info Overview
Name - What is the name of The Crystal Keepers?

The Crystal Keepers

Description - How would you describe the The Crystal Keepers group?

Pureborn Alicorns who are highly revered by all of Alidia. They are in charge of the equally sacred Crystal Trees.

list Members
location_on Locations
business Purpose

Head Keeper (placeholder name)
-- The eldest and/or most knowledgeable Alicorn usually holds this important position

(The next few roles can be interchanged between all Keepers, with no one Keeper being the best at their job)

-- Shaping the Crystal Trees and tending the soil, to keep them healthy
-- Harvesting the crystals from the trees

-- Raising and lowering the sun
-- Raising and lowering the moon

Goals - What is the primary goal of The Crystal Keepers?

To care for the Crystal Trees
Aid their comrades in times of peril

Traditions - What traditions does The Crystal Keepers partake in?

The anointment of a pureborn

thumbs_up_down Politics
call_split Hierarchy
shopping_cart Inventory
edit Notes
Character chevron_right Background link mentioned The Crystal Keepers

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This group was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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