info Overview
Name - What is The Creator’s full name?

The Creator

Role - What is The Creator’s role in your story?

Author of the Story

Other Names - What other aliases does The Creator go by?

Amber (alias used when visiting Zeta)

Age - How old is The Creator?


Gender - What is The Creator’s gender?




face Physical Description
Height - How tall is The Creator?


Weight - How much does The Creator weigh?

170 lbs.

Style of Dress

Casual, comfortable, cool colors

Full Physical Description

The Creator definitely looks her age and has a somewhat curvy build that isn't especially fit, both of which would come as a shock to any Zetans who were to meet her. Her face is fairly round, complemented by her dark hair that falls straight and stops at her mid-back. Purple rectangular glasses surrounding her narrow brown eyes and the casual clothes she likes to wear lend a bookish look to her overall appearance, but she can defy her quiet looks when something comes up that she's passionate about.

When in Zeta, she disguises herself with shorter hair, a slightly different face, and more Zeta-appropriate clothes.

fingerprint Personality

Logical explanations, routine, story-heavy video games, music


Things not going the way she envisioned, high levels of responsibility, country music

Fears and Phobias

Being seen as immoral, heights

Hobbies and Interests

Keeping up with the day-to-day lives of her creations, programming, gaming


Asexual (but not aware of it yet)

Full Personality Description

The Creator is usually a quiet girl. She takes a passive approach to most problems in Zeta, watching and waiting and making small nudges here and there only when necessary. The morality of her position weighs heavily on her, and she tries not to cause direct harm, but she isn't above leaving conflicts and suffering in motion for the sake of making things more interesting.

pan_tool Abilities
Specific Techniques and Other Powers

Travel between Zeta and her home universe, telepathic communication from outside Zeta

Prowess and Style

Possession does not equal mastery. In-person, the Creator is competent with her elemental magic, but she can't yet keep up with the high-pressure pace of real combat. She is not particularly skilled at dodging and her pain tolerance is low, forcing her to keep her opponents at a distance with blasts of magic. She is actively training to be a better fighter, however, just in case she ever needs to defend herself.

account_circle Life
Job - What job does The Creator have?

Creator of Zeta

Languages Spoken (Fluent)


The Creator is the goddess who created Zeta. Though the role has succession mechanisms in place, she has not yet needed a replacement. In her own universe, she's just some random girl, and wasn't even aware of her powers or role until a few years ago in her time. She prefers to keep a hands-off approach for the most part, wary of dramatic unforeseen consequences, although she's been known to do small favors like craft tailored homes in Nuova in secret.

She is able to visit Zeta in person, and frequently does so for fun and to get to know some of her creations on a more personal level. When doing so, she tweaks her appearance using the Power of Forms (one of her Divine Powers) and uses the alias "Amber," keeping her true role a secret. She even has a sort of vacation home in Nuova. Some Zetans with strong enough Magic Sense are occasionally suspicious of her, but no one in their right mind would suspect the truth, so her identity is safe for the time being.

edit Notes
Image Sources
help_outline Q&A
What do you think about your magic?

"I think it's tougher than it looks! Most Zetans go their whole lives practicing their spells until they become second nature, but I've only had a few years to learn WAY more stuff than literally anyone else."

How easy or difficult is it for you to say "I love you"? Can you say it without meaning it?

"It's tough for me to say it to someone I've never said it to before. When I do say it, though, I always mean it, one hundred percent. You just don't lie about stuff like that."

What is one of the most primary things you feel that is missing from your life?

"Sometimes I wish I had someone to share being the Creator with. Doesn't necessarily have to be literal, it could even be someone who just knows about it and understands what I have to deal with."

How would you respond to being handed an infant?

"Uh... Freak out a little and subtly try to get the other person to take it back."

How do you behave under severe stress?

"I try to distance myself from everything, emotionally speaking. Helps me do my best work without letting my frustration get in the way, and if I can't solve the problem in time, it's whatever."

What do you wear to bed?

"Usually the same stuff I wore during the day."

How would you react if someone broke into your home?

"Honestly that's something I worry about a lot when I spend a whole night in Zeta. I mean, if someone caught wind that the Creator was just sleeping in some house like everyone else, what if they break in and try to smother me in my sleep or something? Brr. If someone actually did that I would probably freak out and threaten them with magic until they left, and then move out later that day."

Are you attracted to anyone? What do you find attractive about them?

"Not right now, no. I spend too much time doing Creator stuff to really get into a relationship anyway."

Are you physically flexible?

"Not really. I think if I fought more battles, I'd naturally get better at that stuff, but right now I'd just hurt myself if I tried anything crazy."

What do you like about people in general?

"I think it's kinda neat that everyone is the hero of their own story. When I first started messing with people's lives directly, I treated it like everything was my story, but these days I think I'm starting to get that it's not that simple. Everyone has their own battles to fight, y'know?"

Universe chevron_right General Description link mentioned The Creator

Item chevron_right General Description link mentioned The Creator

Magic chevron_right General Description link mentioned The Creator

Condition chevron_right General Description link mentioned The Creator

Race chevron_right Behavioral Characteristics link mentioned The Creator

Character chevron_right Friends link linked The Creator

Job chevron_right General Description link mentioned The Creator

Town chevron_right General Description link mentioned The Creator

Tradition chevron_right Summary link mentioned The Creator

Lore chevron_right Summary link mentioned The Creator

Group chevron_right General Description link mentioned The Creator

Scene chevron_right Summary link mentioned The Creator

Language chevron_right Spoken Characteristics link mentioned The Creator

Planet chevron_right General Description link mentioned The Creator

Character chevron_right Story link mentioned The Creator

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