filter_vintage Overview
Name - What is Blackthorn’s full name?



Love interest for Andromeda, father of Tempest, Dahliah, and Nebula (Colors are TBD)

Role - What is Blackthorn’s role in your story?

Love interest, father

Gender - What is Blackthorn’s gender?


Other names - What other aliases does Blackthorn go by?

Originally Fallen Tree

face Looks
Height - How tall is Blackthorn?

Slightly taller than Shining Armor

Hair Color - What color is Blackthorn’s hair?

Light and dark blue

Identifying Marks - What identifying marks does Blackthorn have?

Cutie Mark; might be covered by his cape

Body Type

Stands slightly taller than average stallion height

Skin Tone

purple maybe?

Linked Races

Race - What is Blackthorn’s race?


Eye Color - What is Blackthorn’s eye color?

Dazzling blue

Hair Style - How does Blackthorn style their hair?

Sidepart mohawk

fingerprint Nature
Mannerisms - What mannerisms does Blackthorn have?

Grounded but playful

Personality type - What personality type is Blackthorn?


wc Social
import_contacts History
Background - What is Blackthorn’s background?

Blackthorn was trained to guard the village where Star Swirl and the other wizards made their home. Eventually he offered to personally guard the sisters, and grew very fond of Andromeda. The two were wed, and had three foals together.
During the Dragon War, he ran to safety with the three foals, following a group of Crystal Ponies all the way back to their home as they were pursued by an injured King Sombra, who still managed to separate Blackthorn from the others and do damage to him.
He lost his daughter C) Nebula in the Frozen North and had to journey on, eventually finding a community of yaks. They took him in but were unable to attend to his injuries, and he died there.

When Luna and Celestia became the official princesses of Equestria, they formed the royal guard in honor of his memory.

Education - What is Blackthorn’s level of education?


beach_access Inventory
history Changelog
edit Notes
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Group chevron_right Leaders link linked Blackthorn

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Character chevron_right Background link mentioned Blackthorn

Character chevron_right Friends link linked Blackthorn

This character was created by Elder_PurplePartyTiger on

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