info Overview
Name - What is Atherian named?



Avin, canin, felin, hooflin, reptin, rodin

Average Lifespan

Most atherians live to about 40 or 50 years, with variance of about 10 years in either direction depending on the subspecies. Hooflins live the longest, at 60-70 years.

face Physical Characteristics
Physical Characteristics

Atherians are warm-blooded humanoids with traits similar to many different animals found on Earth. They can have wildly different appearances from each other, though they all technically belong to the same species. They live shorter lives than Humans, but have heightened senses and greater levels of physical strength and endurance. Atherians are divided into six different subspecies loosely according to the type of Earth animal they most closely resemble.


Resemble birds of all sorts, from finches to eagles and everything in between. The sizes of their beaks vary, and they have no teeth. Colorful feathers cover their bodies, and they have short, feathered tails designed for stability in flight. Their wings are attached to long, thin arms with small claws, letting them navigate higher elevations, primarily on rocky mountains. Their daytime sight is unparalleled among Zetan races, and they rarely use weapons, relying instead on their claws and talons.


Resemble dogs, wolves, and occasionally other canines like foxes and hyenas. Canins are known for their extreme hardiness and ability to adapt to many different environments. They have thick fur, usually in shades of black, brown, or gray. Their tails are furred as well, and are short enough not to drag on the ground. They have long snouts and a powerful bite that is excellent at warding off intruders, as well as strong smell and hearing that assists in detection. They are also known to use heavy weapons such as axes, hammers, and catapults.


Resemble all types of cats, domestic or otherwise. They have short snouts with sharp teeth, and fur that is usually patterned in some way or another. Very lithe and flexible, they live in shady forests where they can climb to any level and sneak into the smallest cracks. Their tails are long and prehensile, aiding in balance, and their strong hearing helps them detect the smallest snaps and rustles in the branches. Ranged weapons are preferred, including bows, slingshots, and throwing knives.


Resemble horses, cows, deer, and zebras. They are easily the strongest of the atherians, with powerful muscles covered only by thin hair of varying colors. Though their senses are only slightly above those of humans, they have incredible physical endurance and can run for miles without tiring, enabling them to cover a wide range of territory across the open plains they call home. They rarely use weapons, preferring to rely on physical strength alone.

Unlike their animal counterparts, hooflins are considered omnivores and are known to hunt meat from time to time.


Resemble lizards and snakes. Scales of many different colors and patterns cover their bodies, from the top of the head to the end of the long, heavy tail. They have short teeth, save for the occasional fangs, and long, prehensile tongues. Their bite may be venomous, inducing pain and sluggish movement, with the potency varying between individuals. They are also known to employ crude weapons made from stone.

A reptin's senses of smell, hearing, and sight are especially honed to ease their life in the vast underground tunnels they calls home. Because prey is hard to come by, they have become primarily herbivorous; meat is difficult to digest but not unheard of in diets, in accordance with personal preferences.


Resemble mice, rats, squirrels, and occasionally rabbits. They have large eyes and short snouts, with buck teeth that pack a powerful bite. Short fur in browns or creams covers their bodies; their long, prehensile tails are sometimes covered with a longer coat, and other times bare. A rodin's build is relatively short and thin, letting them get into the nooks and crannies of their dark, cramped homes, such as thick forests or caves.

whatshot Magical Characteristics
Magical Characteristics

The magical ability of atherians varies strongly between subspecies. Many of them use magic in starkly different ways from Humans; for example, atherians are more likely to employ tools such as wands or staves.


Magic based in Alternate Forms is common in avins, though the changes are rarely pronounced. Instead, they enable enhancements to the avin's physical ability, at the cost of higher exhaustion rates. If an avin has such magic, it will usually turn to it only in an emergency.


Magic is virtually unheard of in canins. If one shows potential, it is a sure sign of mixed heritage and may lead to the stigmatization of the individual.


Felin magic is centered heavily around Alchemy. Inherent magical ability is not seen as important, sometimes even dismissed as "lazy." Some felins are able to cast spells of healing on their own after years of training, but most do not move past the use of physical tools.


Like canins, magic is extremely rare in hooflins and is a sure sign of mixed heritage.


Reptin magic focuses on Electricity Magic and Wind Magic. Because these elements are difficult to harness with precision, most reptin mages employ a staff or wand to direct the energy more efficiently, making spells easier to learn from a young age.


Rodins may possess all manner of elemental magic, but they prefer to use it defensively, sacrificing precision for the sake of speed and ease of casting. A common technique is covering one's entire body in energy and releasing it in bursts, rather than directed beams.

accessibility_new Behavioral Characteristics
Behavioral Characteristics

Most atherians depend on nature to survive, and thus share a respect for nature and value its protection highly. They are careful to keep any strain on the environment to organized cycles, giving the flora and fauna of their homes time to recover throughout the year.

Atherians are traditionally not welcoming to other races, even atherians of other subspecies in some cases, and can even react violently to intruders. Though the average size of the group differs between subspecies, they prefer to stick to clearly-defined tribes.


Avins are the most distrustful of the atherians. They place high value in self-sufficiency and pride, and are very seclusive and territorial. They are prone to attack anyone they haven't met on sight, be they fellow avin or otherwise. Instead of living in tribes like other atherians, avins live alone or with young from within the family. Mating is rarely founded on emotional attraction and the pair's bond doesn't last long once the eggs are laid.


Canins value honor and its defense above all else. Leaders are marked by great physical strength and conquests completed outside the settlement. Packs range from twenty to fifty canins in size, with strong bonds that cross family bloodlines. If someone is wronged by a member of another pack, everyone retaliates as one.

There is a form of canin body art called "xahit" or "fur paint," which involves injecting dye into the fur follicles in a way that causes the fur to later grow in a different color. This creates a sort of permanent tattoo, though it takes a few weeks for the new colors to appear.


Family ties are not important in felin culture; instead clan bonds are valued over all others. Everyone must be selfless in their dedication to the clan, from maintaining the infrastructure to taking care of the young. The clan title is even considered part of a felin's name, similar to the family name of other races.

A felin clan typically houses no more than twenty individuals. Each is headed by a "Mage" that serves as the chief of the village and central authority on all things magic. All others must respect the Mage, especially the children. They can be spotted by their woven headbands, dyed in vibrant purples and blues.

As far as their attitude towards outsiders goes, felins are especially secretive, remaining suspicious of outsiders until they have proven their intentions pure beyond a shadow of a doubt. Villages are often surrounded by thick wooden walls, with everyone in the clan serving guard duty on a scheduled rotation.


Strength and bravery are the highest priorities in hooflin culture. Herds have no set leader; everyone is on equal ground as long as they can pull their own weight. Females are expected to work even when pregnant and children learn to help the herd from a young age. Contests of strength and speed are common ways to settle disputes or prove worth.

Hooflin herds frequently migrate between watering holes as resources dry up. They prefer not to share with other herds, but will do so if necessary for their continued survival.


Reptins are easily the most open-minded of the atherians and are very accepting of other races. While most atherians see outsiders as a threat to the environment, it's the opposite with reptins -- any outsiders wandering the sweltering desert will need help more than anything. Even humans are welcome in most reptins' settlements, although they tend to be seen as strange, what with their lack of scales or fur (except in a few oddly specific places).

Most reptins keep things pragmatic. They go topless to avoid overheating, wear tough shoes for the uneven rock of their tunnel homes, and keep few possessions so they can move to a new room if it becomes necessary (though compliments on what few cool things they do have are always welcome). Artistic pursuits are the exception; they're widely accepted and play a big part in the culture. Reptins sometimes wear face and body paint for ceremonies and other special occasions. But they still work carefully to limit their effect on nature, like any atherians.

Familial bonds are strong. Clans are large, usually reaching about a hundred individuals. Each clan has a shaman that tests newly hatched young for magical potential, and if such magic is found, the hatchling is carefully watched throughout their childhood so that they may learn to use their abilities safely.

Among those they like, reptins can be quite touchy-feely and don't have the same concept of personal space as humans. But they usually try to respect the wishes of those who find it uncomfortable.


Rodins are nomadic creatures that do whatever they must. They are not afraid to get underhanded if it means continued survival. Packs vary in size, but bonds are always incredibly strong; they trust fellow rodins almost indiscriminately. Litters are so large that crossbreeding is nearly unavoidable. As a result, family ties are hard to trace and often ignored in favor of bonds of friendship throughout the pack.

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