info Overview
Name - What is Frethurn named?


forum Characteristics
Spoken Characteristics

Spoken Frethurn is flowing and lilted, sounding almost musical to a non-speaker. Most words have three or more syllables, with most consonants being separated by vowels. (I.e. it is rare to see multiple consonant sounds in a row.)

Written Characteristics

Frethurn is a logographic language – each character represents a word or phrase rather than an isolated sound. Small changes to the character can communicate things like tense, gender, and even social status of the writer.

book Vocabulary
Known Words

  • Reri: To end; to enter a new phase of a story or life; to make way for something new

  • Yahatha: Wooden fence or wall

  • Iruku: To want (to go somewhere)

  • Pobi: Artificial; exan-made

  • Usaye: Hunting grounds; common place to find prey animals

  • Ao: To be

  • Illatori: Beyond; past a threshold; unseen

  • Elimi: Fish; any aquatic animal

  • Elami: To understand

  • Taxu: Expression of deference; "please"

  • Muna: Human (mildly derogatory)

edit Notes
Character chevron_right Languages Spoken (Fluent) link linked Frethurn

Character chevron_right Languages Spoken (Partial) link linked Frethurn

Language chevron_right Spoken Characteristics link mentioned Frethurn

Location chevron_right Primary Languages link linked Frethurn

Town chevron_right Primary Languages link linked Frethurn

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