue. I live now only for revenge." -- Dire wolf Hordweard, Guardian of Gahoole, Book 10

"Are we really living down here? Yes, we may go out and see the sun whenever we wish but life is not ours to is simply to be lived, here in these caves." -- Lorelei

Role - What is A) Lorelei ’s role in your story?


Gender - What is A) Lorelei ’s gender?


Age - How old is A) Lorelei ?

She's progressed in many centuries of age
But she doesn't look it...XD

Other names - What other aliases does A) Lorelei go by?

Starlight Glimmer
(Formerly known as Lillith)


Lilith - Varien
Determination - Audiomachine
Master of Shadows - Symphony of Specters
The Same as I - Dirt Poor Robins
Plastic Heart - John Wick 2
Beauty of Annihilation - Elena Siegman
The Angry River - True Detective

face Looks
Height - How tall is A) Lorelei ?

6 5'', not including horn

Hair Color - What color is A) Lorelei ’s hair?

Dull red with dark roots

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does A) Lorelei have?

Cutie Mark: umm... well...kinda hard to describe 'XD

Body Type

Tall, thin

Skin Tone

Light sandy color

Linked Races

Race - What is A) Lorelei ’s race?


Eye Color - What is A) Lorelei ’s eye color?

Formerly blue, changed to red

Hair Style - How does A) Lorelei style their hair?

Loose, long and flowing

Weight - How much does A) Lorelei weigh?

Average Alicorn weight (Note to self: Figure out if there's official notes on Alicorn weight)

fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does A) Lorelei have?

Nightmare Forces
Shadow magic



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does A) Lorelei have?

High self-confidence

Aloof, observant, contemptuous

Motivations - What motivates A) Lorelei most?

Greed, desire for power

Flaws - What flaws does A) Lorelei have?

Pure evil

Perceives self as intellectually superior



Hobbies - What hobbies does A) Lorelei have?


Personality type - What personality type is A) Lorelei ?


wc Social
Job - What job does A) Lorelei have?

Former Crystal Keeper

Favorite weapon - What is A) Lorelei ’s favorite weapon?

Psychological warfare

Occupation - What is A) Lorelei ’s occupation?

Former Crystal Keeper

Religion - What religion does A) Lorelei practice?


import_contacts History
Birthday - When is A) Lorelei ’s birthday?


Background - What is A) Lorelei ’s background?

Lorelei was once a member of The Crystal Keepers, who lived in Alidia.
Their task was to raise and lower both the sun and moon in turns. But Lorelei let greed and a desire for power consume her. She goaded the other Crystal Keepers into leaving their home, killed those who stayed, and assumed control over the sun and moon. But she overestimated her own strength, and almost went into Magic Overload. When she had to release the excess magic from her body, she was briefly vulnerable, and The Mantle was able to stop her.
She was put on trial, stripped of her magic, and banished from her homeland. She later died in the wilderness.
But the magic she had once possessed was dark and powerful. It became The Nightmare Forces and, after being unwittingly released by the Wyverns, caused The Fall.
In the future, she was reincarnated as Starlight Glimmer with no recollection of her past. Until Twilight decided to make her an Alicorn.

Education - What is A) Lorelei ’s level of education?

Very high

beach_access Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Mothers link linked A) Lorelei

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Magic chevron_right Deities link linked A) Lorelei

Group chevron_right Members link linked A) Lorelei

Item chevron_right Makers link linked A) Lorelei

This character was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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