info Overview
Name - What's the name of The Hereafter?

The Hereafter

General Description

Rather than one Realm, the Hereafter is a collection of many smaller "lands," which serve as the afterlife of Zeta. It provides a home for the souls of the deceased, where they can carry out wishes and plans that were not given proper time in life. Its existence is a closely guarded secret, and its residents are the only ones besides The Creator who are allowed to know about other Realms outside their own.

Each land is assigned a different set of species. Shortly after death, each and every being is transformed into a Ghost and moved to their assigned land. Each species group is designed to cause as little conflict as possible, and the physical qualities of their new home mirrors their original Realm closely to ease discomfort. There is an appeal process in place for ghosts wishing to move to a different land, but the tests are rigorous to prevent those who wish war on others from slipping through the cracks.

The journey from one Hereafteran land to another can feasibly be made on food in a matter of days. Heavily-safeguarded pathways known as the Void Tunnels have been created to shield travelers from the deadly Void Zone outside.

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