A Hereafteran land that houses canin and hooflin Atherians, Somnans, and frigiExans. The Seraphim have grouped these races together because they generally value the strength of the individual and expect everyone to pull their own weight regardless of gender or age. The exans are somewhat of an exception, but it would be difficult to sever their parasitic relationship with the somnans; they also had to be separated from their fervi and mortu brethren due to racial conflicts.
Rera itself has a similar structure to Exul, with three distinct zones: one of light for the canins and hooflins, one of darkness for the somnans, and one in between for the exans. The lightest area is nowhere near as dangerous as Exul's Light Zone, however, and there is plenty of open, inhabitable land for the atherians' contests of speed and strength.
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