info Overview
Name - What is Viola Aerio’s full name?

Viola Aerio

Role - What is Viola Aerio’s role in your story?

Energetic Mother

Age - How old is Viola Aerio?


Gender - What is Viola Aerio’s gender?




face Physical Description
Height - How tall is Viola Aerio?


Weight - How much does Viola Aerio weigh?

188 lbs.

Style of Dress

Casual, skirts, bright colors

Full Physical Description

Viola has a thick build, but mostly narrow facial features, with strong cheekbones and a discerning stare. When among friends and family, she can have a bit of a messy look about her, often leaving her medium-length blonde hair un-brushed. But when put in more formal settings, she suddenly starts fretting over every tiny detail of her appearance. Some say she becomes an entirely different person.

fingerprint Personality

Random useless trivia, getting letters in the mail


Dust, people smacking their lips

Fears and Phobias

Losing passion for her hobbies, ghosts

Hobbies and Interests

Non-human culture, interior decorating



Full Personality Description

Viola is an intellectual, but also quite extroverted. She loves to tinker with things and gets visibly excited when she can share her findings with a loved one. And that applies to just about everything, from cooking to magic to a new arrangement of the living room furniture. While she can get distracted by the smaller details and may step on some toes with her experimentation, she's a fast learner and loves to see her friends smile.

pan_tool Abilities
Prowess and Style

If push ever comes to shove, Viola will call on her husband to get the job done. She doesn't have any combat skills herself.

group Relationships
account_circle Life
Job - What job does Viola Aerio have?

Fiction writer

Realm of Origin

Languages Spoken (Fluent)

Languages Spoken (Partial)

edit Notes
Image Sources
help_outline Q&A
Are you attracted to anyone? What do you find attractive about them?

"My husband, of course! Ivan's so much fun to talk to. I trust his judgment more than anyone else's in the world."

Character chevron_right Spouses link linked Viola Aerio

Character chevron_right Parents link linked Viola Aerio

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