filter_vintage Overview
Name - What is A) King Sombra’s full name?

A) King Sombra


The tyrannical ruler of the Crystal Empire


"Binding promises were made on my soul
Grand illusions led astray
Ice cold winds swept my heart away
Bring me back to you..." - Abandoned, by Kamelot

"My crystal slaves..." - King Sombra

Role - What is A) King Sombra’s role in your story?

Ongoing antagonist

Gender - What is A) King Sombra’s gender?


Age - How old is A) King Sombra?

Unknown -- over a thousand years old, though, for sure XD

Other names - What other aliases does A) King Sombra go by?

King Sombra

face Looks
Height - How tall is A) King Sombra?

Slightly taller than the average stallion

Hair Color - What color is A) King Sombra’s hair?


Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does A) King Sombra have?

Some scars

Body Type

Bulky, elongated

Skin Tone


Linked Races

Race - What is A) King Sombra’s race?


Eye Color - What is A) King Sombra’s eye color?


fingerprint Nature
Talents - What talents does A) King Sombra have?

Shadow magic
Can generate black crystals that function as weapons and can neutralize magic.
Invented helmets that utilize mind-control. After being defeated by Celestia and Luna, he discovers how to use this power through his own eyes.
Can turn his body into shadow to dodge attacks and travel long distances (after being defeated by Celestia and Luna).



Mannerisms - What mannerisms does A) King Sombra have?


Flaws - What flaws does A) King Sombra have?


Hobbies - What hobbies does A) King Sombra have?

Brooding, mostly (LMFAO 😂)

Personality type - What personality type is A) King Sombra?


Magical abilities

wc Social
Job - What job does A) King Sombra have?


Favorite food - What is A) King Sombra’s favorite food?

Gems, crystals (mostly rubies)

Occupation - What is A) King Sombra’s occupation?

Enslaver of the Crystal Ponies

Religion - What religion does A) King Sombra practice?


import_contacts History
Birthday - When is A) King Sombra’s birthday?


Background - What is A) King Sombra’s background?

After D) Coal was crowned king of the Crystal Empire, he and his queen, C) Nebula, were showered with gifts. One particular gift was a beautiful red gem, presented to the king.
This was, however, no ordinary gem. It was a piece of A) Sombra 's crystal heart, which had been saturated in the dark magic that had seeped into the ground in The Broken Pass, and later harvested from his body.
Sombra possessed Coal, wearing the gem as The Dragon Amulet and later began a transformation meant to restore him to his dragon form. But Nebula shattered the amulet, stopping the transformation.

Education - What is A) King Sombra’s level of education?


group Family
Pets - What pets does A) King Sombra have?


beach_access Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
A) King Sombra appears in the following documents
Character chevron_right Fathers link linked A) King Sombra

Character chevron_right Friends link linked A) King Sombra

Character chevron_right Enemies link linked A) King Sombra

Item chevron_right Past Owners link linked A) King Sombra

Race chevron_right Famous figures link linked A) King Sombra

Item chevron_right Original Owners link linked A) King Sombra

Character chevron_right Background link mentioned A) King Sombra

This character was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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