info Overview
Name - What is Mali Makakati’s full name?

Mali Makakati

Role - What is Mali Makakati’s role in your story?

Master of Alchemic Archery

Age - How old is Mali Makakati?

14 (25 by human standards)

Gender - What is Mali Makakati’s gender?






face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Mali Makakati?


Weight - How much does Mali Makakati weigh?

113 lbs.

Style of Dress

Tight, pragmatic, the color green

Full Physical Description

Mali is a house cat felin, with a lithe build, short snout, and round jaw. Her fur is a plain brown color accentuated with lighter spots all over her body, including her tail. The fur on her arms and legs has also been allowed to grow out a little, but around her hands it's buzzed as short as possible so nothing interferes with her grip. And it's already quite impressive, thanks to the thin leathery pads on her otherwise-humanlike fingers.

fingerprint Personality

People with strong ideals, juicy fruits, watching the sunrise


Humans (mostly), getting her fur wet, cultural mixing, disloyalty and cowardice, being underground

Fears and Phobias

Enclosed spaces

Hobbies and Interests

Felin Alchemy, archery, tree-climbing, wood carving



Full Personality Description

Mali appears quiet and calm on the outside, but inside she is always alert. When she speaks, it's often something of importance, or at least something she's very sure about, and she absolutely hates to repeat herself. Though she is incredibly loyal towards people who earn her admiration, she has a tendency to jump to negative conclusions about strangers and can even develop strong hatred for someone she's never met, especially non-felins.

pan_tool Abilities

Bow and arrows, numerous toxins

Prowess and Style

Without magic of her own, Mali employs her skills in Alchemy to craft all sorts of toxins with which to coat her arrows. She is an expert at stealth, able to hide in the foliage without a sound, strike from a distance, and escape before she is caught. She is not as skilled at close-quarters combat, but her natural flexibility and speed gets her out of most jams.

group Relationships
account_circle Life
Job - What job does Mali Makakati have?

Professional alchemist

Realm of Origin

Languages Spoken (Fluent)


Mali is a well-known alchemist in her clan, sometimes even making concoctions for Mage Sholan Makakati himself. Her peaceful life was interrupted when Lyra Amoro landed in Makakati Village. Though Mali was initially loath to allow a human in their ranks, an attitude shared by her fellow villagers, she sympathized with Lyra's plight and appreciated her desire to be immediately helpful to the felins. Mali occasionally teaches Lyra archery for the sake of defending herself, and finds herself grudgingly forming a friendship.

edit Notes
Image Sources

TypicalLou (Iwaku account, now defunct)

help_outline Q&A
What is the most inappropriate thing you have ever done in public?

"I never act inappropriately. ...Okay, maybe the time when I splashed kxashtin solution on Mage Sholan's mane."

Do other people have misconceptions about some parts of your personality?

"Some people think that because I'm quiet, I'm not paying attention. This is a fatal mistake to make around me."

What object do you care for the most?

"My bow, as well as my alchemy tools. You need to be able to trust your tools."

How do you feel about your name?

"Mali is a somewhat plain name, but it is mine."

Are you physically flexible?

"Yes, slightly more so than average."

How well do you remember names and faces of other people?

"Not very well, I don't make the effort unless they stick out to me somehow."

Do you exercise? How regularly?

"I try to stay fit, yes. Navigating my village and wielding my bow are excellent exercise on their own, but I go running every once in a while too."

Are you good at hiding your feelings?

"I consider it a necessity to some extent, though I am not afraid to voice them most of the time."

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