info Overview
Name - What is Rahja Chadisan’s full name?

Rahja Chadisan

Role - What is Rahja Chadisan’s role in your story?

Easygoing Bassist

Age - How old is Rahja Chadisan?

14 (28 by human standards)

Gender - What is Rahja Chadisan’s gender?






Name Pronunciation


face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Rahja Chadisan?


Weight - How much does Rahja Chadisan weigh?

132 lbs.

Style of Dress

No shirt, bondage pants, sandals, gloves

Full Physical Description

Rahja's appearance shares many features with a gecko. He has a flexible build with a thick hide, a tapered snout, and pads on his hands and feet that make his grip especially tenacious, forcing him to often wear gloves to keep his hands from sticking to everything. His thick scales are darker than a gecko's, however, forest green with a pale underbelly. He also has a thicker, more powerful tail and sharp claws that make for good natural weapons.

fingerprint Personality

Raw meat, meeting fans, puzzles


Wide-open spaces, spicy food, rain

Fears and Phobias

Fire, Dragons

Hobbies and Interests

Guitars, chess



Full Personality Description

Unlike his excitable bandmates, Rahja is calm and easygoing. He's happy to go wherever the flow takes him and has no trouble getting along with just about anyone. He loves attention, but he keeps his standards low; most of the time he's just happy to be included. Long periods of comfortable silence are the norm when hanging out with him. If you prod him for answers, he can be surprisingly insightful into all manner of topics. And he doesn't waste time joking around, either; Rahja says what he means and means what he says. Sure, he'll keep any mean opinions to himself, but when he does speak up, you can always take what he says at face value.

pan_tool Abilities
Prowess and Style

Though Rahja was decent at wielding his tail and claws in combat when he was younger, time spent in Tengoku City has made him rusty. He is slow to act and easily defeated by someone with reasonable fighting ability.

account_circle Life
Job - What job does Rahja Chadisan have?

Bassist for Birthday Party

Realm of Origin


When Rahja was younger, he lived with a clan of fellow reptins in the outskirts of Tengoku City, but he and many others made regular trips further in for the fun of it. Eventually, Rahja decided he preferred the hustle and bustle of the city, with all its new sights and sounds, and moved there permanently. He'll often head back out to his clan to say hi to everyone, especially his parents whom he's quite close with, but Tengoku City is his home as far as he's concerned.

While he loves the more upbeat environment, it was a bit lonely until he saw an online ad for Birthday Party. The band had just gotten started and was seeking auditions for whatever instruments people thought would fit. Rahja had picked up the bass guitar since coming to the city, so he gave it a shot and aced it. Now, he couldn't be happier.

edit Notes
Image Sources
help_outline Q&A
Are you bothered by the sight of blood?

"Nah, it's what opened the wound that bugs me more."

How do you feel about children?

"I love kids, they're all adorable."

What is one of the most primary things you feel that is missing from your life?

"I don't think about that stuff too much. I'm happy where I am."

Do you believe in luck?

"Yeah, sometimes you wanna go one way but the world just wants to take you another. Good luck, bad luck, it's whatever, you just gotta learn to roll with the punches."

What do you find attractive in other people?

"I like people who're kinda quiet but really open and honest. Someone that doesn't overload me, but I can trust 'em to be straight with me when they're upset. I don't care about appearance much, but big hips always catch my attention if you get me."

What's something you're really bad at?

"I'm terrible at singing, actually. I don't have much range, heheh."

What is your favorite memory?

"The day I got my guitar 'n' started playing it. Never heard anything like it. That thing changed my life."

Do you have a good memory?

"I remember random facts pretty well, but I'm not so hot at people or events. You know those moments when someone runs up to you acting like they know you, but you can't remember them? Yeah, that happens to me a lot."

Do you drink? What are you like drunk?

"A little here and there, yeah. Mostly at parties. I'm a big giggler when I'm drunk."

What would you do if you saw someone steal something?

"I didn't see nothing. I get it, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Unless it's from one of my friends, heh. Then I'll confront 'em all quiet and see if I can talk them down."

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