info Overview
Name - What is Dendish named?


forum Characteristics
Spoken Characteristics

Spoken Dendish has many different dialects with low mutual intelligibility, varying by location. Words mostly alternate between hard-sounding consonants and brief, lightly-voiced vowels.

Written Characteristics

Though there is some variance in the spelling of certain words, and each dialect has its own slang terms, most written Dendish can be understood by all speakers. Individual letters combine to form single characters representing more complex sounds. Word order is largely unimportant.

book Vocabulary
Known Words

  • Kxashtin: A solution used in Alchemy to sweeten the smell of bitter ingredients

  • Xahit: Literally "fur paint"; a sort of tattoo performed by canin Atherians that involves injecting dye into fur follicles in a way that causes the fur to later grow in a different color

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Languages Spoken (Partial) link linked Dendish

Character chevron_right Languages Spoken (Fluent) link linked Dendish

Location chevron_right Primary Languages link linked Dendish

Town chevron_right Primary Languages link linked Dendish

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