filter_vintage Overview
Name - What is D) Moon Spark’s full name?

D) Moon Spark


The original Pony of Shadows


"You hold the answer deep within your own mind. Consciously, you've forgotten it. That's the way the human mind works. Whenever something is too unpleasant, too shameful for us to entertain we reject it.
"But the imprint is always there. Nothing is ever really forgotten."
-- Evanescence, Understanding

Role - What is D) Moon Spark’s role in your story?

Ongoing antagonist

Gender - What is D) Moon Spark’s gender?


Age - How old is D) Moon Spark?

Two thousand years old, give or take

Other names - What other aliases does D) Moon Spark go by?

Moony (Shadow Spark?)


Everything Ends Here - BlueLionMusic
Master of Shadows - Symphony of Specters
Far From Home - Sam Tinnesz
Wolves - Sam Tinnesz
Understanding - Evanescence
Shattered - Myuu

face Looks
Height - How tall is D) Moon Spark?

Average unicorn height
Height as Shadow Spark increases to about Celestia's height, maybe just below

Hair Color - What color is D) Moon Spark’s hair?

Electric yellow

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does D) Moon Spark have?

Cutie mark is an exploding moon (that's the only way I can think of to describe it X)

Body Type


Skin Tone

Blueish indigo

Linked Races

Race - What is D) Moon Spark’s race?


Eye Color - What is D) Moon Spark’s eye color?


Hair Style - How does D) Moon Spark style their hair?

Short, spiky, unruly

Weight - How much does D) Moon Spark weigh?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does D) Moon Spark have?

Lightning manipulation
Dark/Shadow Magic



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does D) Moon Spark have?


Motivations - What motivates D) Moon Spark most?

Finding her memories

Flaws - What flaws does D) Moon Spark have?

Lack of foresight
Lack of empathy
Doesn't see consequences

Prejudices - What prejudices does D) Moon Spark have?

Talented ponies think they're superior

Hobbies - What hobbies does D) Moon Spark have?

(As a shadow) Lurking around the Castle of the Two Sisters

Personality type - What personality type is D) Moon Spark?


wc Social
Job - What job does D) Moon Spark have?


Favorite weapon - What is D) Moon Spark’s favorite weapon?

Shadow spears [Ascension weapon]

Favorite possession - What is D) Moon Spark’s favorite possession?

A little pebble *

Favorite color - What is D) Moon Spark’s favorite color?


Occupation - What is D) Moon Spark’s occupation?


Politics - What politics does D) Moon Spark have?


Religion - What religion does D) Moon Spark practice?


import_contacts History
Birthday - When is D) Moon Spark’s birthday?


Background - What is D) Moon Spark’s background?

Moon Spark was the sister of Star Swirl, and was born just before the Migration to Equestria. They had to travel through the Crystal Mountains, where a fierce snowstorm separated Moon Spark's group, including her father, from the rest of the Migration. They were trapped there for some time before The Nightmare Forces found them and chose young Moon Spark as a host. She entered Magic Overload and blew a hole straight through the mountains, creating The Broken Pass and entering a deep sleep.
She awoke years later and wandered to central Equestria.

Education - What is D) Moon Spark’s level of education?

As she was born just before the Migration, she did not receive any sort of training in magic.

group Family
Pets - What pets does D) Moon Spark have?

Pet rock. X)

beach_access Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes

The pebble was given to her by Stygian. She threw away the pebble one day, in anger. Or maybe lost it.
Over a thousand years later, a certain deadpan Earth Pony finds it, and names it Boulder

Character chevron_right Siblings link linked D) Moon Spark

Character chevron_right Arch-enemies link linked D) Moon Spark

Character chevron_right Friends link linked D) Moon Spark

Item chevron_right Makers link linked D) Moon Spark

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked D) Moon Spark

Landmark chevron_right Creation story link mentioned D) Moon Spark

This character was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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